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Proton therapy or Stereotactic radiation therapy


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Can someone tell me why my Dad's team would have said these are not options for his lung cancer? He was officially given a dx of "poorly differentiated metastatic adenocarcinoma" yesterday and the mass is in his left upper lobe and is 6.5cm by 7cm and left lymph nodes are positive for malignancy. Right side of lungs and right and middle lymph nodes so far are negative for malignancy. PET scan next week along with MRI so do not know where else it could be. They think adrenals and liver from a CT. But why right off the bat is it off the table? Thank you all very much!

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I was diagnosed with metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the lung (right) and was not a candidate for surgery, however my oncologist ran a genetic marker test on my tumor and I tested positive for the ALK mutation gene and am on Xalkori an oral chemo and I have had NO side effects from the drug thus far. Ask if your dad can get genetic testing of his tumor it is a possiblity that he may have a defect in a gene that is treatable in a less caustic way. Praying for him and your family.

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