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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Peggy, it's so great to hear this good news!!!
  2. Hope is an anchor and love is a ship, time is the ocean and life is a trip You don't know where you're going, 'till you know where you're at And if you can't read the stars, well you better have a map A compass and a conscience, so you don't get lost at sea Or on some lonely island, where no one wants to be. From the beginning of creation, I think our maker had a plan For us to leave these shores and sail beyond the sand And let the good light guide us through the waves and the wind To the beaches in a world where we have never been And we'll climb up on a mountain, y'all we'll let our voices ring Those who've never tried it, they'll be the first to sing Woah, my, my I'll see you on the other side If I make it And it might be a long hard ride But I'm gonna take it Sometimes it seems that I don't have a prayer Let the weather take me anywhere But I know that I wanna go Where the streets are gold 'Cause you'll be there Oh, my, my You don't bring nothing with you here And you can't take nothing back I ain't never seen a hearse, with a luggage rack So, I've torn up my knees prayin' Scarred my back from fallin' down Spent so much time flyin' high, till I'm face first in the ground So if you're up there watchin' me, would you talk to God and say Tell him I might need a hand to see you both someday Woah, my, my So I'll see you on the other side If I make it And it might be a long hard ride But I'm gonna take it Sometimes it seems that I don't have a prayer Let the weather take me anywhere But I know that I wanna go Where the streets are gold 'Cause you'll be there Oh, my, my 'Cause you'll be there
  3. Although my husband had sclc, different from your mom, he had no symptoms at all. He caught a cold from me and went to the doctor (very reluctantly) to grab some antibiotics. The doctor did a chest xray and there it was...in both lungs, liver and spine. Dennis owned his own plumbing business and did physical work from sun up to sun down. He never mentioned any symptoms, so his diagnosis was quite a shock for us! Hope things go well for your mom.
  4. Ann

    mike died

    Nancy...I am just so very sorry. Mike loved you very much and his heart you were right there with him.
  5. I am so glad to hear that things are going a bit better for you today. I know you probably are tired of hearing this but is true that things do seem to get a little easier with each day that passes. That is not to say that the pain will ever be gone. It lingers and can pop ut at the most unexpected times. Some days will start out alright and then just the tiniest little thing can bring back so many memories and you're back to square one...if only for a little while. I know what you mean about drinking...lol!!! I have never been a drinker, so the bottle was no real place for me to ever find solace. But...I can share a funny drinking story with you. Dennis died on a Sunday. Memorial service was on Thursday. On Friday, I inventoried my refrigerator and pantry and found there was practically nothing around. I had no appetite but my son that lives with me had to eat. So...he and I ventured off to the store to grab a few things. This was my first outing since Dennis died. While he was so very sick, I would dash out to the store and just pick up what Dennis needed, which was anything I could think of that he might eat or drink. In my supermarket, the jello, puddings and yogurt are just about the first things you come to and those seemd to be what I had been buying. Well, when I ebtered the store and saw yogurt (Dennis's favorite) I lost it. Tears came pouring that I didn't even know where inside me. I flew past that area and the first thing I saw were some nice big bottles of wine. I thought that a glass of wine might be very relaxing...so...I bought three bottles. Nothing else was purchased...just those three bottles of wine. After crying twice more before I left the store, I made it home and started to uncork the first bottle. Well...needless to say...I got pretty crocked by the end of the evening. I cranked up the stereo, grabbed the framed picture of Dennis from the Memorial Service, held it tightly in my arms and danced the night away. My son, for fear I was really losing it, called hit two brothers to come over. At about 11:30, both of them charged through the door! I felt lousy the next morning but that wine, combined with lots of good memories and 25 years of love, sure did make one lonely night pass for me! I'm praying that each day gets better for you!
  6. Ann

    mike died

    Nancy, I am so very sorry to read of Mike's passing. Plese let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. I'm asking God to watch over you, comfort you and help you find peace in all of this sorrow!
  7. Shelly, I am so sorry to read of your loss. I know how hard this must be for you. I also know how scary it can be to deal with diseases that seem to run in families. I'm keeping you in my prayers.
  8. Kathi, I am so glad to hear that you are getting a flight home earlier than anticipated! I know that it will raise your dads spirit just to know that you are on your way! What a relief this must be to your mother, knowing you will be with her. Hope you have a safe trip. I'm saying lots of prayers for your family!
  9. Ann

    Snowflake 3000

    Thank you Becky for all you do dor us! Your moral, humor and good advice are such a help! And...thank you Don Wood for keeping track of this for us so we can give these special members proper thanks! Way to go Becky and Don!!!!!
  10. Missy, sorry to hear things aren't going so great for your mom. Yes, dealing with this monster is truly a roller coaster ride that none of us will ever forget. I'm keeping you and your mom in my prayers.
  11. Saying prayers for both you and your mom.
  12. Mary, I know yesterday (Fathers Day) must have been a very hard day for you to get through. I'm hoping that today is much better and sending lots of hugs and good thoughts in your direction. Everyone has different methods of grieving and it sounds like your family needs to give you a bit of space and let you find yours. I also know that people have your best in mind when they say things to you right now, although it doesn't always seem that way. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping you have better days. Don't worry about computer thing...it's Monday! I'm having the same sort of day here in my office!!! (((((((Mary))))))
  13. Sue, I am so sorry to hear things are not going well for you and Mike right now. I don't have anything to inout on the subject but I do want you to know that Im' thinking of you and keeping both of you in my prayers.
  14. Larry, what a wonderful quote. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Your SIL must have been a very special lady! Please accept my sincere sympathy and prayers.
  15. Ann

    Mom passed away

    Elonda, I am so very sorry to read of your mother's passing. I pray that you will find peace, strength and love in the days to come.
  16. Ann

    I found my hope.

    Bunny...thanks for sharing your very inspiring prayer with us. You have to have hope!!! I'm so glad you're looking and thinking about things differently. It will be good for you and your Mom!
  17. Ann


    Peggy...two and a half years ago, I could have written almost the same post! I know exactly how you are feeling right now and I am definitely familiar with "anticipated grief." When Dennis died, I had already been anticipating his death and had been grieving for months. I have no idea how co-workers even put up with me during those months. Like you, I felt that my husband's illenss was all that mattered in the entire world. I had a hard time listening to anyone else talk about what was going on in their world. Dennis was a true fighter and always totally believed he was going to beat this monster. I, on the other hand, had spoken to the doctor and knew what we were facing. Dennis never asked, I never told. I held all of this inside and along with the information, I held back the tears. If I had cried in front of Dennis, he would have known that things were bad. So, I would make short trips to friends houses just to let some tears flow! Having two friends to talk to and cry with are all that got me through. I am so glad you talked to someone. That always helps so much. Please, know that I am here for you and am a good listener! Unfortunately, I've walked in your shoes and I know the trip isn't easy!!! Keeping both of you in my prayers!!!
  18. Ann

    chemo question

    My husband had the cisplatin and camptosar as his first line treatment. He seemed to do much better with this combo than he did with the Topetecan, which was used as second line treatment. With Dennis, nausea was very minimal with the first line treatment. The Topetecan was very harsh for him but I'm sure this varys for each individual. Good luck with your mom's treatment.
  19. Ann

    Ship Wrecked !!

    Larry, thanks so very much for this post. Today is just one of those days when I needed to read something like that to help me remember just how life goes. I have a little plaque in my house that my best friend gave me after Dennis died. It reads..."Whenever God Closes A Door, He Opens A Window." I guess your story reminds me a lot of my plaque.
  20. Karen, I can only echo everything that has already been said in this post ! I have walked in the new steps that you will be taking every day. If you ever need to talk, please give me a yell. There are so many areas that I have no experience to help or advice to give but unfortunately, I have experience at losing a spouse. (((((((Hugs)))))))) and Prayers!
  21. Beautiful and very well written obituary, Karen. You did a wonderful job of honoring Dave.
  22. Karen, your strength amazes me, yet brings back memories of so many feelings I had just after losing Dennis. Like you, I was so burdened to see Dennis in such pain. It was almost a relief to see the pain end. I'm praying that God will continue to give you strength and help you find peace. I know Dave is happy that you have a beautiful new home to raise your sweet little daughter in.
  23. Ann

    I'm back

    Peggy...so glad you're back!
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