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Everything posted by Ann

  1. What is your favorite drink to have at Cindi's Pub?
  2. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday! Eat lots of cake and ice cream and let your inner child be in charge today! You're a special lady that deserves a really special day!
  3. Ann

    A Love Letter

    My chosen one: I will seek and find you . . I shall take you to bed and have my way with you I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you. And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days. All my love, The Flu Hey guys...get those minds out of the gutter and run out for your flus shots!
  4. My mom was a very talented seamstress and could whip up about anything on that old Singer of hers. I remember one year , when I was about six, she made me the greatest Raggedy Ann costume. All the other little girls wanted to be a princess or movie start! I guess that's me...just a plain old Raggedy Ann in a Barbie doll world...lol!
  5. Shirley, isn't this the craziest thing you have ever heard of? I didn't have a problem because I had my car insured in my name all along and Dennis had his truck listed as one of the company vehicles, so our company paid those premiums. If I were you, I would have to fire off a very nasty, yet informative, letter to the board of directors for that company. They should take into consideration that your income has drastically decreased since losing Randy and take that into consideration, also. I would get a copy of your driving record from your state and send that along with the letter. This is absolutely unfair. If you had passed before Randy, would his rates have increased? I think you should definitely ask that question. Then, I would casually throw around the word "sexual discrimination" a few times in the letter...just to get them on their toes! We have to really fight things like this!!! We have some really sharp attorneys on this board. Maybe one of them could help you with a letter!!! If not, my son is an attorney and I could ask him for help!
  6. I'm so glad you're "close to normal." I would say that's very good news. I'm glad this treatment is going well for you! Keep up the progress and I'm sure you will soon be "normal." Wow...I don't think I've ever been even "close to normal"...just ask my friends...lol!
  7. HOORAY, Jim! I love getting good news like this from this board!!!
  8. Sending good vibes your way and saying lots of prayers!
  9. Hope you kick up your heels and have a wonderful birthday!
  10. Stephi, I am truly sorry to hear of all the problems you are facing. Having been hit by two hurricanes back-to-back here in Florida last year, I can really sympathize with the struggle you are going through to get your house back in order. You are to be admired for standing by Larry's side and trying to help him but you can only do what is within your limits. It sounds like you have health issues also, so you need take care of yourself. I am sending lots of hugs your way!
  11. Maryanne...thanks for the reminder. I hope we can all do something to promote awareness during November. You know, something as simple as writing a letter can be so effective and help so much!
  12. OK guys...Halloween is quickly approaching so I want you to tell us all about the favorite costume you ever wore on Halloween.
  13. Ann

    An update on Bill

    Oh Beth, my heart is breaking for you as I read your post. All of your words, spoken so beautifully, take me back three years ago in my own life. I can remember those nights of waiting for breaths and thinking that limbs felt a little too cool. I can also remember lying awake most of the night, staring at his face, hoping that I will be able to etch every detail of his face in my mind for eternity. I am saying lots of prayers...for you, Bill and yur family. When I read posts like yours and remember how cancer destroys families and shatters dreams....I get so angry that something can't be done to slay this monster!!!
  14. Hope you both have a beautiful day!
  15. Great article. Thanks for sharing this with us. Every store I have entered lately has been selling something "pink" and donating profits to breast cancer. I know that is important but why can't people open their eyes and see how important it is that we find a cure for lung cancer?
  16. Kelly, you really make this mix sound interesting. I can almost imagine the taste!
  17. Bunny...grown up? That's no fun!!!
  18. Ann

    To Our Cindi

    Cindi...power up that laptop and let us know how you are doing!!!
  19. I always wanted to be a nurse. I just thought nurses were the neatest people. I had a great opportunity to go to nursing training, paid for my my aunt and uncle. My aunt was an RN and would have loved to see me follow in her footsteps. I was all enrolled in school at University of Tennessee. Back then, the class was taken on a field trip to a packing house in Knoxville as part of the "can you handle this" initiation. Well, I couldn't handle even hearing those poor cattle so I got a degree in business instead. Now, I really wish I was a nurse !!!
  20. Sometimes you have to wonder just when enough id really enough!!! I think in your moms case, that point has definitley been reached! Saying prayers!
  21. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  22. Karen, I am so sorry to hear that things aren't going so well for you right now. I can tell how very worried you are from the tone of your posts. I am saying lots of prayers that the news will be good on Friday. Please remember that you can pick up the phone and call me anytime you need to talk.
  23. It's official....Frank is back!!!!
  24. Charlie...this is a really good one! I have a friend who is not feeling well and is really depressed. I told her this joke and you could have heard her laugh for a mile.
  25. Yeah Deb..me too. I have craft shows coming up and about the only place I have had time to shop lately is either Michael's or Joannes.
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