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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Facts on Figures: There are 3 billion women who don't look like super models and only eight who do. Did you know Marilyn Monroe wore a size 14 ? If Barbie was a real woman, she'd have to walk on all FOURS due to her proportions! The average woman weighs 144 pounds, and wears between a size 12-14. One out of every 4 college-aged women has an eating disorder. The Models in the magazines are AIRBRUSHED!!! - NOT Perfect!! A psychological study in 1995 found that 3 minutes spent looking at a Fashion Magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty and SHAMEFUL! Models 20 years ago weighed 8% Less than the average Woman. Today they weigh 23% less..... ~~ Beauty of a Woman ~~ The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, The passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman With time, only grows.. An English professor wrote the words: "WOMAN WITHOUT HER MAN IS NOTHING" on the blackboard, and directed the students to punctuate it correctly The men wrote: "Woman, WITHOUT HER MAN, is nothing." The women wrote: "WOMAN!! WITHOUT HER, man is nothing!" The Images of Mother 4 YEARS OF AGE: My Mommy can do anything! 8 YEARS OF AGE: My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot! 12 YEARS OF AGE: My Mother doesn't really know quite everything. 14 YEARS OF AGE: Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either! 16 YEARS OF AGE: Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned. 18 YEARS OF AGE: That old woman? She's way out of date! 25 YEARS OF AGE: Well, she might know a little bit about it. 35 YEARS OF AGE: Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion. 45 YEARS OF AGE: Wonder what Mom would have thought about it? 65 YEARS OF AGE: Wish I could talk it over with Mom. . . ***
  2. Lil...as always, such a great post! You have such a great way with words and your stories always manage to "come alive" while I am reading. Wow, I can imagine that a wedding would be very hard for me also. I have my youngest sons wedding coming up next July and I know how tough that will be without his father in attendance. I just want you to know how proud I am of you! You have come such a long way since that first post you made on this board. I can remember how very bitter you were about Johnny's death and how deep your pain was! You have over come so many obstacles and are definitely to be commended for your strength and your convictions. I am very proud of your for not smoking for the past 10 days! Just keep it up and know that positive thoughts and hugs will be coming your way!!!!
  3. Ann

    Strange Dream.....

    Lil...The entire dream does make sense. I am so unhappy with my current job right now but I just can't seem to walk out. The pay is very good for this area and now I have to think about that very hard. Dennis was always here for me to lean on and whether I worked or not was never a huge deal. My Dennis would say...."get the hell out of there"...and wouldn't even second guess it. Shirley...Mark is Dennis's very best friend from childhood and we communicate at least once or twice a month. You know, as a matter of fact, Mark called me the day after I had this dream. It was just a basic "check up" call to see if I'm alright!
  4. So great to hear this news!!! You're absolutely right! Keeping one step ahead is a very good thing. Hey...that could be a hop ahead...a jump ahead...it really doesn't matter, as long as you're keeping ahead!! So glad to read this news. Hope the Topetecan continues to do its thing for you!
  5. Oh Millie...you really do have a double dose of worries going on! I'm definitely keeping both parents in my thoughts and prayers and sending well deserved hugs your way!!! (((((((((((((Millie))))))))))
  6. Although I'm sorry to read of your mother's diagnosis, I'm really glad you found your way to our wonderful group. As you will find, this is a wonderful place to find information and support. My husband had sclc. Although he was always a very strong and optomistic person, he never wanted to hear about the statistics. He never asked the doctor how much time he had. I talked with the doctor and was given a time frame, but since Dennis never asked me, I never told him. Please, take some good advice and don't drive yourself crazy doing too much internet research. I did all of the research at first and felt completely hopeless and helpless when I would read statistics. Each person is different and each responds to treatment differently. I think you should just follow your mom's lead on this one. If you feel she wants more information, find a way to give it to her. If this is hard for you to discuss with her, I think a social worker would be wonderful. The fact that she is receptive to the idea of treatment makes me believe that she really wants to fight this monster and win. Just hang in there and give your mom lots of love and positive support. remember, someone is always here to listen if you need to vent!!!
  7. Deb, so sorry to hear about your mom's new test results. Like others have said, please don't panic. If you don't like what this doc says, find another one that isn't gloom and doom and is willing and ready to fight!! In the meantime, I'll be saying lots of prayers for both you and your mom!
  8. If I'm REALLY angry, I cry!!! I just hate to be in a really angry confrontation with someone and cry. I feel that they think I'm a real wimp but...when I get mad enough to cry....look out! That's when my mouth becomes uncontrollable and I say things I often regret later!
  9. What do you do to vent anger?
  10. Welcome, Vicky. I love all the nice pictures you have posted at your website. In addition to your friends there in Texas, you will make lots of wonderful new friends from this board. I'll add you to my prayer list!
  11. I just wanted to add a little something to this post. Unlike most of you that have responded to Leslie's question, I do not have cancer. Do I consider myself a survivor? Absolutely! For almost 10 months, I watched the love of my life battle this monster that was growing inside his body. My body felt the same pain and my mind had the same questions and fears. After a time, I was convinced that neither of us would survive the battle. I believed that we would both fall prey to cancer. I feared Dennis would not live and I was convinced I could not and would not live without Dennis. Dennis. although the bravest warrior I have ever seen, lay down his sword and died in battle. For a time, I wanted to join him and leave the pain, suffering and lonliness far behind. As time passed, I was able to cope with the pain and remember good times rather than only suffering. I believe that I am a survivor of cancer. Cancer did not defeat me and I pray that before my life is over a time will come when this monster claims no more victims.
  12. What a great story! I just had goosebumps while reading this! Thanks for sharing!
  13. Lynne...Steamed clams are yummy! Maybe it's the butter I dip 'em in thats yummy...lol!!! Hey, maybe that's why I like crab legs....all that butter!!!
  14. Ann

    Strange Dream.....

    Since losing Dennis in 2002, I have had a few dreams but not an excessive amount. Some dreams I remember for a while and other times I wake up, know I have had a dream about him but can never remember the details. The dream I had last night was very different and I remember each and every detail. Here goes...hope this isn't boring. I was away on a trip, apparently work related. I was very uncomfortable and wanted to leave for home but had no transportation, as I was leaving early. The building I was staying in was a very large building, made up of three serperate tall, curved buildings. One building was pink, one was beige and one was gray. The buildings each had lots of big windows. I picked up a phone and called Dennis, begging him to please come and get me. He replied that although he could see me from where he was, he would be unable to pick me up. He explained he could not leave where he was. When I asked what he was doing, he replied that he was relaxing and having a drink. He said he knew exactly where I was and knew that I was unhappy. He said he would call Mark (his best friend) and have Mark pick me up. That was the end of the dream. When I woke up, I felt very sad, although I felt as if I really had a conversation with Dennis. Has anyone had a dream like this????
  15. Here is one man's very imaginative way to deal with a pesky telemarketer: The phone rang as I was setting down to my anticipated evening meal, and as I answered it I was greeted with, "Is this Wilhiam Wagenhoss?" This didn't sound anything like my name, so I asked, "Who is calling?" The telemarketer said he was with The Rubberband-Powered Freezer Company or something like that and then I asked him if he knew Wilhiam personally and why was he was calling this number. I then said off to the side, "Get really good pictures of the body and all the blood." I then turned back to the phone and advised the caller that he had entered a murder scene and must stay on the line because we had already traced this call and he would be receiving a summons to appear in the local courthouse to testify in this murder case. I then questioned the caller at great length as to his name, address, phone number at home, at work, who he worked for, how he knew the dead guy and could he prove where he had been about one hour before the made this call. The telemarketer was getting very concerned and his answers were given in a shaky voice. I proceeded to tell him we had located his position at his work place and the police were entering the building to take him into custody. At that point, I heard the phone fall and the scurrying of his running away. My wife asked me as I returned to our table, why I had tears streaming down my face and so help me, I couldn't tell her for about fifteen minutes. My meal was cold, but oh-so-very enjoyable.
  16. Addie, what a wonderful letter! It was such a great idea for you to think of. Mind if I steal your idea? I get things all the time via email and USPS regarding portions of purchase prices donated for breast cancer. You would think this is the only cancer that women have to fear. Thanks for the wonderful idea!!!!
  17. Leslie....you and Mark will enjoy those beautiful flowers together!!
  18. Yippee!!!!!! Isn't good news just wonderful?????
  19. Sue, it is so good to hear you talk about yoursel and Mike. We want to know how you are doing. You are always so sweet and considerate in your replies concerning others, so please never be hesitant to let us know more about how you guys are doing. I pray that the doctors will get Mike's treatment back on plan and that he will tolerate treatment better!!!
  20. Rich, thanks so much for the update on our dear friend Fay. I pray that she is feeling better and getting stronger every single day.
  21. Ann

    Bye then

    Dee, you will be missed very much. Please try to drop in whenever you are around a computer. I will be saying prayers for you and Claire.
  22. Ann

    Chemo Side Effect

    Welcome, Adee. My husband also experienced several bouts of low blood pressure during chemo. Like others, it always improved after lots of fluids.
  23. Unfortunately, it looks like you've been placed right between a rock and a hard spot. I have heard so many people, that are caregivers for elderly parents, say that driving privilige is the very hardest issue to deal with. I'm sure that your father feels this is the end to his independence and he is holding on for dear life! I would definitley take all the advice others have already given and try everything. I would begin with Connie's advice and let your doctor be the "bad guy." Maybe you could even contact the drivers license bureau in your state and ask them for suggestions. Maybe they could temporarily pull your dad's license until a doctor authorizes him to drive. I hope you will be able to work this out with your dad.
  24. What is your very favorite food??? OK...steamed clams...definitely!!!!
  25. No experience here. Just chiming in to say that I hope everything is OK with your newfound worries and they turn out to be no worry at all!!!!
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