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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Oh dear Shelly...it just breaks my heart to remember all of the pain you have suffered! You are a very strong and courageous lady! Like Katie, I only wish good things to come for you. Lord knows that you definitely need lots of sunshine in your life for many years to come! I know how hard anniversaries and special dates can be. It seems like that yearly date of our loved ones passing opens up all the wounds right over again! I'm saying lots of prayers for you! You are truly a very special person!
  2. I agree....really cute couple!!!!
  3. Karen, I am so glad to hear that the house issue is finally done! It sounds like it will be a wonderful home for the Chapman's. Sounds like that little girl of yours is really smart! I am so sorry Dave wasn't able to attend but it's wonderful that his parents video taped it for him. I so hope that the doctors will be able to find something to control Dave's pain. I know how hard it is for you to watch him suffer and be completely powerless as what to do to help. I'm saying prayers!!!
  4. Larry, please let your wife know that I am so sorry about the loss of her sister. This is a really tough situation for her to face right now. If she is determined to attend the service, it will be hard to change her mind. Maybe you could remind her that being in large crowds is not always good for cancer patients because of germs and possible bugs! I know this must be a hard decision for her to make.
  5. Beth, I will be saying prayers for you! I know from experience that you will feel better when your gallbladder is out...especially if you have been having attacks!
  6. Ann

    Good Luck CharlieD

    Prayers and best wishes for Charlie!!!!
  7. Yesterday, I had a doctor's appoint with my family physician. It was just an appointment for all the general things that happen to us with aging. I have always had very low blood pressure and for the very first time it was high. Not high enough for meds but high for me. Then, immediately after listening to my heart and chest, he said he wanted me to have an EKG and a chest x-ray before I left the office yesterday. I was quite surprised, especially about the chest x-ray, as I have been going to this same doctor for years and have never had a chest xray as part of a routine visit. He then reminded me that I had been exposed to the same second hand smoke that had killed my husband. Although I am a big fan of this doctor and have gone to him forever, I was very taken back by this statement. So, I should get some results today. Please say a little prayer for me.
  8. Val...this story is just too much!!! Where did this doctor go to school??? Since when don't people under 30 get cancer? Like Andrea, I have suffered anxiety attacks and have never thrown up blood!!! Please convince your friend to get a second opinion.
  9. Carlenn....It is so WONDERFUL to hear from you and Keith. Everyone has been so very worried about you and someone is always posting to see if anyone has heard from you. No apologies are needed for taking some time away from the board. I think everyone of us has probably been to that point at one time or naother in our struggle! I am so sorry to hear that things aren't going so good for Keith right now! He is so lucky to have you by his side! You're a very brave gal ! It's just so very good to hear from you again! Please, keep in touch with us! Keeping you both in my prayers!!!
  10. Gail, so very sorry to learn of the loss of your firend. I think you did the right thing by talking to her and giving her the opportunity to respond. Like many, she obviously didn't want to takl about her cancer. Some people just have trouble talking about illnesses, especially cancer. My husband was one of those people. When friends would approach him about how he was doing...answer was always "fine." You have nothing to feel guilty about!!!
  11. Donna, I hope you write them a nice little note and let them know how you....and all of us....feel about this!
  12. Connie, you are too much!!! Thank you for all your help!!!
  13. Ann

    Scan results

    Way to go!!! This is such good news!
  14. So sorry you and your Mom are going through all this pain. I know how very hard this must be for both of you! I'm saying prayers that things will get better.
  15. Karen, my heart is broken after reading your post. I pray that Dave will be able to control the pain. You are a very strong and brave lady and I am glad to see that you are able to continue to focus on the house sale and the move to a new home for the Chapman family. You have no idea how often I think of you and Dave and pray for him to be healed of this terrible disease. I have pretty much been where you are now and I know how terrifying it can be. Hang in there, guys!!!
  16. Fay, you are a wonderful example for all of the people that have been recently disgnosed with this disease. Your strength, courage and determination will surely be a guiding light for many of the newcomers here. Like you, I am thankful that God blesses you with each new day! I think you're a very special lady!
  17. Great to hear that your mom is fighting!!! I know this makes you feel so very much better. Little Carolyn is so very precious! What a real treasure you have in that baby girl!
  18. Cait, I'm just chiming in here to join others in welcoming you to our wonderful circle of friends. You will be amazed at the amount of support you and your hubby will find here. Everyone is here because , in one way or another, they have experienced what you are going through. Please remember that we're always in your corner, praying for you and cheering you on!
  19. Hey Chapmans.....battle up and beat the hell out of this thing!!! I know you guys are a tough team and can work together on this one! I'm saying lots of prayers!!!
  20. Continuing prayers for David and the entire Chapman family.
  21. Ann

    Our Betplace

    I am so very sorry to hear this news! Betty was a fellow Floridian and we really had a lot in common after last year's hurricanes. I know she (like all of us) was very stressed by the terrible destruction that happened to us in Florida. She was feeling so bad the last time I talked to her but yet she kept such good spirits! I so admire her courage and dignity!! You know, here we are at the beginning of hurricane season again (tommorrow) and knowing that Betty is in a better place with no pain or suffering makes this news easier to hear. I will certainly miss this wonderful lady !!!!
  22. Wow, I wish I had known about this one earlier, as I live about one hour from Orlando. This is definitely something to keep in mind for next year. I know that Dennis's oncologist spoke at the convention, as he usually does. If anyone in the Orlando area is seeking out a wonderful oncologist, look no farther that Dr. Omar Kayaleh with M.D. Anderson Ceancer Center in Orlando.
  23. Donna, I wanted to join the others in welcoming you to our wonderful group. It's very unfortunate that your brother is ill but joining this group is a very good decision for both you and your brother. Everyone on this board has dealt with lung cancer, either as a patient or a family member. If you have a question that you want to throw out at this group, there is usually someone that has the answer. We also have the love and compassion to help you stand up and walk when you feel you can no longer crawl. I know this for a fact, because I have been lifted up by these wonderful folks on very many occasions!!! I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
  24. I'm thinking of you and Brian and keeping both of you in my prayers. It really is amazing how people can be so very ill and exhibit little to no symptoms with this monster of a disease!
  25. So sorry to hear that both you and Donna are having such a rough time of this. I pray things get better for both of you. Unfortunately, I have gone through several of the problems you mentioned and will be happy to share my experiences with you. First, as for the prognosis. I agree with Ry that sometimes it is not good to know, as the prognosis is often wrong. My husband never had the desire to ask (or know) how long the doctor thought he had. I, on the other hand, had to know what I was up against. i talked to the doctor, got my questions answered and never shared the information with Dennis, as he had no desire to know. As for the children....all three of my children were in total denial regarding their father's illness and would not come to grips with the fact their Dad was terminal. When I would share information with them from the doctor they would never seem to totally hear what I was saying or believe me. One son even accused me of being "so dramatic." Well, I asked that son to go to the next doctor visit with us and when the doctor told us that the chemo was no longer working, my son turned pale and almost passed out! From that point on, he realized the severity of the situation and was almost constantly at his Dad's side. Maybe you should ask one of the children to talk to their Mom's onc or even better accompany her on a visit. As for the time Donna spends alone, please take Katie's words seriously. Leaving someone totally alone in this condition can lead to some very serious secon hand problems that you son't need to deal with right now. Under the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) you should be able to take time off from work, if resources allow. Otherwise, I would find a family member, friend or a nurse to spend time with Donna. I am so sorry you are dealing with all these problems. I'll keep both of you in my prayers.
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