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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    cellar door

    I'm glad you're managing to keep yourself busy. That somehow helps to keep your mind occupied, even if for short periods of time. It's good that you have friends that have been so helpful and caring. That's really important and will help you through this grief. I can so relate to being called a "widow" for the first time. This word really took its toll on me when I had to check that box when doing my taxes. It's somehow such a cold word. Praying that you will find peace with each passing day!
  2. Ann


    (((((((((((Berisa)))))))))) I know your dad felt so very loved to have a special daughter like you. I'm sure he is looking down and smiling on you!
  3. Ann

    Possible recurrence?

    Don, I'm saying prayers for you! Please let us know how things are going.
  4. As a child, you can always say what you really think ...even if it is really rude, offensive and discusting!!!
  5. Sue, I'm saying lots of prayers that this new game plan will work for Mike. Dennis was given CPT-11 and Cisplatin, also. Side effects were minimal. He did have a problems with diahrrea at times during treatment but prescription meds took care of that.
  6. Holly, my husband had mets to his spine and the only thing that seemed to ever help the pain from the mets was radiation. I hope your mom does well with the treatment and gets great results! You take care of yourself and that baby!
  7. Kelly, I know what a tough situation you are finding yourself in. It's really hard to be the one that's responsible for decision making when dealing with something of this importance. If I were in your shoes, I would probably let my mom know that I have worlds of faith in her judgement and also let her know how strong I think she is. Your mom probably needs some really strong votes of confidence right now. I'm saying prayers for you and your mom!!!
  8. Great way to think, Cindi!!! You go girl!!!
  9. Ann


    Hey guys...you absolutely must try Pats' recipe for Mac 'n Cheese! I made this weekend and it was the best I have ever made! Absolutely yummy!!!!
  10. Do the funky chicken!!!! Then, just as I had spoken those words, through the window I saw......
  12. This is great! Thanks for posting this Snowflake!
  13. Ann

    What a great day!!

    YIPPEE!!! I just love hearing about these great days!!
  14. I always try and think of something I really want and need and give hints in that direction, so I guess most of the time I end up with something practical. With three sons, it is never easy getting a true surprise. I would always have to spread so many hints around to them and to Dennis that I was almost never surprised. This year, I have requested something personal. I gave all of the boys literature from a day spa and suggested they all combine pennies and pick something for me.
  15. Jen, I don't know what a third line chemo drug is either. I do hope you find answers to all your questions when you visit your doctor. I'm sure he will have an attack plan all ready for you! Hang in there gal! You keep fighting and we'll keep praying!
  16. Hi Betty. Welcome to our group. I look forward to chatting with you. Glad your scans are clean!
  17. Kerry, I am so sorry that your mother is going through such tough times right now. I will say a prayer that things will improve. Like others have already said, keep trying to find a reason for this decline.
  18. very accepting of the man I have become and learn to like it very much! Now, how do I tell my boss that I......
  19. Ann

    Pure Magic

    I am so glad to hear that your family and friends were blessed with such a magical day! Thanks for sharing the picture with us! I can understand why there were no dry eyes!!
  20. When you recieve a birthday gift, do you prefer something very personal, for just you, or something very practical that you really need.
  21. It was my second year of college when I really learned what courage was all about. I have always been...and will always be...a strong environmentalist. The college was growing and a larger student enrollment meant more building...more dorms, more classrooms and bigger parking lots. There were lots of trees on our campus but the grandest tree of all was a huge old sprawling oak tree that was estimated to be well over one hundred years old. The exact location of this grand old tree was to be the new student parking lot. Well, we did what students did best in the seventies and formed some really strong and noisey protests. This, combined with letter writing campaigns and phone calls to elected officials, did no good. The day arrived for the bulldozers to arrive. I very bravely, stood up to bat and allowed friends to chain me to that grand old tree. For over six hours, I rested my back on the trunk of that beautiful old oak tree. The bulldozer halted and the media arrived. Early in the seventh hour, the college president announced that the tree would be saved and the parking area relocated. Well, that tree still stands proudly today, totally unharmed by growth. That was my first real stand to do the right thing. It was then that I realized that people could make a difference and now thirty years later, I still stand up for my beliefs!
  22. I reached into my pocket to grab my camera but when I took my hand from my pocket I found it wasn't my camera I had grabbed. It was.....
  23. Oh Fay, I'm so sorry you took a tumble. I sometimes think I'm the world's most accident prone individual. I don't know how I have managed to get by without any major breaks. I've lived half a century and only broken two toes! I know how much pain you are in with your toe. I found that wearing my socks and sneakers actually made my pain less. I think the sock and shoe kept the toes close together and restricted movement. I sure hope you feel better really soon!
  24. Ann

    elizabeth's passing

    So very sorry for your loss. I'll be saying prayers that God will help you through this difficult time. Please know that there are many here that are very good listeners, should you need to talk!
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