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Everything posted by Ann

  1. I'm so glad you're home! You have no idea what a bummer it's been drinking at home rather than joining you at the pub! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest. Make sure you take really great care of your "pouring" arm! Gotta have a well rested arm to pur great drinks!
  2. Praying that everything goes well for Lucie.
  3. http://www.coolmen.ch/biergarten/biershooter.htm
  4. This would drive me crazy!!! Of course, I would pick it up, turn it over, shake it and try to see if I could feel a shape. Like Ginny, I would be a bit chicken but I think I would have to take a peek...maybe not...but I am very curious!!!
  5. While walking down a street in your neighborhood, you find a briefcase marked "HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ENCLOSED - DO NOT OPEN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES." What would you do?
  6. Ann

    9 Yrs ago today

    Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way. I know what a difficult time this must be for you!
  7. This is great! I just kept thinking how many of those things I heard my mom say and then read then again and realized that I have said many of them myself! Motherhood is truly the worlds oldest and most wonderful profession!!!
  8. Beth...thinking of you and saying lots of prayers!
  9. Here in Florida, we are lucky to even find gas, at any price. I ran around for over two hours yesterday looking for gas. I have an Explorer and my tank was down below a half tank. I also needed to get gas for the lawnmower and weedeater. Here in Florida, we have been getting absolutely soaked with rain, so not mowing the grass for a week is really not an option. I finally found gas and had to wait in line for another 45 minutes before pumping. I paid $3.08 for regular unleaded! There have been a lot of rumblings that Governor Bush is looking at rationing gas in our state.
  10. Hey Cindi....I'm just going to sit here, elbows propped on the bar, drink in hand, until you get here to join me!!! But...bring the cute doctor with you when you come! I'm sure he's just love to have a nice tall drink with us!
  11. My first job was a summer job, working as a teachers aide in the Headstart program. At that time, and for most of my college years, I thought I wanted to be a teacher. Wow...having three sons of my own...all close in age, really changed my mind about that!
  12. I am looking soooo forward to that long, overdue post from you! Hope you have a wonderful cruise! Never doubt the amount of concern that a group like ours can muster up! Hey...I even issued an APB for you!!!!
  13. Dennis had mets to the spine which caused tremendous pain. The chemo seemed to work well to remove the cancer from internal organs but never seemed to really tackle the mets to his spine. However, radiation seemed to alleviate much of the pain.
  14. So glad to hear the procedure went well!
  15. First, let me tell you how relieved I am to hear that you have been getting some sleep and are a bit more settled and relaxed. Like Nancy's Mike, my Dennis seemed to never stop thinking about ways to beat the cancer that was raging inside his body. The very last time that he stood on his own two feet, he asked if we were going to Orlando for chemo. That was two days before he died. He had wanted to get out of bed and the Hospice nurse and I had lifted him out of bed to try and satisfy him. I merely told him that we weren't going that day but we would go again as soon as he felt up to it. That answer seemed to satisfy him. Although you have to do everything possible to accomodate his wishes, you still have to be the practical and logical thinking one right now. Since you have no insurance, you certainly want to keep Hospice services to help you. If he is determined to get a 3rd opinion, possibly they would keep your case active until he receives that opinion. I think you should talk to the Hospice social worker, just as you have to us, and see what you can do. I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. Ann

    Rachel obit

    How very beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
  17. When I lived in Tennessee, my favorite season was fall. I loved the fall colors in the leaves and all the wonderful smells that the season brought. Now that I'm in Florida, seasons don't change that much...just hot, hotter, hottest and hot and muggy! Here in Florida, I love winter because we actually get a few cool days here and there!
  18. Jackie, we miss you but understand why you're not posting so much! Your posts are always great, so with you it's definitely quality and not quantity! I am remembering you in my prayers every day!
  19. What great advice you have gotten from this post. My experience as a caregiver taught me a lot about being tough. Cancer patients need someone to cast all of their hurt, anger and frustration on and if you're there with her a lot, you're the one. She knows you love her and also knows that you understand and will forgive her. As Katie said, she may be trying to make this all emotionally easier by trying to distance herself from you. Just hang tough, let her know how this is hurting you but don't take too much before talking to her about how you feel!
  20. What is your favorite season and why?
  21. Darci...Lose those guilt feelings and take your trip and get some well deserved R&R now! I'm sure your family and your FIL understand!
  22. It sounds like things are really turned upside down for you right now. It sounds like he is having a hard time "accepting" what he seemed to have "accepted" so well a few days ago. Is Hospice still helping you since he is now requesting a third opinion? If you don't support him in his decision to seek another opinion you may feel really guilty at some time about your decision. Right now, I would just try and let him make as many judgement calls as he possibly can. You see him every day and can judge if it's him or the meds talking. So sorry to hear that the pain level has increased. I know how hard it can be to juggle a job and be a caregiver...been thee and done that! I'll swear, your MIL and my FIL must somehow be related!!! I'm saying prayers and sending lots of hugs your way! Please remember to take care of yourself right now!
  23. Ann

    D I S M I S S E D

    Gail, you have made us all happy!!!
  24. Ann


    Great news, Debi!!! YAHOO!!!
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