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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Happy Birthday Tennessee Charlie !!!!
  2. Praying that your mom kicks this pneumonia really quick!!!
  3. Maybe you should just try a different approach and live life as you all did BC (before cancer). I know this is hard to do but maybe it will take your FIL's mind off of his illness a little bit. I know that sometimes friends and families become obsessed with the C word and that is all they talk about. It can either go that way or people pretend nothing is wrong because they are afraid to talk about it. Maybe you can find a happy medium. Try doing some of the things you did as a family before....movies, dinner??? Does he have any hobbies? Does he enjoy reading? I would try and focus on things he enjoyed before his diagnosis and fill some time with those. Also,maybe think about discussing this with his doctor. Some antidepressants might be in order. Hoping things improve!
  4. One year is super! Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing! Glad to hear that things have calmed down for you!
  5. You have just been given a gift certificate for dinner at your favorite restaurant for this evening. Where will you be dining????
  6. You have such a beautiful way with words. I am so sorry you have these bad memories that stick in your mind. I know how hard all of these dates can be to deal with. I have been thinking of both of you and keeping you in my prayers.
  7. Ann


    I was raised in a very religious home and never even second guessed the possibility of no God or no hereafter. Then, as I became an adult and ventured out into the world, I would hear this discussed. Although I considered it an interesting topic for discussion, that was all it ever was for me, as my belief in God has always been very strong. I always needed the structured concept of right and wrong, good and evil and God and the devil to keep me straight! When Dennis became ill, I was a very angry person and at times I even became angry with God. I soon got over that. Now, I do believe in God and the hereafter. But, I try to live my life everyday as if that day could be my last. I try to be a good parent, friend and neighbor. I try to follow the Golden Rule. When I lost Dennis, I started to really live like today could be my last!
  8. Pat, first of all, I'm saying lots of prayers for both you and Brian. Next, I'm sending a ton of ((((((((((((((Pat)))))))))))))) hugs your way. I know how much hugs can mean when you're so worried about the love of your life. We all know what a toll treatment can take on patients. I'm praying that Brian will perk right up when his counts improve! Pat, just hang in there and remember you have so many friends here that are saying prayers and sending love!!!
  9. Ann

    More prayers needed

    Millie...I'm saying lots of prayers for your Mom !!! Hang in there!
  10. Ann

    Mouth Sore

    Don, glad to hear that Lucie is feeling better. I am assuming the prescription you got may have been for the "Magic Mouthwash" that others have mentioned. Our oncologist prescribed this for Dennis and I can tell you that I know why they call this stuff magic. It really worked like a charm for him.
  11. Add me to the list! I'm saying prayers, too!
  12. Karen, although I'm very glad that you attended Beth's service, I know it must have been very hard for you. It must have been terrible to see those poor children cry for their mother. I pray that God somehow can help these precious little ones find peace. I know that David and Beth are looking down on us and smiling!
  13. Ann

    out of icu

    Fay...we miss you, too! So glad to hear that your stay won't be as long as first anticipated. Like you, I hope they don't boot you out too soon. That happens a lot around here in our hospitals. Hey, your typing looks great to me. I'm not nearly that far away from the monitor or keyboard and sometimes make terrible typos! I'm saying prayers and sending good thoughts!
  14. Ann

    2nd Anniversary

    WAY TO GO!!!! Here's a toast to two years of NED with many more to come!!!!
  15. Tina, so glad to hear things went well. I will be keeping both you and Charlie in my thoughts and prayers. I also hope he has a wonderful birthday and feels up to a celebration!
  16. On Friday night, I was in the mood to really lighten up after a really tough work week, so I went to see The Forty Year Old Virgin . What a hilarious, yet romantic, comedy this was. You definitely don't want to take the little ones to see this movie but I will definitely recommend it for some great adult laughs and lots of warm fuzzies!!!
  17. I have to fess up on this one and answer NO...unless I lived here in Florida. Since I know my way around my area and know where the ocean is, I can pretty well figure everything else out. But...get me out of my area and I have no idea which direction I'm headed!
  18. Can you tell directions without a compass?
  19. Kelly, I know how hard this time is for you. There is something about all these dates that bring all of our pain back to life. I know exactly what you mean about the new, raw feeling. There are still times when I feel as if I have just lost Dennis. Then, when reality sets in and I realize I will soon be approaching the three year mark, it seems unbeliveable. As Katie said in her post, try and remember all of the good birthdays that you spent with your mom! (((((((((((((((Kelly))))))))))))))
  20. Ann

    Good thoughts please

    Sending good thoughts your dads way!
  21. Tina, I will definitely be keeping both you and Charlie in my prayers during this difficult week.
  23. Ann


    Fay, it's so great to see you posting. Hope you are doing well. Please keep us posted on your progress.
  24. Jane...Reading your post just made my Monday a good one and believe me when I say that takes a lot!!!
  25. What was the last movie you saw in a theater ?
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