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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Tuesday's Air

    Ned....Have you heard that we're all coming to Hawaii for a nice, long visit?
  2. Ann

    Old Age

    One day the old German shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he is lost. Wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old German Shepherd thinks, 'Oh, oh! I'm in deep trouble now!' Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly, 'Boy, that was one delicious leopard! I wonder, if there are any more around here?' Hearing this, the young leopard halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. 'Whew!' says the leopard, 'That was close! That old German Shepherd nearly had me!' Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So, off he goes, but the old German Shepherd sees him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figures that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The young leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, 'Here, monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine! Now, the old German Shepherd sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back and thinks, 'What am I going to do now?', but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old German Shepherd says... 'Where's that monkey? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another leopard!' Moral of this story... Don't mess with the old dogs... Age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  3. Ann

    Tuesday's Air

    Muriel....I agree....LET"S GET THIS TRIP STARTED!!! I think a good road trip on the big blue bus is just what we all need!!! Yoo-Hoo......Becky Snowflake....we need plan info and we also need to start a thread for people to sign up for the trip!!!! Let me know how I can help!!!!
  4. Ann

    Tuesday's Air

    Judy, that's pretty darned chilly for a KW morning. It was 39 while I was driving to work this morning. The sky was clear last night here and that made it even colder, without the clouds acting as insulation. everyone always makes fun of Floridians and their "thin blood" and that's alright, as I know I can't handle the cold weather like I could when I moved here. What I find funny is that Florida dogs and cats also seem to share out "thin blood." My golden retriever, the doxies and my cats have all wanted to be blanket wrapped to stay warm. I feel really guilty complaining about our "cold" temps when so many of you are extremely cold!!! Hopefully, our citrus groves will be able to withstand this freaky cold spell. We always have a few days that will drop this low but what makes this record breaking is the length of time that's it's staying cold. My cold is day # 7 today and the cough phase has begun. I can actually take a breath through my nostrils this morning. Not sure which is worse, the stuffy, drippy nose of the coughing. I hope all of you manage to evade this cold/bug that's making its rounds. There are so many people here that are sick!!! Life is really slow and laid back for me this week, as it usually is at this time of year. Work is slow, as it seems to take people a couple of weeks to return to the "real world" after a holiday break. My boss is embarking on a new business venture, in addition to keeping the existing one. It sounds interesting and I'm sure I'll be busy. Nothing has been said about any additional $ for more work and I'm not asking. In this economy, workers are just afraid to rock the boat, as there are probably 500 people that would take my job in a heartbeat. So, I'll just tread along and hope for the best. I sure hope everyone comes back and starts posting more on our MB. It's so much fun when we're all here together. I think Kasey and Fred need to open the Pub for a winter get-together and I think Becky Snowflake needs to start up the big blue bus and pick us all up for a trip to Hawaii!!! And YES....for those of you that don't know about the big blue bus.....we can get to Hawaii by bus!!! The big blue bus is quite magical and can do things and go places that would put fear in the hearts of most buses. So....How about a road trip, Becky Snowflake? Just think of all the trip planning and discussing we can do. What to pack, what to eat, what music to listen to, where to stop, who to pick up???? Hope everyone has a nice day in your little corner of the world. Stay warm....body and heart!!!
  5. Ann

    Unpaved Roads

    THOUGHTS: Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.
  6. The Female Genie... While trying to escape through Pakistan , Osama Bin Laden found a bottle on the sand and picked it up. Suddenly, a female genie rose from the bottle and with a smile said, "Master, may I grant you one wish?" Osama responded," You ignorant, unworthy daughter-of-a-dog! Don't you know who I am? I don't need any common woman giving me anything." The shocked genie said, "Please, I must grant you a wish or I will be returned to that bottle forever." Osama thought a moment, then grumbled about the impertinence of the woman and said, "Very well, I want to awaken with three American women in my bed in the morning. So just do it and be off with you. The annoyed genie said, "So be it!" and disappeared. The next morning Bin Laden woke up in bed with Lorena Bobbitt, Tonya Harding, and Nancy Pelosi at his side. His wooohooo was gone, his knees were broken, and he had no health insurance. God is good.
  7. "Life is like eating a jar of Jalapeno peppers, What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow!
  8. A WOMAN'S POEM: Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep, One who's handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long, One who thinks before he speaks, One who'll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he's gainfully employed, When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door. Massages my back and begs to do more. Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?" I pray that this man will love me to no end, And always be my very best friend. A MAN'S POEM: I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with huge boobs who owns a bar and her own Harley, and loves to send me fishing and hunting. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a hoot.
  9. Cindy...I remember you, too!!! Wow...3-1/2 years really do pass by quickly. I hope you can take today and remember all of the wonderful memories you have of your dad!!! These special dates can really take a toll on us!
  10. Ann

    Monday's Air

    Judy....you're right about these temperatures! They're even too low for me and you know that's saying a lot. When I left for work this morning, my thermometer showed 33 degrees. It's been cold since Saturday and we're having these low temperatures for the next 7 days or so. I feel guilty even complaining, as so many of our MB friends are having so much frigid and unbearable weather. But....when the lows drop down to 30 in Florida, it really gets to us! We all have the "thin blood syndrome" and our bodies have long forgotten all those harsh winters that we used to endure! My cold/bug/flu/whatever is still hanging on. I'm on day # 7 now and I think I feel worse that I did on the 2nd day, which usually hits me the hardest. Around noon every day, I begin feeling better but then when night falls, it hits me all over again! Last night, the sore throat came back and this morning the first coughing began. My friend went to the doctor last week and was told that the "strain" that is going around now lasts from 10-14 days and that there are tons of people that have this. He gave her a Z-Pack and it did absolutely nothing for her. So, I'm going to try and wait this one out before throwing in the towel and visiting the doctor. So, how has everyone's year started off? Let's all pray that this year will see only positive changes for all of us! Today was a really tough back-to-work day....ugh! I guess the next day I will have off is Good Friday. That's a terrible thought! Happy Monday! Now...can it be Friday really quickly? Stay warm, Judy!!!
  11. I am forwarding this information to you in the hope that it may be of use somewhere in your area. If you can share or publish it, please do so. If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a participating maid service in her zip code area arrange for the service. http://www.cleaningforareason.org/ Please pass this information on to bless a woman going through treatment. This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help these women. It's our job to pass the word and let them know that there are people out there that care. Be a blessing to someone and pass this information along! Here is a link that might be useful: Cleaningforareason.org
  12. It's a nice morning here on Florida's Space Coast. The temperatures today are supposed to reach 77. It's nice this morning but the clouds are beginning to roll in and we are supposed to get a lot of rain this afternoon and into the evening. Much cooler temperatures are following the rain in and we have highs in the low 60's for an entire week. We had a nice New Year's evening planned but, because of this darned cold I have, my evening is probably going to be a nice evening at home. We were supposed to go to a friend's house for dinner tomorrow but I don't want to risk being contagious, so we'll pass on that too. That's a real disappointment, as this friend is from Georgia and she always does an authentic southern meal on Jan. 1st! Boo-hoo! I hope all of my friends from the MB have a safe, happy New Year's eve. My thoughts and prayers age going out to Sharon and her family today. Ann
  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of my MB friends! I know this has been a very trying year for many of us and I'm sure we will all face some discouragements in 2010 but..........the important thing is that we will be here to support each other and help each other through the tough times!!! This board is comprised of the most caring and sharing people that I have ever known! Through our journeys, we have become much more that people sitting at a computer. We have become family! As this year comes to an end, I will be remembering all of our "family" that we have lost during 2009 and praying that new strides in cancer research are made in 2010, so that we never lose another member!
  14. Since today is infusion day for Judy, I thought I'd open the window and let today's "Air" start blowing in. Here's hoping Judy has a nice, easy day today! It's warming here today, but with this cold I have, I feel like it's 20 degrees. I just couldn't seem to get warm last night, thanks to running a temperature. Today is my last day of work for this year. Hopefully I can shake this cold in the four days I have off. Usually, we spend a quiet New Year's Eve at home but this year, we had planned on going to a dinner/dance. If I feel then, like I do now, dancing will be the last thing I feel like doing. Our weather is crazy here now! Although we're MUCH warmer than many of you, the temperatures are fluctuating from day to day. It was in the high 70's on Christmas day and then it dropped to days with the highs in the low 60's. On New Years Day, it's supposed to be 78 but the next day the high is supposed to be only 60 and the entire next week is supposed to stay in the 60's. We have to keep so many different clothes in our closets, since you never know if you will need shorts and tank tops ot sweats. So, here's hoping that everyone has a great day today....especially our birthday girl, Ginny D !!!!
  15. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Ginny !!!
  16. Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Denise!
  17. Linda, I am so very sorry for your loss.
  18. Ann

    Tuesday's Air

    Judy, you're quite a bit warmer down there than we are on Florida's Space Coast this morning. When I got up, my thermometer read 42 degrees. The sun is out today, so things should warm up a little bit. It looks like I'm going to be doing laundry quite often, as I only have three work suitable sweaters that are warm enough for these chilly days. I have several Christmas themed sweaters but it's too late for them. I hate to buy sweaters and then never get the chance to wear them, so I have three good pullover sweaters that I've had for years. Judy, I will be remembering your daughter in my prayers and will also say an extra prayer for her mom! I know how stressful it can be when one of our "little chicks" is sick or facing a medical issue. Also, hope you can find the eye drops that you're looking for. If Becky Snowflake recommended them, they must be good! Yesterday was one of those work days that just kept dragging on and I have a feeling that today and tomorrow may be more of the same. There are so many people that are either off work or out of town and worrying about a home inspection to lower their insurance is not a high priority right now. I was so glad when 5:00 rolled around yesterday! I flew home, relaxed all evening and got absolutely nothing accomplished. I love my job but I'm the type of person that needs to stay busy and make the day pass by fast! I didn't get my H1N1 vaccination yesterday but plan on zipping out of the office and getting it done today. I figure the $18 that I have to pay for the vaccination is a good investment, since anytime I've had the flu it kicks my butt!!! Hope everyone has a nice day! I know some of you are experiencing freezing temperatures, so please stay warm!
  19. Ann

    Here I am again ;(

    Michelle.....I know this post is a few days late but I have been fighting with my ISP at home and have been unable to get online to post. You CANNOT do this to yourself. Beating yourself up over Don's death will not accomplish anything! It won't change the circumstances or the outcome. You know, deep inside your heart, that you did everything in your power to both save your husband and to make him comfortable. I know that Don would not want you to blame yourself for his illness or his death. YES...I think there comes a time for all of us when we just feel like we can't go on. We feel like we can't travel through life without the one we have loved and lost by our side. We all feel that pain and emptiness after a loss. You have to realize that you have had a very brief time to deal with your loss. It takes time to adjust and to heal. Right after we lose someone, we are in shock and that shock is a great defense that hangs around while we are able to make plans and get things done. After the shock wears off, reality sets in and that's when it's really hard! That's where you are right now! I can assure you that, although the pain will never completely go away. it will lessen. You have a son that needs you and is counting on you to help him through life. You have friends that care about you and want only the best for you. You have a wonderful support group here at this message board. We're here for you but, I feel you need more. You need to have someone locally that can help you deal with all of these feelings and figure out how to sort them out. I found that just having someone that will listen was the biggest help of all! Please, take care of yourself!!!! I think you need to find a new doctor that will review all of the meds you are taking and make sure that you need to be taking all of them at the same time. Talk to your pharmacist and ask them about possible side affects if all of the meds are taken together. We love you and really do care!!!
  20. Bud...although I love the weather a bit cooler than out normal sweltering Florida highs, 27 is way too cold for my blood!!! With you riding with the wind, I can only imagine what the wind chill factor must have been for you this morning. Wow...you really managed to bring home the goodies yesterday! Sounds like you had a very productive day. Judy...you must be a bit chilly down in KW this morning. We were in the low 50's here today but tomorrow is going to be much cooler than today. You grab that blankey and keep it handy! It was very hard for me to get work motivated this morning, after having a few wonderful days off. I know I'm working through Wednesday and not sure if I will work on Thursday or not. If we do work Thursday, it will only be for 1/2 day and that will be nice. The older I get, the more work it seems that the holidays bring. When I left the office at noon on Wednesday, I did my grocery shopping and then I cooked all day on Thursday for My Christmas Eve gathering and then I cooked all day on Friday for my Christmas dinner. Saturday was my complete day of rest. We sat on the sofa most of the day and watched old movies. I could have done that again on Sunday but I had fun watching my grandbabies while their mom and dad went to the neighborhood bar to watch the Dolphins game. I guess it's time that we all start thinking about those darned New Year's resolutions that we need to make. I really like the way Andy Rooney looks at that. His resolution is to not make any resolutions. Maybe I'll join him in that this year. But...there are some resolutions that I really do need to make ....and keep!!! I'm going later to get my H1N1 vaccination. I hate having a sore arm afterwards but believe that's much more able to handle that the flu! Hope everyone is having a great day today!!!! Ann
  21. Sorry you woke up cold this morning, Judy. Warmer weather seems to be on its way for us. I thought it was very chilly last night. I just couldn't seem to get warmed up. My house has tile throughout and it really keeps things cooled down. Like you, our temperatures are supposed to creep up today and then be in the high 70's for tomorrow and then 80 and rainy for Christmas day. I hope your eye gets all better soon! I know that must be very annoying for you. We went to a great party last night and had a wonderful time. As I looked around at all of the good friends and family that were there, I was hit head on by the Christmas spirit and I'm feeling much better today. I'm trying to remember how very fortunate I am. I've had a great past, a wonderful present and a future filled with love and beautiful grandchildren. My grandchildren are so happy and filled with the excitement of all the sights and sounds of the season. Listening to them tell of their visit with Santa made me remember how important it is for all of us to believe in the magic of Christmas. Jude, who will be two in January, can't contain all of his excitement about Christmas....and Frosty the Snowman. He was dancing with Frosty last night and singing Christmas carols, even when no one was watching! My Christmas prayer for all of my friends here is that you will all experience the magic of Christmas this year. I love you all and cherish the friendship and bonds that we have made. Ann
  22. Ann

    Tuesday's Air

    Judy, I always think of you when it's cold here and I wonder how cool it is in KW. I know you don't like the cooler weather, so I always hope that it's still warm way down south. I heard the forecast this morning and today is supposed to reach the mid 60's and then, a warming trend begins. By Christmas day, it's supposed to be 80 here and KW should be at least 5 degrees warmer. It's just really hard to get that warm feeling about things like snowmen, hot chocolate, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, when it's 80 degrees outside. Maybe I'll close the blinds and turn down the air conditioner....think that would work? For a few days now, I have been contending with this scratchy throat at bedtime and in the morning. It feels like I'm coming down with a nasty sore throat, but as the day goes on it feels better. So, if my body is trying to fight something off, I sure hope it wins! I got good news yesterday from my boss. If things are slow today, we will be closed tomorrow in addition to Thursday and Friday! You have no idea how much I still have to accomplish before Christmas Eve and that extra day off would really make me feel great!!! I hope everyone is having a great day today! If anyone is too cold, just come on down for a visit. Ann
  23. TRUE STORY FROM... "THE HOUSTON HERALD NEWSPAPER" IN HOUSTON , TEXAS MARCH 5th, 2009 Last Thursday Night Around Midnight, A Woman From Houston , Texas Was Arrested, Jailed, And Charged With Manslaughter For Shooting A Man 6 Times In The Back As He Was Running Away With Her Purse. ~ The Following Monday Morning, The Woman Was Called In Front Of The Arraignment Judge, Sworn In, And Asked To Explain Her Actions. The Woman Replied, "I Was Standing At The Corner Bus Stop For About 15 Minutes, Waiting For The Bus To Take Me Home After Work. I Am A Waitress At A Local Cafe... I Was There Alone, So I Had My Right Hand On My Pistol, That Was In My Purse, That Was Hung Over My Left Shoulder. All Of A Sudden I Was Being Spun Around Hard To My Left. As I Caught My Balance, I Saw A Man Running Away From Me With My Purse. I Looked Down At My Right Hand And I Saw That My Fingers Were Wrapped Tightly Around My Pistol. The Next Thing I Remember Is Saying Out Loud, "No Way Punk! Your Not Stealing My Pay Check And Tips." ~ I Raised My Right Hand, Pointed My Pistol At The Man Running Away From Me With My Purse, And Squeezed The Trigger Of My Pistol 6 Times! When Asked By The Arraignment Judge, "Why Did You Shoot The Man 6 Times? The Woman Replied Under Oath, "Because, When I Pulled The Trigger The 7th Time, It Only Went Click." The Woman Was Acquitted Of All Charges. She Was Back At Work, At The Cafe, The Next Day!
  24. A new and different Publix supermarket opened in Florida. It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain. When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and you experience the scent of fresh mowed hay. In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled steaks with onions..When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle, and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying..The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh baked bread and cookies.. I don't buy toilet paper there anymore.
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