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Everything posted by Ann

  1. I absolutely do wish on stars! I think there is something very beautiful, peaceful and magical about being out in the dark with only a sky full of stars. I love starry nights and full moons! Most of the time when I see a star now I can't help but wonder if Dennis is seeing that same star from somewhere very far away. Snowflake, regarding the birthday candles....I'd just as soon not go there. I'm getting to the point of considering having the fire department stand by to extinguish the flames!!!
  2. I know how hard yesterday must have been for you. I'm sure you had a variety of emotions all happening at once. I know there were a lot of good memories running through your head and at the same time dealing with the grief and sadness of missing him. I think singing Happy Birthday was a wonderful thing to do! I'm sure those wonderful grandchildren will do this for many years to come. That was a very special thing to do and I'm sure it made Tim smile!
  3. Kerry, I'm so very sorry to hear that your mom isn't doing well. I know how very hard this must be for you and your brothers. Thank goodness they are cooperative and attentive to your mom. It sounds like you guys make a wonderful support team for her. I think it is great that she will be staying home. I know that would be my wishes. I hope your visit with your mom is filled with only good times and that you make a lot of wonderful memories together! Remembering your mom in my prayers.
  4. So relieved to hear that Lucie is feeling much better! I told you that you would probably see why they call this mouthwash "magic." Glad the two of you were able to knick up your heels and celebrate your granddaughter's 15th birthday! What a reason to celebrate!
  5. I am saying prayers for your mom and your family. I know how hard this time is for you. You want to honor your mom's wishes and allow her to go peacefully but yet a part of never wants to let go! Talk very openly with the Hospice nurses. They have some great information about this process that will help you! The main thing to remember is no pain if possible!
  6. Pat...You and Brian are never off my prayer list. I'll throw in a few extra prayers for a good weekend. It sounds like the doctor is right on top of the situation. Glad to hear counts are up! Hang tough kid!!! We're all in your corner!
  7. I have been tearing through my house, room by room, getting rid of things that I don't need anymore. I've just reached a stage in my life where I yearn for a totally clutter-free house. I have a very hard time discarding anything that belonged to Dennis, so I have a storage space that I pay for every month. My Dennis was a real packrat but I just can't part with his treasures...not yet! Well, last night I found a book and when I opened it up, there was a copy of the paperwork Dennis signed when he started treatment and enrolled in a clinical trial. There was also the consent he signed for his port. I didn't toss these and am not quite sure why. I think I want to keep them, mainly to remind me how fragile life really is and to remind me how quickly plans and life can change. Maybe, someday, I'll be ready to toss them but not just yet! I sat in the floor and cried for almost an hour last night just thinking about the day he signed these papers and how hopeful we were for a cure.
  8. Kathy...try not to panic! I just went through something very similar at a routine physical. I ended up scared to death. The doctor insisted that I ahve an EKG and a chest xray before leaving the office. After the EKG, I had to have a Thallium stress test. The doctor told me they were looking for blockage! I was all ready to schedule time off for work for the bypass. But...the stress test showed no blockage! So, I think sometimes doctors just like to order a lot of tests to make sure about things. But, like my son said, it's better to have the test and fix the problem than not to know there is a problem. I'm saying prayers that everything is fine!
  9. Beth...I am saying prayers!!!
  10. Maryanne...thanks so much for asking Andrea about her mom. I have had this on my mind but it seems I always forget to ask. Andrea, please forgive me for being so inconsiderate. You are always so sweet and keep up with all of us. Hopefully, having her nails done will really perk her right up! It seems to always get me out of the slumps!
  11. 1. People who think the world owes them something when they are never willing to put forth any effort! 2. Telemarketers (Yes, I'm on the do not call list and still get calls). 3. Calling customer service for computer or internet issues and never reaching anyone that speaks English. 4. Fair weather friends. 5. Perfectly healthy people that use automatic opening doors when push open doors are available but they're jusst too lazy to push!
  12. Ann

    New Memories

    Tammy, I am so glad that the fishing trip happened! I know it meant so much to you, your dad and Connor. Thanks for sharing this experience with us! Love the picture.
  13. Ann


    Lillian...I'm so glad that you have realized that you do need company from time to time. I know that for a long time, you wanted to only be alone and the only company you wanted was memories. You're doing great gal!!! I'm so very proud of you!!!
  14. Lynne, I too am so sorry that I missed this post yesterday. I hope your are feeling better today. I just hate these special days since losing Dennis. I wish I could just cut those days out of the calendar and not even know what day it was! Thanks so much for posting the poem. It was beautiful and helped me a lot today!
  15. Ann


    Val, isn't it special to find something like that? I think finding that book was your mom's way of assuring you that she's watching over you and that precious Carolyn!
  16. My dear Peggy...I know exactly how you are feeling! You're right. It is the little things that really hit home. I still find my self trying to remember how Dennis fixed this or that or what he said to do about it. I'm so proud that you had it together enough to tackle the job but I also know, all too well, how bad this hurts!
  17. I am so very sorry to hear of Tom's passing. I know how heartbroken you are right now. My thoughts are with you and I am praying that God will give you strength during this time.
  18. I thought this one might take some time and thought so I thought I'd post it early. Name three things that make you really cranky. I mean down-to-the-bone-mean cranky!!!
  19. Wow, I am really envious of all these great choices all of you have made. around here, there are a lot of different places to choose from but unfortunately, most of them are chains. I have to tell you that this choice may sound very simple, taking into consideration that it will be a free gift certificate, but...I would have to say Red Lobster. I absolutely love their Crab Alfredo. It seems like no one else in the family is a big fan of Red Lobster so I don't get there as often as I would like. Oh...those cheese garlic biscuits....to die for!
  20. Ann


    What great news, Carleen!!! I know how much better you must be feeling after this good news!
  21. Ann


    Lil...I have to tell you that I have thought about this same thing...words. Right after Dennis was diagnosed, it seemed that my vocabulary completely changed. Suddenly, I knew way more than I had ever wanted to know about cancer. Many of the words you mentioned in your post became a part of my everyday life. Now, it seems my life is built around these words...peace, hope, strength and love. The peace comes from finally being able to accept the fact that God had a purpose for taking Dennis from this life. I don't know what this reason was but I can accept it (on most days). My hope is that each tommorrow will be better than each today. My strength is knowing that I was strong enough to survive after losing Dennis. I never thought I had the inner strength to make it. And last but least....love.....for family and friends that have been there for me and helped me survive.
  22. Ann

    My boy came home!!

    Wow...this is really good news about the dog! News about your itchy armpits isn't so great! Hope that all gets better really soon! I have to ask...was the reunion one of those where you wanted to smack his snout and smother him with hugs and kisses at the same time? I used to have those episodes when my kids were little!
  23. Val, keep those running shoes on your feet! Now is when this motherhood thing begins to be really fun!!! Thanks for sharing all of this with us! It brings back many special memories of my boys being babies and makes my heaart yearn even more for grandchildren!
  24. Thank you Gay, for this beautiful post. I have to admit that my eyes are quite teary after reading it. Dean Carl has touched so very many lives during his journey here on earth. I can only imagine how beautiful the day will be when I, too, cross over the Rainbow Bridge and find my beloved Dennis and all of our little critters that have passed awaiting me. I will find a very special place and raise a toast to Dean Carl...a very special man! I'm thinking of you and sending hugs, prayers and good thoughts your way!
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