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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Greiving, but happy....

    Oh Kim, don't believe for a second that your dad doesn't need you now that he has someoe in his life. I'm sure you know that's not the way he feels. I know how hard this must be for you and I think you are handling this very well. You know, most people feel so bad for women when they lose a husband. They think women are the weaker sex and that they need a man to lean on. From my experiences in life, I have found that thinking to be very wrong. I think women are very strong. They seem to take time to think out the path ahead of them. Like Lil said, men need to have someone with them. I'm sure this involvement with someone new doesn't mean your dad isn't still hurting. If he could make the choice, I'm sure he would choose to have your mother back. As for the headstone, I can understand and sympathize with your feelings. He should honor your wishes and take care of this responsibility, as it means so much to you. I think you're doing a great job of dealing with all of these changes. HAng in there and remember how much your dad loves and needs you!
  2. Sue, I'm saying lots of prayers for both of you! It sounds as if the doctor is on top of the situation and wants to take time to plan a good strategy!!!
  3. Ann

    TRY THIS ....

    OK...here goes ! As a child, I was able to "know" things before they would happen. For instance, I would think about people my parents hadn't seen in a long time and then those people would show up. My mother discouraged these "happenings" as she thought I was a bit "strange" but my dear grandmother told me that she too had this "gift." As time passed and I became older I lost these abilities, somewhat. But, I still have these things happen from time to time.
  4. Ann

    For Jen

    Jen...add my prayers to the list! I am really thinking of you this week!
  5. I'm saying prayers for both you and your mom!!!
  6. I thought this might be fun for us to follow for a few days! Who knows...maybe we could get this published??? I'm going to start a story line and then everyone post a few sentences. Lets see what we come up with. It was a warm summer evening and the stars had just begun to twinkle in the night sky.
  7. Pat...I think this is good news! It sounds like Brian has a very good and dedicated doctor! Yes, Pat, today is a good day!
  8. Gosh, Peggy. I know this is something we all think about. Let me tell you up front that you can't beat yourself up wondering about answers to these type of questions, as we will never really know the answers. You need to remember what a good wife, friend and caregiver you were. There was nothing that you didn't do for him. I know that he knew you were always there with him. I know that my Dennis was a fighter and never openly accepted the fact that things weren't going well with his treatment. He only once even mentioned death to me and that was a "what if" phrased question. After reading all of the literature I could get my hands on from Hospice, I try and think that the days/hours prior to death are peaceful. I don't know this factually, but it sure helps me deal with everything better if I look at it this way! I'm sending hugs your way and saying prayers that God will help you through this. (((((((((((((((((((((((PEGGY)))))))))))))))))))))))
  9. I know this may sound crazy, but I love to cook and bake.
  10. This just in...breaking news... Coming to a Sprawl-Mart near you! Wal-Mart announced that they will soon be offering customers a new discount item: Wal-Mart's own brand of wine. The world's largest retail chain is teaming up with E&J Gallo Winery of California, to produce the spirits at an affordable price, in the $2-5 range. Wine connoisseurs may not be inclined to throw a bottle of Wal-Mart brand into their shopping carts, but "there is a market for cheap wine", said Athym Micken, professor of marketing. She said: "But the right name is important." Customer surveys were conducted to determine the most attractive name for the Wal-Mart brand. The top surveyed names in order of popularity are: 10. Chateau Traileur Parc 9. White Trashfindel 8. Big Red Gulp 7. World Championship Riesling 6. NASCARbernet 5. Chef Boyardeaux 4. Peanut Noir 3. I Can't Believe It's Not Vinegar! 2. Grape Expectations And the number 1 name for Wal-Mart Wine: 1. Nasti Spumante The beauty of Wal-Mart wine is that it can be served with either white meat (Possum) or red meat (Squirrel).
  11. What a great example of kindness and caring. Thanks so much for sharing this story and renewing my faith in mankind!
  13. Ann

    SBeth, Bill and family

    Pat...thanks for posting this and reminding us! I know what a very important milestone this is for their entire family and I'm saying lots of prayers!!!
  14. Warm brownie with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.,,,,,yummmmmmm!
  15. Ann


    Cheryl, I think we need to post a big sign that reads "Whiners Welcome." We have all used this board for that same reason at some point in time. My husband used to be the same way regarding information. It was almost like if he didn't know, it wasn't really happening. When they used to whisk him away for blood work or tests, I would sneak back in and talk with the doctor. Maybe this technique would work for you!
  16. What is your very favorite dessert???? Now, I mean not just something you like. I want the dessert that you crave!!!
  17. If you asked my kids, they would say this test is way off, as I am also a team player!!! They have been telling me for years that I'm a total control freak!
  18. http://channels.netscape.com/ns/atplay/ ... aktest.jsp
  19. Patty. I'm so very glad that yesterday was a better day for both you and your mom! I pray all of your mom's days are much better. Keeping both of you in my prayers.
  20. Some very good news!!! It's always so easy to jump to conclusions and have all these wild ideas run through our heads and make us crazy! I do this all the time. since cancer hit our family, it seems like I look at every bump, cough or skin irritation in a whole new light! I am so thrilled that the news is good! Everything else should be a piece of cake!!!
  21. Oops...thanks to Maryanne for pointing out my boo-boo! I should have worded this SO/ significant other rather than spouse. I am so sorry...please forgive me. I was only working on one cup of coffee when I posted the question. So...everyone post about how you met that special someone!!!
  22. I was working a few shifts a week at a Shoney's resturant in Knoxville, Tennessee to help pay my college tuition. I normally only worked three shifts a week but had picked up a shift from a friend that wanted off. Well, Dennis was visiting a friend in Knoxville and the two of them came in for coffee. Well, they were seated in my area and we immediately started flirting with each other. After about an hour the two of them left. To my surprise, I looked up later and there was Dennis...again! He drank coffee during my entire shift and wanted to get together after work. I declined but gave him my phone number and told him to call me the next day (Saturday) and we would do something. He called me early in the morning on Saturday and although I answered the phone, I was still asleep and hung up on him. Thank God he was persistent and he called me back later in the morning. We had a wonderful day together that lasted for 25 years! God, I miss this that guy!
  23. Since stars (first question for today) and romance seem to go hand-in-hand I thought this question should be added today. How did you meet your husband or wife?
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