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Everything posted by Ann

  1. I have the 13th circled on my calendar to get my flu shot! Thanks for the reminder.
  2. I come here to try and give back part of what was so generously and lovingly given to me by members of this group. Losing my husband was the very lowest point of my entire life. I found understanding and support here from people that had actually "been there and done that." I come her to cheer on my friends that are fighting cancer with all of their might! I come here to comfort the caregivers that are so worried about their loved ones. I come here to receive the support, hugs and encouragement that I so often need. And...I come here because Cindi makes great drinks at the pub!!!
  3. Ann

    Prayer Request

    I'm saying prayers for you!
  4. What do YOU get from LCSC that keeps you coming back for more?
  5. Fay, I always knew you were a great gal and now I know just why that is.....we were both born in October!
  6. I'm saying prayers that your mom's condition improves and sending good thoughts your way! It takes a lot of strength to be a caretaker and see soemone you love suffer. Hang in there!
  7. Hi Nikki. So sorry you are dealing with cancer in your life. This is the best place to be for information, support and lots of hugs. Just jump right in and join our wonderful group of friends.
  8. Ann

    very long weekend

    Happy retirement! Now you'll have more time to post!!!
  9. Lil...such a beautiful poem! I can hear your love for Johnny in each and every line. Like your poem says, we don't have to say goodbye for our loved ones are with us!
  10. Ann

    Katie B 5000

    Wow...5000 posts! Katie, you and Rick are super! I have to give a big DITTO to everything Don said...and then some!!!
  11. Way to go, Lucie and Don! Lucie, you are a great warrior and really know how to keep fighting! Don, you are truly the ideal caregiver!!!
  12. When Dennis was diagnosed in 2002, I began participating in another LC forum. Several members from that forum branched off and I found this wonderful group! In February, 2002, after no obvious symptoms, my husband of 25 years was diagnosed with small cell extensive lung cancer. I was told by the doctor (Dennis didn't want to know) that we might have six months with aggressive treatment. Dennis made it, fighting every step of the way, until December 15, 2002. The wonderful people people from this board are such an important part of my survival! There were so many times that I couldn't have gone on without some of you! Now, I am doing better and stay with this group because we are family. I also want the opportunity to help others as I was helped!
  13. I have a good friend that is a very sophisticated lady and she likes her booze a lot. We were out, at a fairly ritzy affair, and she came back into the room with a long trail of toilet tissue stringing along behind. I was laughing uncontrollably but she handles the occasion with her usual style and grace. She just turned and in a very lady-like manner, flipped her hand upwards and grabbed the paper. This trail was several feet long and still attached to tthe roll!!!
  14. Katie...Ry is the only one that can issue a pass...lol!!!
  15. Donna...leave it up to you to come up with some really great ideas! There is one thing that really bugs me and I will share it with you. I have such a hard time understanding why an annual chest xray is not considered to be important enough for an insurance company to pick up the tab. I have discussed this with my doctor on several occasions. He said that some of the insurance companies have come around and will now pay for the xray but others still will not cover it as a routine part of a physical. Great work Donna! I really appreciate you...and your hubby!
  16. Ann

    Fay 3000

    Thanks for being here for us, Fay. You always have the right words and wisdom to help us through each and every crisis.
  17. Really wonderful news, Cindi. I needed something to make Monday worth getting up and dragging myself to work for....this is it! I'll buy you a drink!!!
  18. Please tell us why you are here at LCSC.
  19. Tell us about the last time you laughed so hard that it made you cry? PS...If you haven't done that in a long time, maybe some of the answers to this question will make you laugh that hard!
  20. Sharyn, this is wonderful news! I have to agree about you being way to young for this. I know I'll feel the same way. I love the expression.."When God Closes A Door, He Opens a Window." It sounds as if that window is about to swing open for you!!!
  21. Larry, I'm so glad you had the presence of mind to make the necessary calls and get this straightened out. Nothing can be scarier than worrying about the loss of medical coverage when you desperately need it! Hope everything is totally fixed!
  22. After I posted a couple of the Getting to Know You posts, I was approached by several members and asked to continue these daily postings. On several occasions, I have posted questions that were sent to me by other members. I think that these questions give us additional insight into members of this board. Yes, we laugh when posting and reading but if there is no laughter, how are we to all deal with the common bond that ties us all together. Posting these questions has never been done with any disrespect. I feel that I am closer to fellow board members now, as I know more about them.
  23. Val, I wish we were all close enough to just pop in and have a slice of that apple pie! I know you added special love to the ingredients list.
  24. Ann

    Memories of Dad

    Thanks for sharing such special memories with us. Your relationship with yur father is a realy special treasure!
  25. Oh Fay, I thought for sure you would have heard something by now. I know that communication seems to still be a real problem for a lot of people. You just hang in there and remember we're still saying prayers.
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