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Everything posted by Ann

  1. What is going on today? It seems like one of those combination days of Monday, Friday the 13th and a full moon all combined! Being here on the east coast of Florida, maybe it has something to do with hurricane. Every possible mishap that could happen has happened today! I can usually run this office with my eyes closed and today, you would swear it's my first day on the job. The copy machine jammed for absolutely no reason. I just had a big blow out with a truck driver over an order he was trying to deliver that we didn't order ($11,600 COD) and one of my subcontractors just lost our forklift key! Can you all just close your eyes and make it be five o'clock????? I know...it's five o'clock somewhere already...lol! Cindi...is the pub open yet???
  2. So very cute!!! Just loved this one, Larry!
  3. Ann

    Off to Vegas

    Me too...I wanna go!!! Just mentioning the word Vegas makes me want to get out the cards!!! Listen, don't you dare just relax! Enjoy the treat and kick up your heels!!!
  4. Ditto...Ditto...Ditto !!! These dittos are for everything above...prayers, hugs, good luck...just can't match those wet baby kisses that Carolyn sends. But...I can send some pretty neat wet, slobbery Golden Retriever puppy kisses!!!
  5. The Pentagon announced today the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the U. S. REDNECK SPECIAL FORCES (USRSF). These North Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Texas and Tennessee boys will be dropped into Iraq and will have been given only the following facts about Terrorists: 1. The season opened today. 2. There is no limit. 3. They taste just like chicken. 4. They don't like beer, pickups, country music or Jesus. 5. They are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the death of Dale Earnhardt. This mess in Iraq would be over IN A WEEK
  6. Very good Addie....I like that...chicken hazing!!!! Or, since we're sending things to "honor" Fay....maybe we could call it a "chicken roast" ???
  7. Sorry this is late....but....GOOD LUCK DEBI!!! I definitely think that chicken sandwich should be tucked in your purse as a good luck charm! Can you just imagine the looks you would get if you pulled out that sandwich!!! Hey, they would be afraid not to hire you! I'm sending all the positive thoughts that I can rustle up your way!
  8. Melody, this is a lot of information for you to digest at one time. Rather that trying to read the reports alone and not fully understand, why don't you call your oncologists office and make an appointment to have someone go over everything with you. I used to drive my self crazy attempting to figure out what Dennis's reports and paperwork really meant. Remember, this is a great place for answers to questions and lots of support! I'm great at hugs (((((((((((Melody)))))))))) but really lousy with medical terminology!!! Ann
  9. Wow, Becky, that was a scary incident! I guess we don't always stop and think about all the new, improved safety features in cars these days. Thank God you and your son weren't injured!
  10. I have a lot of them but I would have to say the worst is the tendenancy to interrupt people when they are talking. I'm a good listener but sometimes I get so excited about what someone is saying, I just jump in before they are finished!
  11. BeckyCW has generously offered to personally deliver any items we have for Fay. I would like to get something together as a group effort. So, if anyone has something they would like to contribute to the basket, please mail it to BeckyCW. If you would like her address, please PM me. I'm going chicken shopping today...lol!!!
  12. Ann

    Here We Go Again !!!!

    Well gang, thanks for all of your prayers! You prayed that hurricane right away from me! We are having a lot of rain and that is expected to continue throughout the weekend. Looks like I'll be inside do this may be an opportunity to catch up on some house cleaning...ugh!!! Just keep up the prayers, as our meterologist says there are three more systems backed up in the Atlantic.
  13. TRUE.....I do love french fries....fresh, hot, salty and a little on the crispy side! TPBM has gotten over three speeding tickets in their lifetime.
  14. Sending lots of hope, hugs and prayers your way, Tina!
  15. What's one of your worst habits???
  16. Ann

    IT's a girl!

    Sugar, spice and everything nice!!!
  17. Ann

    Rachel has passed

    Susan, I am very sorry to read of Rachael's passing. May she rest in peace and be happy with the rest of our LCSC angels.
  18. Kathleen, please know that I am keeping your mom and you in my prayers. Often, dealing with cancer can really take its toll on caregivers, so please take care of yourself!
  19. I know how scary all those warnings can be. You feel as if you're being asked to become a bubble person. I think anything to deal with the medical profession chooses to deal out the maximum amount of precautionary information they think our brains can process. When Dennis was on chemo, we tried to avoid crowds and watched raw seafood and salad bars. I know reading all this must be quite shocking but I think you will find that life will be pretty normal for the two of you during chemo. Just look how cool our Don and Lucie are and follow their lead! Hope Gary does very well with the treatments!
  20. Kathleen...welcome to our group. There are folks here with a wealth of information to offer you that will enhance your mom's care and will help you to cope. Just take deep breaths and take things one day at a time. You will find some wonderfully inspiring success stories from this group!
  21. Wonderful news Heidi!!! We all love NED!!!
  22. Hi there Lynn! Welcome to our group. You will find this board to be a great source of caring and support. I'm so sorry your dad is ill.
  23. Pat, sorry things didn't go well this morning. What type of injections are you going to give him? I gave Dennis two rounds of something that starts with Neu.. and they worked miracles for his counts! Just hand in there, friend! You and Brian have your own private cheerleaders here and we're all yelling you on and saying lots of prayers!
  24. This is such great news about your mom! Thanks so much for sharing her results with us. We can never get too much good news like this around here!!!!
  25. Ann

    Year One

    Denise, I will definitely be thinking of you on Sunday saying a little prayer for you and your family. I am so glad that, one year later, you are able to look for the positive things that came from your mom's illness and death. It took me so long to do this but once I did so, the healing seemend much easier. You are so right, 33 years with such a wonderful mom was indeed a wonderful blessing. If asked, I'm sure she would agree that 33 years with a wonderful daughter was an equal blessing.
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