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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Such good news, Trish!!! I am so happy that you shared this with us!!!
  2. I know that waiting can be very difficult. I often think that I am the world's most impatient person but there has been little I have done over the years to change. It is very understandable that you are very anxious and want to get something going or at least hear what the plan is. I'm thinking of you and saying prayers.
  3. Peggy...just hang in there and know that I'm still saying prayers and am here for you!!! I know how aggrevated Don must be with the idea of being in the hospital. There, he's not in total control of his environment like these guys often want to be!!! You know my story...been there...done that!!!!
  4. Ann

    Scan Aug. 15th

    Saying prayers for both you and your mom!!!!!
  5. Melanie...it is so very wonderful to have you back with us on this board. I so admire your spirit and spunk!!! I am so glad that the event was so much help for you. People that haven't faced cancer directly have no idea the impact it can have on a family. It's wonderful that you have so many people that care for you and want to help. Wow...college orientation with your daughter. You must be a really proud mom. I remember those days with my boys. It was a combination of proud, happy and sad all rolled into one emotion. Proud of what they accomplished, happy to see them meet their goals but so sad to see them leave home and become adults! Melanie, you just keep posting away, as I love to read your posts!!!
  6. Peggy...so far so good. I'm saying prayers that the remaining test results will be good, like the first one. I'm sure the doctors will be able to give you some answers after all the tests are completed! Just hang tough and be glad that you're not the one doing the cooking for Don for a couple of days with that new found appetite of his...LOL!
  7. Soooooo glad you had a wonderful trip. South Dakota must be really beautiful with a description like that coming from someone that lives in my idea of paradise....Colorado!!!! On my visits to Colorado, I felt just about as close to heaven as one could be and still have both feet on the ground. After your description of SD, I need to make some travel plans!!! It's good to have you back with us!!!
  8. Peggy, I'm saying prayers for both of you and hoping all the tests go well. Thank goodness you don't have to run all over town to have all this done, making it easier on both of you! Time permitting, please keep us posted and always remember that we care!!!
  9. Lynne - this sounds like such a beautiful service. Your pain and deep love for Jim are so obvious through your words. I know how hard this is for you, having lost the love of my life, too! I am saying prayers that you will continue to be strong!!!
  10. Maryanne, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a dear friend. You have certainly had a lot to deal with lately and I am praying you will somehow find peace in all of this sorrow.
  11. Fay, just wanted to let you know that I also lit a candle and joined you in this rememberance.
  12. Cathy was truly a gift to all of us! She will missed so very much!
  13. Jim, I always enjoy reading your posts. It's so obvious that you really put thought into each and every one of them. Your words always reflect hope. I love fact that your gransdon is "your shadow." I'm sure he loves yu very much!!!
  14. I agree with others that you should have any new pain investigated. I know how much you must worry about your grandson. It sounds like God has really filled your plate. I will be keeping you in my prayers!
  15. Peggy, I am so sorry that I didn't visit the board over the weekend and read your posts about Don. Hun, as you know, I also had one of these very strong personality men!!! I have very little advice to offer except to say sometimes they get to the point of learning and accepting their limitations. You know, I really believe these guys are offering a st rong shoulder for us rather than ever leaning on ours. I think this is just a typical man thing. I remember when my grandfather became too old to accomplish many things he had done before. He would always be so reluctant to accept any help from anyone. I think it's a good sign that Don seems to be listening to you and taking some of your advice! Just take deep breaths and hang in there!!! We're all saying prayers for you and Don!!!
  16. Ginny...I just love your story. I think it's so great to meet a new neighbor that you already have a history with!
  17. Lisa, I am very sure that your Mom knew how much you loved her. I know how much you missed for these 10 years. I'm sure she's smiling down on you right now and is so proud of the wonderful mother you have become!
  18. Ann


    Brandy, I am so very sorry.
  19. Ann


    Val, I am so very sorry about your Mom. I am very relieved to know that Andy is there by your side to help you through this terrible time. I'm remembering you in my prayers.
  20. Ann


    Jana, I am sending prayers for your family. Please remember to take care of yourself right now!
  21. Thank you for this great idea. I will be dropping a card in the mail today!!!
  22. Ann

    Cathy R has passed

    I am so very sorry to read of Cathy's passing. She will be missed very much on this board.
  23. I'm sure your Mom shared this happy day with her family. I think it was great that you "winged" the toast rather than writing it down. I have found that some of the sweetest, most sincere words come straight from the heart when you just let the words roll! I think it was so sweet that your Mom was included in so many ways at the wedding! I know this was a very tough day for your entire family but it sounds like a lovely wedding!!!
  24. Ann

    Prayers for a friend

    How terrible this must be for those parents. I will certainly pray that God guides them through this terrible time!
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