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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    A personal WOOHOO!!

    YES!!!!This is great news, Leslie!!! I am so happy for you and Mark!!!
  2. Ann

    ct scan report is NERD

    Yeah Don!!!! So glad to hear you're a NERD!!!! This is wonderful news!!!
  3. The car I learned to drive in, that later became mine, was a 55 Chevy. This car was my dad's pride and joy! He bought this car new and treated it as if he was caring for a newborn baby! How I would love to have that car now!!!
  4. Staying home and watching a movie is better! You can rewind if you have to go potty and you can dump as much real butter on your popcorn as you want...and sodas don't cost an arm and a leg!!! Which is better.... Picnic lunch or dinner in a fancy resturant?
  5. Ann

    DeanCarl Posts

    Yep...the man really has a way with words!!! His heart must be the size of Texas!!!
  6. Addie...your talents never cease to amaze me!!! Tell me, do these ideas just race through your head while you are knitting???
  7. Don, thanks so much for all of the wonderful support and good advice that comes our way from both you and Lucie!!! Keep it up!!!!
  8. This devastation is really hard to watch, as it rings a little too close home for me. I thought we had it really bad here in Florida last year. My little town was just a few miles north of the direct hits by Frances and Jeanne. We were so very lucky compared to the areas hit by Katrina and we are still putting our lives back in order. I finally got my garage door replaced last week, after waiting almost one year. If it took us this long to rebuild our homes, what are these people in for? I am terrified, as I know the next storm could bring this kind of devastation to my area. Like others, I am totally disgusted by the looting. Have any of you ever watched vultures in action? These looters remind me of vultures, just looming around looking for the remains to feast on. Like Cindy, I have no problem for people taking food from the grocery stores, as food will spoil without electricity. But... some agency should have cleared the food from the shelves and distributed it to the people before the looters could get to it! My heart is so heavy for these families!!!
  9. Ann

    Fat can be Funny

    Lynne, don't worry...I'm right there with you! I have a perfectly logical reason that our hands are strong! It has to be the computer. All of these posts surely give our fingers a lot of great workouts! When Dennis was sick, I lost so much weight. Now, it has crept back up on me and I have been going to a gym. This one is run by the hospital and it seems I see more people my age that are there to improve health and less of the 22 year olds that are worrying about being a size 6 rather than a size 2. I really commend you on your effort! Great move on your part!!!
  10. Ann

    Update on Cindi

    Thanks, Pam, for sharing this wonderful news! Please tell Cindi that we miss her and can't wait for her to mix us up a drink!!!
  11. I, also, think there was a message in this lady's obituary. I think either she or some family member had wanted to warn others about the cause of her death.
  12. Ann

    Next Round

    Ralph...I love your sense of humor!!! Keep it up! I'll be saying lots of prayers and sending good thoughts your way!
  13. Kathleen...It sounds like things are going well. Wow..eating a snickers bar can only be a very good thing...lol! Please keep us posted as your mom continues her treatment.
  14. Way to go Trish & Jeffrey! Thanks for sharing this good news!
  15. Have a great vacation and really let your hair down. There's nothing like the beach to clear cobwebs from your head! Just be like those waves and let one worry roll out to sea with every wave!!!
  16. Tell us about your very first car .
  17. Ann

    I'm Home to Recover

    Welcome home Fay! Hope your strength builds daily!
  18. Any shrinkage is a great thing and 85% is certainly nothing to sneeze at! Tell your mom to keep up the fight and by all means get a second opinion of it makes her feel more at ease!
  19. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Hospice is a really great organization to have by your side.
  20. Lynn...No experience with heart problems and chemo but still want you to know that I am sending good thoughts your dad's way and saying prayers.
  21. Are you positive it is the transfusions that have been stopped and not some other form of actual treatment? As for the time frame, no one has the ability even guess this information. Please read Fay's post carefully, as it makes a lot of sense!
  22. My heart goes out to you and I wish I had a magic answer that would help you. First, it's very common for patients to be angry with their loved ones and caregivers. Often, they are afraid of what they are facing and have no other way of venting their fears and frustrations. Just remember that she loves you and, like you, is very afraid and worried. I know that it can be very hard to take in everything the oncologist is telling you and still get your head together enough to ask questions, even if they are written down. Talk to your mom and suggest that you fax the questions in to her doctor so she can have the answers on her next visit. Also, it sounds as if you need to have a heart-to-heart with your mom and see what more you can do to see that her wishes are being met. I'll be saying prayers for both you and your mom!
  23. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
  24. Ann

    Dean Carl????

    Who has heard from Dean Carl lately? He and Gay are constantly in my thoughts!
  25. Wow...are you sure your husband and my Dennis aren't brothers? This sounds like some of the episodes I went through when he was ill. How can mothers be so insensitive? I used to ask my in-laws just to sit with Dennis for a few minutes do I could go to the grocery and I would get turned down every time. Excuse often was they were afraid something would happen while I was gone. My best advice to you is to just keep focused on caring for and loving your DH. It sounds like you're doing a wonderful job! Sorry to hear DH is in so much pain. I know how he wants to keep a clear head but please, encourage him to take the pain meds. Dennis would also cry. Knowing his pain tolerance lever, the pain must have been more that I could ever imagine. I talked to Dennis's doctor about the pain meds making him "fuzzy" and he said by all means not to let him suffer without the meds. So glad you got a chance to post. I have been keeping the two of you in my thoughts and prayers!
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