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Everything posted by Ann

  1. This has been a terrible few weeks. There has been so much sadness and grief that it is often hard for any of us to deal with. But...we're all here to help each other along and we can't let this get us all down at once. Think maybe we should take "shifts" and rotate the "down" time? I hope we all have better times and sunny skies to look forward to.
  2. Hey there neighbor. So sorry Ken is having sleeping problems. I have no advice or suggestions but I'm sure there has to be something out there that will help. I know this sleeplessness must be wearing both of you down. So sorry!!!
  3. Jim...I know this isn't the news you wanted to hear but to echo others, it could have been worse. Just slip on those boxing gloves and get ready to fight another round!!!
  4. Ann

    Sponge Bob

    This is just too cute! I know this is bringing lots of smiles!!! What a great sense of humor your dad must have had!!! Thanks for sharing this! Lord knows we can use some smiles around here!!!!
  5. Ann

    Carrie Ridley

    Sherrie...So very sorry to learn of your loss. I am so very sorry.
  6. Ann

    Prayers for Charlie

    Tina, I'm saying extra prayers for Charlie !!! Keep the faith!!!
  7. You stole the words from my mouth!!! I sent Val a message telling her how very beautiful little Carolyn is. What a joy she must be!!!!
  8. Keeping Dean Carl and Gay in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. This is terrible news. One thing she will have going for her is her strength. She has to be a very strong young woman to have faced the crisis in her life to date. I pray that her condition was discovered in a very early stage.
  10. Ann

    Cheer me UP!!

    Cindy, after raising three sons, I can definitely relate to this one!!! when my oldest son packed up and went off to school, I thought I would absolutely die. He had been my touch stone and I didn't know what I would do without him! Although I still had two sons at home, I worried about him constantly but I always convinced myself that he was merely away at school and would be coming back home. Well, that didn't happen. After college, he got married and that was really a kicker, as I finally realized he was really gone. They moved to Nashville while he attended law school. The distance was really hard. I finally got used to the idea, just in time to have the other two grow up and leave. I had no idea what to do with my time. Cooking meals for two was a real trip, after cooking for three boys that ate like lumberjcaks! After they moved out, I would always have enough leftovers to feed the neighborhood. After a time, I learned to love the quiet. I loved having neat bedrooms and baths. I loved the lower electric bills, as now my washer and dryer didn't run 24 hours a day. My water bill was so much lower and there was actually enouth hot water for me to have a hot shower!!! Then, just as it was all getting comfortable, they started to move back in! Now, everyone has been back out for a while. Believe me...having them move out the second time is much easier.
  11. Maryanne...thanks so much for reminding us of this. Last night, I went outside and lit a candle in memory of Don and all the other members that we have recently lost. It was very sad, as the list was much longer than the last time I did this. I have not been able to get Peggy off my mind. I know how she is feeling and so wish there was something I could do to help.
  12. Oh my goodness!!! What terrible news. After all this lady has been through already!!! Please keep us posted if you hear anything else about her.
  13. My sentiments exactly!!! I have been dieting like mad...this time to get healthy instead of just losing weight. I am so sick of broiled fish and green veggies!!! I was doing alright for a while but now I find myself "drooling" at the sight of fast food. Wow...do you think that hot dog might be a chili-cheese hot dog????
  14. Tina, I caught this on CNN and thought it was very well done. Thanks so much for sharing the transcript with us. You're always on top of things that help keep us up to speed!!!
  15. Nope...missed this one. Although I am heart broken about Peter Jennings death, I am sure that the passing of such a famous person will definitely bring needed media attention to lung cancer.
  16. Happy 44th Anniversary !!! The two of you have been blessed with a wonderful marriage!!! I'm keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers!
  17. Ann

    peter jennings

    Thanks so much for posting this article. I have been wondering what type of cancer Mr. Jennings had. There is some really good information in this article. After losing Dennis, I had so many people ask me the difference in the nscl and sclc. I printed this article in hopes it will help me explain, as people still ask from time to time.
  18. Geri....please don't be too hard on yourself. I know how hard it to ignore those statistics. When Dennis was ill, I used to think that maybe if we had more money or knew someone of prominance, there might be more that could be done for him. When I heard about Peter Jennings and his untimely death,I almost immediately thought that money and notarity placed no importance on his outcome. I can definitely understand why the news of his death would make you sad. I can also understand that our dear Karen's post would once again raise your spirits! Just keep on the track you're on!! You're doing a wonderful job of battling this monster and are to be commended for your bravery and determination!!!!
  19. Z...I have no information of the topics you mentioned but do want to welcome you to our LC board.
  20. Jamie, welcome to our wonderful family. You will find kind, helpful and informative people here that, like your own family and friends, are always willing to help and listen. This board has definitely been a source of strength for me!!!
  21. Kelly and Beth.....I am so glad to hear that each of you had some quality time to be happy and remember what the good part of living is all about. I know that being away from your loved ones and doing things that you enjoy can make you feel guilty. But...remember that your loved ones don't really want to feel as if they are changing your entire life. It actually will make them feel better just knowing that you got some rest and relaxation!!!
  22. Karen, it is so good to hear from you again! I think about you and Faith so often and wonder how the two of you are doing. It sounds like the new house is absolutely perfect for both of you. After losing someone we love, change can be really good. I did a lot of redecorating after losing Dennis. In addition to making things different, it kept me constantly busy. Wow...you were able to really cut down on a lot of driving time after the move! That can add lots of extra sleep-in time in the morning...a good thing for you and Faith!!! I'm glad your house will be filled with laughter on Dave's birthday. We all know that is justs as he would have wanted!!!! I'm so proud of the strong woman you are, Karen!!! Keep it up!!!
  23. Fay, this is wonderful! Seeing new babies always reaffirms my faith that God blesses us every day! I know that you just can't wipe the smile off your face when you look at these three precious babies!!! As already said, they certainly will be richly blessed with an absolutely wonderful GREAT Aunt!!!!
  24. Lil, you and I both know how smart and intutive that little dog can be so I, for one, wouldn't be surprised at anything she might do! I know that for a time after Johnny's death it was difficult for the two of you to connect. Now that you have made that bond, I'm sure she probably has a bit of anxiety when it comes to your leaving her. I'm sure she will be fine as soon as you have a wee bit more time at home. I'm so happy that well deserved time is coming your way soon....we hope!!!! I am so glad that you decided to go to the play! It sounds like a riot! Anything that makes us laugh is definitely a very good thing!!!
  25. Ann

    Two years today

    Shirley, my dear and valued friend....I am sharing the pain you are feeling at the anniversary of Randy's passing. As Lillian has said, these dates seem to reopen wounds that seem to be healing. On dates like this, I can feel the pain as if it just happened. I am so very happy that you have someone new to share your life with. I am also blessed with a wonderfully understanding man that encourages me to talk about Dennis and use his shoulder to cry on. After I met Dick, my best friend bought me a wonderful wooden plaque that I have hanging in my hallway. It reads...."When God closes a door, he opens a window." Thank God for opening that window for you, Shirley!
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