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  1. My name is Hulya and I have lost my husband at the beginning of this year. We, my husband and I never heard of Lung cancer compared to Breast Cancer and did not know what to expect from the professional world of medicine. I am still in shock how any Lung Cancer is treated by the health system. It is shocking in most way I thought it cannot exist. Firstly, the diagnosis of how long it takes in the UK to treatment (my husband was 2-3 month) or better said the non screening of risk assessed patients. All the money to advertise not to smoke could be used to find early screening and treatments. We are underfunded and need a spokes person maybe a musician as they need a healthy per of lungs. Secondly, the oncologists who I have met are something I thought could not exist. All of them are rankest, which mean they would not in any kind of circumstances voice their indifferences opinion to save a patient. I have sadly experienced first hand by Oncologist in Windsor, Oxford and Great Ormond Street Hospital. My husband was treated by an Italian Oncologist who treated him with respect and fought beside him but husband decided to come back because he wanted to be with his family. The first oncologist told him 'straight' and "not personal" you will never be a grandfather and die in 9 month. By God how I did do something I would regret ( I doubt that) I still do not know. His determination to make his prediction is scary. I will not dwell on his for now. Thirdly, I am so concerned on how much death related organisations for cancer do fail the patient in so many levels such as the MACMILLAN cancer care nurses do not listen of the wishes, instead support the NHS or the Oncologist like the "specialist LUNG NURSES"? I still am so wary of these people not because they talk to you in slow quite condescending manner but talk as we were children. To be honest I felt most the time annoyed with the MacMillan nurses given to us as she went on holiday to Australia for three weeks while my husband went twice into hospital during the Christmas period, guess what she was promoted.I am sure we were difficult to handle or maybe only me. The Lung cancer nurse was just out of Oliver Twist, unapproachable. She completed was unsympathetic, unfriendly and very stern to follow the guidelines and as for support absolute useless. Bringing it to end my husband was treated as he had no voice or choice in controlling his wishes we were just a number who paid faithfully for 30 the NHS and let to die! If this is offensive then I suggest to take the "PINK GLASSES" OFF! For all those who fight LUNG CANCER you are my heros. with lots of hugs and kisses yours in faith Hulya Santini
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