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Everything posted by Ann

  2. Fay and Paddy...what beautiful posts. I am so glad we have this place to share our feelings and help each other through the bad times and rejoice together during the good ones!
  3. Hang in there Lillian. I know, only too well, how very hard these important dates can be. I think it's great that you're keeping yourself busy by doing some projects that you really love. I think planting bulbs is such a neat thing to do. You put them in the ground and it's almost like you completely forget about them being there. Then, when spring comes, you see their little heads peeking through the ground and the excitement begins as you wait to see blooms. I'm also glad to hear that your work days will be shorter, as that means you'll have more time to spend on the MB. You know, I love reading your posts! Just keep you chin up and hang tough through the tough days!!! I'll ask God to grant you Peace!!!
  4. Ann


    Donna, that is such a a beautiful site. Peace, Faith, Love and Hope ...wow!!! Thanks so much for sharing this. Will definitely bookmark this one!
  5. Frank...this is so funny! I have a friend whose husband always shops for her bras...strange, huh? I will definitely have to share this one with him!
  6. Ann

    Update on Mom

    So very sorry to hear this news about your mom. I'll be saying prayers for both of you!
  7. Ann


    When Dennis was ill, his oncologist encouraged the use of a multi vitamin and some supplements. I would definitely check with your mom's doctor to make sure it is in line with his course of treatment. I would take Dianne's advice and write down all of the questions you would like answered at the next office visit. It's very hard to comprehend everything you are hearing and remember what questions to ask. I'm keeping you and your mom in my prayers.
  8. Kerry, I am so glad you have your brothers to lean on during this really hard time. Strength is a really funny thing. You tell yourself that you absolutely can't pull something this painful off but I am sure you will completely surprise yourself. Your strength will kick in and totally amaze you! Just enjoy the time with your mom and let God and your brothers be your shoulders to lean on!!!
  9. Fred, I have to chime in with others and say that we should be thanking you for giving her the time and space to be a part of this group. You are so lucky to have this wonderfully special lady in your life!
  10. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I Wonder Where You Are Up Above The World So High Like A Diamond In The Sky.....
  11. YIPPEE!!! So glad you're home!!! I know you must feel so much more at ease in your own surroundings. I'll bet all of those 'lil roosters and chicks are so glad to have you there!!!
  12. Ann

    Asthma flare ER

    I have to agree with J.C. on this one. I think this young doc has heard via the grapevine about what absolutely fabulous drinks you make at the pub and wants you to be the official bartender for the next bonfire!!! Wow, Cindi...you not only got the yound doc's phone number but also his wife's number!! Girl...you rate!!!
  13. Still wearing the silk nightie and ruby slippers from the night before. I didn't have time to change so......
  14. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Pat and Addie!!! I hope today is as special for you as the two of you are special to us!!! I hope both of you are able to kick up your heels and enjoy the day!!!
  15. When you were a child, what was your favorite nursery rhyme???
  16. Ann

    Back again.

    Hey Paddy!!! So good to hear from you!!!!
  17. Oh Addie...that sounds so good! I think I'll just share your basket!
  18. Yum...everyone's lunch sounds so good! Wouldn't it be nice if we all lived close enough to really get together and have a picnic? I would have to have ham& swiss cheese sandwiches and lots of either potato or macaroni salad. Karen's brownies would make great dessert!!!
  19. Ann


    Tina, this is such great news! Will keep praying!
  20. Ann

    Donna G 2000

    Yaeh, Donna!!! Thanks for hanging in here for all of us!!!!
  21. Happy 47th Anniversary to a lovely couple!!!!!
  22. Howdy mam. Those dog gone shoes have more sparkles than my half -a-million dollar cape!!! Then, he turned around as someone else entered the room. It was....
  23. OK...today we're all going on a picnic. Each one has to pack their own basket full of their favorite picnic food. What will be in your basket?
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