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Everything posted by Ann

  1. We all miss you, Beth! Please come out and play!
  2. OK, I guess I'm lucky 13 here! Frank???? Yoo-Hoo???? What's happening??? You know it's not at all fair to keep a woman in suspense...don't you?
  3. Happy Dance for Dave and Karen is in full swing here in Florida!!!! Such good news. Lord knows we could all use some good news!!! This has made my day!
  4. Ann

    disney world?

    Don't know if you're still around the Orlando area today but if so, I have a great suggestion. Hop in a car and drive over to the beach. The ocean did wonders for me after I lost Dennis. It seemed that each wave would help to take some pain away with it. I found the beach a wonderful place to think and contemplate just what life is all about. It seems that life, as we know it, seems so small and insignificant while sitting on the sand and seeing the enormous ocean. It helped me to KNOW that there has to me more waiting for us after death ! I'm about an hour or so away from Orlando.
  5. Lori, I am so sorry you are having such a very tough time. I think almost every family has experienced some of the same types of things during a family crisis. Maybe your brother was in denial while your father was ill. I know it was very hard for two of my sons to accept that their father was going to die. My oldest son, who I am very close to, even accused me of being over dramatic when I tried to relate the things to him that the oncologist had said. I remember when he finally accompanied us for a doctor visit and heard this with his own ears, he almost hit the floor. He turned so very pale and the wall he was leaning on was all that was keeping him on his two feet. My youngest son had a very hard time being around his father because he had a hard time seeing his dad in such pain. He would make the drive over to visit and then spend time every where except at home with us. At the time, it made me very angry but now I realize he just couldn't handle seeing the suffering. My oldest son is still having a very hard time dealing with his fataher's death, as he now feels he didn't say everything he should have said to his dad. He got very plastered a few months ago and cried like a baby, questioning whether his dad knew how very much he loved him. I assured him that he did know and understood. People just handle pain and suffering differently. Maybe you should try and see this from your brothers view. Remember, men and women are made very differently emotionally. I really hope you can mend fences with your mother. Like Becky suggested, go get some counseling. Most insurance companies cover counseling. It's certainly nothing to be ashamed of and it can do a world of good!!!!
  6. Ann

    That Time Again.....

    Thanks to all of you for all the wonderful and comforting responses to my post. This morning (Monday) I awoke to the thought...."oh my God....this is the week." I'm just feeling all this pain all over once again...like the wound has been totally reopened. I know that I will have to keep myself very busy this week in order to cope. Lillian, I will be saying prayers that you will be able to look back on wonderful memories of the love you and Johnny shared, as Tuesday approaches!
  7. Lori, I know how you feel about feeling lost and alone. You know, each of us mourn in our own time and way. Regardless of the way we mourn or the length of time (I'm still mourning over two years later) there comes a time when we must face reality. It is wonderful having friends and family around to keep your spirits lifted but eventually, life will return to the "norm" whatever that may be. You will find that friends go forward with their lives and eventually rarely even mention the one that has passed. Often, people just don't talk about death, just for fear of upsetting the ones left behind. I hope you are able to find peace and comfort in your heart by knowing your Dad is truly at peace and feeling no pain or suffering. I'm keeping you in my prayers!
  8. So sorry to read of this terribly sad news. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. Ann

    My Gram

    Lisa, I am so very sad to hear of your Gram's passing. Please know that we are thinking of you and saying prayers that you will find peace in your heart during this trying time.
  10. Ann

    The Birdies

    So very beautiful! This is just what I needed to read this morning! Thanks so very much for sharing this with us.
  11. This is totally the worst news!!! I will be praying for your family!!!! Be strong and hang in there !
  12. Jen, I have missed all of your wonderful posts. I will certainly be keeping your mom in my thoughts and prayers!
  13. Great news Donna!!! I am so proud of you for being chosen! I know you will do an excellent job of representing all of us!!!
  14. Kerry, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  15. TWO YEARS....HIP, HIP, HORRAY!!!!! I'll keep you in my prayers !!!!
  16. Patkid....What you are feleling is perfectly normal, at least from my prospective. I didn't dwell on this much after Dennis was diagnosed, as I was too busy caring for him, praying and "willing" him to beat this monster. After his death is when this all set in with me. I have been so sure that every little thing with me is a major illness.
  17. Ann


    Wow, this sounds like my cup of tea! I love flute music. I'll have to jump on Amazon and listen to a sample! Thanks for the post!
  18. Ann

    Day 7 Update

    Wow, sounds like things are much improved. We'll keep remembering you in our prayers.
  19. Ann

    memory quilt

    What a wonderful idea the quilt is. I'm sure this will be something that your brother will cherish. This project will also be very therapeutic for you, as it will give you many good memories to look back on with each stitch you take. Snnding a big (((((((Hug)))))))) your way!
  20. I just bought the Bayer low dose aspirin and have been faithfully taking them for about two weeks now. I guess at my age, any precaution is worth the effort!!!
  21. Peggy, I only wish I could have your attitude and outlook every day of my life. If I did, I believe life would be much better. Like everyone else has expressed, I too wish alal the news had been good news. Just remember that the news could have been much worse and you just keep on hanging on!!! Keeping you in my prayers!
  22. Ann


    Crossing my fingers...and toes...in hopes that you'll have a great outcome with Mr. Laser today!
  23. Ann

    Sad news

    Oh what terrible news. My heart goes out to Rosemary, as I know how hard it is to lose a spouse and a soulmate. Ginny, thank you so much for letting us know. If you speak to Rosemary, please let her know that she is in our thoughts and prayers!
  24. Sounds like dehydration to me, although I'm by no means an expert. I do know that not urinating in two days can be very serious!! You should try and do whatever is in your power to get your Dad to the ER. I know it's tough with you so far away but this sounds critical. Has his girlfriend tried to get any Ensure or something similar down him? I'm keeping both you and your Dad in my prayers!
  25. This is just wonderful news!!! Lord knows we can all use some more good news like this!!! Welcome to this wonderful world, little one!!!!
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