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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Peter Jennings

    I am so very glad to hear that Peter Jennings is upbeat and handling this well. Because of his notarity, he can really bring some well needed media attention for lung cancer patients and their families! I pray that he does well.
  2. Continuing prayers for Beth and her family!
  3. So glad you're perky again because that's just one of the many things we adore about you!!! I'm so glad that your procedure went easy! YES....by all means keep that docs name and number on your fridge!!!!
  4. This is such good news, Trish! I am so happy for you! Good news like this from this board always makes my day!
  5. Peggy, I have to agree with Ginny, as I almost always do...LOL!!! It sounds as if Don has a very proactive doctor that isn't anywhere ready to give up on you guys! That's a really good thing. Just think of all the posts we have read on this board about doctors that just throw their hands up in the air and say there is nothing more to do. I know the pain and heartache this is putting you through. I am glad that you are taking care of yourself. Breathing techniques and bubble baths are both good. A glass of wine can do wonders and help you relax, unwind and take the edge off. Please remember that I am keeping both you and Don in my thoughts and prayers. If I was closer, I would be right there to help you through this!!! I'm sure you will feel much better when you find out exactly what you are dealing with and figure out your plan of attack!!!! Hang in there, girlfriend!!!
  6. So sorry that you have another hurdle to jump over. I really admire your spunk!!! I know this will be something you'd rather not have to deal with but I'm sure you will handle it just as well as you do all the other problems.....WITH A WONDERFUL ATTITUDE!!!! I'm saying lots of prayers and hoping the "stickies" are tiny.
  7. So sorry to hear that your dad is having so much pain. Dennis's also had mets in his spine and had a lot of pain. We found that radiation seemed to help the pain. I have to say that I believe MD Anderson is one of the best cancer treatment centers available. Make sure the doctors are aware of your dad's pain level. Sometimes men don't always let the doctors know just how intolerable their pain really is. I hope your dad feels better!!!
  8. Peggy....hang in there!!!! I'm still sending big hugs and saying lots of prayers!!!
  9. I will be thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery from your upcoming surgery. Sometimes, it's a relief to finally have an answer and be able to plan a method of attack. It sounds like you're on the right track!!!!
  10. Ann

    MRI Results

    Wonderful news, Cindy!!! I am so relieved to hear this!!!
  11. This is so wonderful. I have read this many times and still get a bit teary eyed each time. I think we should all try and follow these words just a wee bit harder. After losing Dennis, I finally realized the truly important things in life and now give them top priority! Thanks so much for this post!!!!
  12. What a beautiful young lady this precious baby is turing out to be!!! Cindi...you must be a very proud cybermom!!!!
  13. I really shouldn't even reply to this post but feel compelled to do so. People are all different and have different views on topics. I don't believe that anyone has the power to say who is right or who is wrong but each person should be allowed the right to express their opinion. As a board, I believe we should all respect the opinions and views of our fellow members. I am very sorry to see any person leave this board because of hurt feelings. We all need to remember that we are here because we have all been touched by a common monster...lung cancer. We are here to both give and receive support from others. Please, let's stay focused on our mission and get back to supporting each other!!! Haylee...we need you and don't want you to leave us!!!
  14. Lisa...this is so exciting! Wow...we have our own superstar right in our midst! Please keep us up on air dates as I know we will all be glued to the television when this airs. I'm sure you were a very good representative to help bring attention to the fight against this monster!!! Thanks for all your help! I am so very proud of you!
  15. Ann

    My wonderful weekend

    Geri...what a beautiful and heartfelt post. As a mother, I can definitely relate to most of the feelings that were stirring inside you. I truly believe that in a mother's eyes her children are her greatest accomplishment. I am so glad that you are one that beat the odds and threw all of the statistics right out the window!!!
  16. Gay, thank you so much for bring us up to date on how the two of you are doing. I have to tell you that DeanCarl really chose a terrific lady to accompany him on this journey called "life." Your strength and courage are a real inspiration to me. I am praying that God will grant you some peace and serenity while DeanCarl is in the hospital. This will be a good time for you to concentrate on taking really good care of yourself. As you already know, we all love you and DeanCarl and we so admire the positive attitude that he has exhibited during his illness. His courage and attitude have been like a bright light that has shown for so many people on this board. I am praying that God will shelter both of you with his love!!!!
  17. Ann

    Much Better

    Great news Peggy!!! Hope he's out of the hospital soon!!!
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dean Carl!!!!!!!!
  19. Ann

    Still Around

    Kim...it's so very good to hear from you. You have been missed. I'm glad your computer is up and running and glad you are starting a new life! Change can be really good for us. Most of all...glad to hear your mom is still NED!!!!
  20. Christy...hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy my little corner of the world. I live about an hour and a half from Disney. It's really hot here now so dress cool and keep lots of water with you!!! Orlando is a really nice vacation spot and I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip!
  21. Joanie...You mean the world to us!!! I know you are very worried right now. How about sitting down in front of your computer screen right now, putting all your fears in the palm of your hand, blow on them and pass them on to us!!! We're always here for you...good or bad. Helping you carry some of those fears is the least we can do to help! I'm saying lots of prayers for you and sending lots of hugs!!!!
  22. Cindy...Way to go on the scans!!! I'm praying the MRI results are just as good!!!
  23. Peggy...your message could easily be a rerun of some experiences I had with Dennis. I also had to smile reading Nancy's post about Mike coming out from the end of the bed to avoid the rails, as I've been there and seen that, too! Your Don must be a real charmer to have "bribed" the nurses into silence regarding his fall! I hope he wasn't hurt from the fall, as it sounds as if you don't need anymore bad things right now! Peggy, just know that Don is in the right place to get all the help he needs. I'm sure the antibiotics will take care of the infection and then you can sort out everything else that's going on. Like others have said, right now you must TAKE CARE OF PEGGY!!! I wish I was there to give you some help. I will keep thinking of you and Don and keep sending prayers for both of you! Thanks for keeping us posted.
  24. Ann


    Lil....I am so glad you made the decision to stay with us. As I have told you so many times, you have a lot of things to offer to people that are battling this monster. You are so good with words and you always seem to say things that make others feel better. That, my friend, is a gift that many people don't have. Although you may sometimes feel that your presence here is not important, I feel differently. God has a purpose for each of us and just maybe your purpose is using your gift to help others along this journey!!!!
  25. Ann

    Story of the Teacup

    Jane, this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so very much for sharing this. I think this is just what I needed to push me along today! I have printed this and plan on sharing with a few friends!!!!
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