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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    (Peggy's Don)

    Peggy...words are almost impossible to caome by right now. The picture and the well written obituary shows us the "real" Don. May God hold you in his arms!
  2. So very sorry to hear of Donna's passing. I'm sure you are so proud of the strength she put forth and of her desire to live! I know that 23 years together offered many special memories for you to forever hold in your heart! Please accept my sympathy.
  3. Ann


    This is a wonderful story. I wish I could be more like the lady with the stone. Wouldn't this world be a wonderful place if we were all like that lady????
  4. 1. A morning filled with sunshine. 2. Three wonderful sons 3. Two future DIL's who are both teachers - God bless them! 4. Wet kisses from my new puppy 5. The ability to love again
  5. Ann

    thank you

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is so nice of you to share your information with others.
  6. It was very sad to hear this news. I know that sometimes we feel that if we had more fame, notarity or money, we might be saved from this terrible disease. Peter Jennings death proves that we are all equal in fighting this monster. His death will be a huge loss to many of us that enjoyed his newscasts. I really loved the personality he added to his reports but especially loved the twinkle in his eyes!
  7. It sounds like Gary's surgery was very successful. I think depression is something most every cancer patient and their caregivers have experienced. As for the side effects of the chemo drugs, every patient is different. Some have no side effects while others will experience every possible side effect. I will be thinking of you and Gary and saying lots of prayers.
  8. Trish, thanks for sharing this good news with us. I am so happy for you!
  9. Lori, I'm sorry that I don't have any good advice or suggestions on this one but I do want you to know that I am thinking of you and your mom and hoping things are better soon.
  10. Peggy, my deepest sympathy to you and Mike. I know your heart is broken in two! I am saying prayers for you and asking God to give you the strength and understanding to deal with your loss.
  11. Pat, I am so sorry to hear of this set back with Brian. I am so glad to know that your doctor is still ready and willing to continue the fight! That is a really great sign! I have read so many posts on this board from people who don't have those doctors with the desire to fight! I know how tired and scared you are right now. Just remember that you have so many friends here that are continually thinking of you and Brian and saying lots of prayers.
  12. Ann


    This is such wonderful news....except for the shots!!! I think I would actually be better at sticking myself that having to stick someone else!!! Hang in there...you're doing great!!!!
  13. Peggy, I am so sorry that things aren't going so well right now. I certainly will be thinking of you and keeping you, Don and Mike in my prayers. It really does sound as if Don is getting very good care. I know this is very hard for you but just keep reminding yourself how strong you really are. It's very hard on you right now, as you have to be strong for Don, Mike and then dig deep enough to muster up some strength for yourself. My youngest son was very much like Mike. He simply couldn't bear to see his father be in such pain and watch him go downhill. It was very hard to get him around his dad for long periods of time and I truly understood his pain. Our children always look up to their dads as being "bigger than life" and think they are invinceable. When something like this happens, they don't deal well...especially the boys! I just pray that things will get better for Don with each passing day!!! I'm here for you!!!
  14. I am so sorry that your dear dad is ill and also sorry that you are so scared. This is the right place for you to be right now, as this board is a great source for information, comfort, support and lots of hugs and prayers. I can relate to your shock at the discovery of your dad's illness. I think that's the way it was for many of us. I know, in my case, that my husband was running his own business and was physically working about 14 hours a day. What we thought to be a merely a "bug" was diagnosed as small cell lung cancer with mets in the liver and spine. This news does indeed hit you like a speeding train....head on...with no warning it's approaching! Just take a little time to get your head together, gather information as needed and you'll be ready to be there for your dad and make it through this journey. I'm keeping you and your dad in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. We'll all be proudly watching!!!!
  16. Continuing prayers for Pat and Brian!!! We love you guys!!!!
  17. This news about Francine just breaks my heart. She will definitely be missed. I am so grateful that her husband shared his beautiful post with us. I don't believe I have ever heard an account of someone passing this world in such a dignified and graceful manner. While reading the post, I kept thinking that is exactly the way I would like to live my final days, surrounded by family and friends. I'm sure our dear Francine has now joined the beautiful group of angels that once frequented this message board. God bless and keep you always near him, Blue Bayou!!!!
  18. Oh Pammie....this is such good news! I can hear news like this every day of the week!!!! So sorry to hear your husband was in an accident. Hope all is well with him.
  19. Ann


    Beth, just think of all of us as little shovels that are here to help you dig out of that big old hole. Bless your heart, Beth. You have been through so much and have dealt with everything better than most would have been able to do. Depression is a very hard thing to understand and deal with. I know, as I've been there. I know that your family understands what you are going through. I'm sending lots of hugs your way and saying prayers that things will be better soon.
  20. Ann

    Hugs for All

    (((((Kasey)))))) Hugs right back to you!!!!
  21. Susan, thanks so much for the update on Rachael. Please let her know that we are thinking of her and keeping her in our prayers.
  22. Fay...just a little note to wish you the best! You're such a role model for everyone on this board!
  23. What a lousy way for Don to spend his birthday! Please give him a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us! It sounds as if he's doing very well. I'm very glad you were able to get some well needed rest and am really glad the phone didn't ring. I'm still saying prayers!!!!!
  24. So sorry to hear that your family is dealing with this all over again. Even if the two of you aren't very close, this must bring back many painful memories for you.
  25. Debi, I am so sorry that it took me so long to read your wonderful post! I am thrilled that your test results were WONDERFUL!!! I thoroughly enjoyed your story and like others, think you should have this published! Being inpatient and a worrier, I would have thought on exactly the same lines that you did. I will have to share my last MRI experience at another time. But...I am severely claustrophobic if that tells you anything in advance! After three tries, I had to undergo general anesthesia at the hospital in order to have an MRI. During the first try, there was a power failure while I was in the machine! Your story really made me smile!!!
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