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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Carole, I am so sorry to red of your loss. Please know that there are many of us here that have lost spouses and we are always here for you. I'm thinking of you at this tough time.
  2. Ann

    Yay yay yay

    Great news!!! Love to read these posts!!!
  3. Ann

    Nothing to Tell!

    What wonderful news, Don. Lord knows we can use good news around here!!! I will certainly have a glass of wine and raise a toast to a wonderful, deserving couple....Don and Lucie!!!
  4. Larry, so sorry to hear that the beast is back. It is a very good sign that your wife is eating well and gaining weight. As far as my limited experience goes, it often seems that eating is sometimes the hardest thing to accomplish. Im sure you are so relieved to get the news about the insurance. I'm keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. Being a caregiver is not an easy job but it saounds like you're doing a great job.
  5. I surely hope your mom doesn't have shingles. After my gall bladder surgery a few years ago, I was rather run down and stressed out. I developed shingles and it was an absolutely terrible experience. The pain of something as light as a sheet lying lightly on my bare arm was enouth pain to send me to the moon! I know getting meds early in the game is very important! Good luck!
  6. So glad that things seem to be doing better with your mom! It sounds like she's a real tough cookie! I am so glad to hear that she did not suffer a stroke. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
  7. Ann

    5 years

    Eileen, congratulations are certainly in order for passing the five year mark! This is such a date to treasure! I know that you have bittersweet feelings about this good news being mixed in with so many bad things going on right now. I am so sorry about your sister. I will certainly remember her in my prayers. I can only imagine the emptiness you must feel from losing two of your "babies" at the same time. I have four cats and would be totally lost without any one of them. I got two of them when they were tiny babies. Jake, was actually my last birthday present from Dennis. Then, two weeks later we adopted Spencer. He was found in a lady's yard when he was just hours old. Apparently, his mom had dropped him while moving the kittens and something happened to her. He lived the first four weeks of his life at the vet's office and then I became his mama. He has never known true life as a cat and truly thinks he's a little grey human with four furry legs. Tose two kittens are the only thing that seemed to hold me together while Dennis was ill. We got them in October. Dennis was diagnosed in February. So, they were at their playful peak when he was so very ill. Sometimes at night, I would sit alone and watch them play. They were the only thing that seemed to be able to take my mind off losing Dennis. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Eileen!
  8. Becky, I am so heart broken for the Chapman family after reading this terrible news. Believe me when I say there is no need to thank us for praying for your wonderful brother. I cannot even count the number of times that Dave's posts have been the only thing that I have found in this entire world to smile about. God now has a very special angel in His presence....one who can blow that trumpet very loud!!! I will continue praying for the entire Chapman family, as I know how hard the upcoming days will be for all of you! God Bless!
  9. Ann

    David C has passed

    God has surely given yet another member of our LC family a beautiful set of wings! Blow that trumpet loud, Dave !!! Deepest love and sympathy for the Chapman family.
  10. I definitely agree that you should urge your dad to get a second opinion.
  11. Just as you have already heard in the preceding posts, lung cancer is not always caused by smoking. I can understand your anger but as Becky said, you need to get help dealing with it and toss it out the window in time to help your mother deal with everything she's going through right now. My husband was a smoker and like you, I begged hin to stop for years. He alwasy assured me that he could stop...when he was ready. He always had a million excuses for not being ready to quit. Reasons such as bills....work...kids.....stress. Well, I never really believed he could quit. But..he did. The very day he walked out of the doctor's office, after something suspicious was seen on his chest xray, he threw down his cigarettes and never picked them up again. Of course...too little, too late. My anger came after his death. I was so angry at him for abusing his body and taking all of those precious years together away from me. I was angry at Dennis. I was angry at God for taking him. I was angry at myself for not trying harder to make him stop. I was even angry for the sun coming up in the morning because that meant I was here...alone...to face another day. Unlike many others, smoking was the cause for Dennis's cancer. At times, I am still angry if I think about it too much. But, now I am understanding a bit better. Last week, I had an EKG that raised a lot of flags, so I have to have further testing now. I know I have always fought high cholesterol but yet I continued to eat many wrong things. Now, the time has come that I have to realize that I have not taken good care of my body and because of that, I am very prone to suffer a possible heart attack. If so, I can only pray that my children would not be angry with me, as you are with your mother. See, each of us have our own addictions and ways of abusing our bodies. Please, give your mom a break and concentrate on love rather than anger!
  12. Jen, Dennis was given Topetecan as a second line chemo. The topetecan seemed to really drag him down. He required blood transfusions and was always battling low blood counts. I feel this chemo was very draining on his system. Hope you have better luck, It seems as many that responded to your post did well, so I hope you're going to do well also.
  13. Sue, I have no solutions or suggestions but I just wanted to send a hug your way and let you know that I am keeping you and Mike in my prayers.
  14. Maryanne, I am just so sorry to hear that you are having all these bad things happening to you at onse. I pray that your mom, as well as your two friends, recieve God's blessings and get better. I know what you mean about the thought that because you are old you are all "used up." This isn't true. I have seen so many people in their 90's that live a very full life and have so much to offer to others. Often, these seniors are an inspiration to others. I know it is always hard when we j=have to make critical decisions about our loved ones health. I had to do this with my mom and it took me years to find peace with myself afterwards. I'm also praying thet God will grant you strength, as you already have so very much on your plate!!!
  15. Sandy, sorry to hear you're a bit down over the surgery. I know all this paperwork can play some heavy games on your mind. So....just try and shake it all off and have a really fun weekend! You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. Ann

    Lonely in Loss

    Kel, when I lost my mom I instantly knew that I had just lost the best friend I ever had. I knew this was the only person that would ever love me unconditionally and always be there for me. The feeling was overwhelming and I was consumed with grief for a very long time. I was able to find comfort in the feeling that my mother was still with me and was alive in my heart. I felt as if my mother and I had become one person. Now, many years later, I have to smile when I do or say the same things that my mother used to do. I am keeping you in my thoughts and sending hugs and prayers your way!
  17. Ann

    My Mom

    Fay, it seems that dates like this always stick in our minds. I'm sending good thoughts your way in hopes they will lift your spirits!!!
  18. Well, Dean...since your subject read "an update from the horses mouth"....I'm very glad the horse was able to speak..lol!!! I'm very glad that Gay let us know how you've been doing! You're very lucky to have that lady by your side! I just can't believe you have all of those birds in your yard! When I first moved into my house, I very rarely saw any birds. I have been planting a lot of butterfly friendly plants and adding bird feeders. I was so excited on Sunday morning when I saw a pair of cardinals at one of the feeders! Your view must be absolutely beautiful! I also have a rather odd sight at my bird bath lately. I have one rather large crow that shows up on a daily basis to drink. Dean...you hang in there and keep us posted as often as possible, either directly or via Gay. You and your words have touched us all in a very special way! I'm keeping you and Gay in my prayers!!!
  19. Well, her it is Friday afternoon and I still don't have any results from either the chest xray or the EKG. I did, however, get a call from the office saying that I need to double my thyroid meds, start on meds for high colesterol and take antibiotics for 10 days for an infection! So...after I spend my entire paycheck at the pharmacy I can go home and still wonder about the EKG and xray all weekend. The nurse did tell me that she was sure if any red flags had gone up from either test they would have called me. Thanks for everyone's concern and prayers!
  20. Saying prayers for your mom!!!!
  21. Ann

    Hard Day For Me....

    For 25 years, June 10th was always a very special day for my family. The boys and I would always plan all kinds of special, wacky things to do to celebrate Dennis' birthday. This tradition continued until his last birthday! On June 10th, 2002, my friend and I planned a huge surprise party at her house and had over 100 friends in attendance. Dennis was surprised, but seemed a little sad at the same time. I think he probably knew this would be his last birthday. Today, all I have are the wonderful memories of 25 birthdays with the most wonderful man I have ever known. Memories are treasured but how I would love to have him here with me today!!! Yes, I know he is here in my heart, so that will have to suffice. This morning,my radio alarm woke me with the Tim McGraw song, "Please Remember Me." I know that none of you knew my big guy personally but please join me in a toast to one of the most wonderful guys that ever lived!!!! Happy Birthday, Dennis!!!!
  22. Jim, this is wonderful news! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!
  23. Ann

    update on Mike

    Nancy, I am praying for you and Mike. Having been there, I know how hard this is for you! I pray that God will take care of both you and Mike!
  24. Oh Dani, my heart just goes out to you. I can certainly feel the pain you are in from the words of your post. I know how lost you must feel without your sister. I also know that having your children move out is a very tough thing. I almost didn't survive that. I was very close to my boys and when they left for college, I felt as if a part of me had gone away. Everyone needs to know that they were loved. I was adopted as an infant by a wonderful couple that loved me very much. I found my birth parents when I was 21 and have never been able to feel any love from my mother. My sisters and brother are very loved. It's a really tough thing to cope with. Just remember how much your sister loved you and that will make up for anything else! Please remember that you can talk to us anytime! We're all here to help each other!
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