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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Big hugs, positive thoughts and lots of sincere, heart felt prayers being sent for Dean and Gay. I'm sorry to hear of this "bump in the road." Gay, take my advice and take advantage of any rest and relaxation you can get! I'm also sending early birthday wishes for Dean....just to get him in the mood for celebrating!!!
  2. Ann

    Mom is gone

    So very sorry to read of your loss. I'm remembering you in my prayers!
  3. My dear grandmother always said..."Where the is life...there is hope."
  4. Sounds like a wonderful book. Although so many of us have dealt with lung cancer, we still can be at a loss when it comes to helping others. Sounds like a definite read!
  5. Thanks so much for the update on our Cathy!!! She is indeed a very strong and brave lady! I am so glad to hear that the medications have lessened her pain!!!
  6. Beth...saying prayers that all will go well today and hoping you will feel so very much better after this ordeal is over! I know that I felt like a new woman after my gallbladder was removed!
  7. This is wonderful news! I am so glad that you are handling this so very well and are happy for your dad. Often, children seem to be very hesitant about accepting one parents decision to proceed with a relationship, after the loss of a parent. Hats off to you! It is so obvious that you love yur father and want him to be happy. I'm sure your mother would have wanted the same!!!
  8. Ann

    Nothing to Tell!

    Don and Lucie...I will definitely raise a glass to this wonderful news!!! You two are the best and deserve only good news!!!!
  9. Ann


    Cindi, it sounds like you are about to have a wonderful getaway!!! I love Indian food and am totally envious of your teenie weenie bikini! I hope you have a wonderful time with a wonderful friend!!!
  10. Ann

    Prayer Request

    I'm saying those prayers for your Mom!!!!
  11. Peggy, I'm so glad to hear that things were a bit easier for both of you this time around. Glad Don had some good meds to help ease the discomfort and anxiety of the wait. I'm really glad that you had a television and a comfy chair. I'm praying that the results from this procedure are good ones!!!
  12. Val, I just have to remind you what a very brave young woman you are and let you know how proud I am to "know" you! I know this seems like a very rough bump in the road but keep the faith. I'll echo others and say that Hospice is not always the end of the road. People do make progress and return to treatment. Where there is life...there is always hope!
  13. Have a wonderful vacation !!!!
  14. Cheryl...I know there are a few of us on this board that have experienced similar situations. My Dennis was very "strong willed" and was completely determined that he was going to beat the cancer. He was a man that had always been in control of most situations affecting his life and he wasn't about to give in to cancer. It was very hard for him to talk about what was happening to his body, so he held everything inside. He didn't ask questions because he didn't want to deal with the answer. I can definitely understand the anger and the frustration than he must have had. I know I would be as mad as hell to find out this monster had invaded my body. I think he also was afraid and felt helpless but still felt he had handle this "like a man." I don't have a lot of advice but just wanted to let you know that I can understand and relate to what you are dealing with. Just take a lot of deep breaths!!!
  15. Ann

    latest fight

    Pam...keep up the good fight! I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts for you!
  16. What a wonderful tribute for an amazing man! I am so very sorry for your loss.
  17. Ann

    survival ?

    I can tell you my opinion on statistics based on experience..... Throw them right out the window !!! If you do as I did, and read all the statistics, you'll be an absolute wreck! Each patient is different....treatment is different and response is different!
  18. It's so good to hear such good news this morning!!!!
  19. Ann

    missing Mike

    Nancy, I definitely remember that "blur" and admit there are some things that I don't even remember. There have been things I have heard the boys talk about and wonder where I was??? I think God gives us that ability to put our bodies in a "shock" mode so we can deal with thee things and get through making the tough decisions. Like you and Ginny, I have also experienced those drive home blues and have shed a million tears in my car. I fell very close to Dennis when I'm in my car, as we spent so much time traveling in it during those months of treatment in Orlando. I know you've heard all the suggestions for filling the void...and most don't work. I did find that the best thing was having a really good friend to totally pour my heart out to..day or night. She was always there to listen and I really used her ears...shoulder...and heart!!! Also, I used to write letters to Dennis (still so sometimes) just so I could feel I was communicating. That helped me a lot! Honey, I definitely know just what you are going through and want you to know that I am always here to listen. Keeping you in my prayers!!!!
  20. As I was reading your post, one phrase really jumped out at me....."down the road." Right now, you are still grieving. It's too early for you to completely sort your feelings out about such an important issue. You...and your brother...need time. Right now, this house and personal belongings are all of the "earthly" things that still bind you to your parents. You need plenty of time to cherish the things that were theirs. Maybe, someday, the time will be right for you to part with this house but I just don't think you're ready yet! Remember, your brother cannot force you into caving in and selling to him!!! Be brave!!!! Be tough!!!
  21. How fortunate you were to have such a wonderful pair of parents! Your description of your mom brought a amile on my face. I'm sure your dad is so thrilled to have her by his side once again.
  22. Val... Here goes my "spin" which has already been "spun." I think your mom is probably just as worried about you as you are about her. She knows that you have beautiful Carolyn and that's a handful for a new mom. She also knows that you miss your husband. I just think she is being a typical mom and worrying about her little girl. By having someone else help her out for a few days, she probably feels she is giving you some well deserved time off. Just take advantage of the situation and use some precious time to do some things for yourself!!!!
  23. Ann

    Dad got a letter...

    Kim...I'm keeping my fingers crossed...for you and your dad. Kim, this is just a thought but do you know someone else that you might introduce your dad to. That might work best for both of you. Dad would have companionship and you would rest easier knowing a bit more about the lady he is spending time with.
  24. Jana...so very sorry things aren't going too well for your mum. I'm keeping her in my prayers.
  25. Ann

    Dad got a letter...

    Kim, I think you should definitely voice your concerns to your Dad and gently remind him that the bank lady has access to all of his financial information. At the same time, let him know that you are supportive of his decision to seek friendship. I think this will put you in a win-win situation with your Dad. I have to agree, that it's a bit strange that the "bank lady" sought your Dad out and wrote him a letter!!! Hopefully your Dad will air on the side of caution and take this nice and easy!!!
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