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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Stephanie, I am so very sorry you are having such a rough time. However, it is good to hear that you will be back joining us every day when you're back in the states. Special dates are really hard for many of us. As you can see in my post, I'm having a hell of a time dealing with my upcoming anniversary and this will be the third one alone. Let's say we have a great big pity party together and invite everyone here to join us??? It's very good to hear from you. Here's a big (((((((((Hug)))))))). Maybe that will help a bit. I'm a mom to three grown boys so maybe I can be your cyber-mom!
  2. Ann

    That Time Again.....

    March 17th would have been my 27th wedding anniversary. It seems like that day is one of the hardest I have to deal with throughout the year. That was "our" day. Other special days involved family and friends but this was a day just for us! I have made it through two anniversaries alone now but each time one approaches, I feel as if I'm losing it! Please pray me through this one, as you have done in the past!!!!
  3. This is a difficult thing to deal with. For 26 years, I felt as much a part of my extended family as Dennis was. I have very little communication now with my in-laws (their choice) and I feel so lost at times, as we were very close for so many years. My sons still visit the grandparents and let me know how things are from time to time. I feel that I not only lost my husband but also my extended family.
  4. Ann

    Mom's Birthday

    I just wanted to offer up another (((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))) for you. I know how you feel and I agree that it's all really hard to accept, regardless of how much we want to. Katie is right. If you had one more year, you would have wanted another. I sometimes think about having one more day and what it would have been like, When I really think about this it makes me realize that one more day would have made no difference, in my case. There would have been one more day of pain and suffering...for our entire family. It was so hard for us to see Dennis in such pain and so far away from us even before death took him. I think you should do something very special to honor your dear Mom's birthday. Do something that both of you would have enjoyed. Just because she is gone from sight physically, she'll still know what you are doing. I believe this with all my heart! I'm praying that things will become easier for you!
  5. Such a nice gesture on the part of your GA!!! Sounds like you're very blessed!
  6. So sorry, Andrea. Prayers being sent for Nina's family!
  7. Dean, so glad to hear you're still beating those odds! You're an inspiration for all of us! Just maybe this is God's mission for you and that's why He's keeping you around ...to keep us all going!!! So good to hear from you! Give Gay a big ((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))) for me!!!!
  8. Addie...so glad to hear your counts are up but sorry to hear that kids in your area are so bored and lack creativity!!! Such a shame. It's the same here in Florida. I found an egg shell in my yard last week but saw no evidence of any damage on the vehicles or the house. My neighbor said I was lucky, as the cars up and down my street had been egged the night before. I'm in the corner house, so I guess they ran out of eggs before they got to me! Frank is right about getting it cleaned up as soon as possible. Guess I know what will be on your hubby's Honey-Do List!!!!
  9. Great information, Don. That makes so much sense to me. I know that when I dream of Dennis, he is always well. There have been dreams where I am actually explaining to him that he is dead, as he never seems to have a clue in my dreams.
  10. Yes, Ry and Don are right. Hospice is only there to make sure the patient is comfortable. They are a big help to the family and the patient.
  11. Ann

    Just wanted to say

    Thanks for giving us this update. It's such a wonderful feeling when we can look back on beautiful memories and laugh. It really feels so good to laugh. When we are forced to watch our loved ones suffer and struggle there is nothing to smile about. Then, when we lose them, we feel as if we will never smile or laugh again. Then, one day, a beautiful memory will come to us and before we realize it, we are smiling!!! It really feels good!!!
  12. Angie, so sorry you have to deal with all of this. I am really praying for you and your wonderful Dad. Please, don't ever think that you are whining. This is a major life changing event you are dealing with and we are all here to hold your hand and give you hugs, prayers and support to make it through this difficult time.
  13. Thanks for the Angel Dust...and the Lysol!!!!! I certainly can use both with all of these various flu/bugs/viruses that are going around here in Florida!!!!
  14. Elaine, so sorry to hear things have been so rocky for you. But...I am so glad to hear from you and know that you are alright!!! We love you and worry when we don't hear from you! I'm saying a special prayer today for your family!
  15. So sorry to hear that Dave is once again hospitalized. I think he is beginning to like that place just a bit too much...lol! I know what you are going through with this sodium problem and the cramping. dennis had this same problem after he started the Topetecan. Once he got lots of fluids he would be as good as new. Keeping the Chapman family on the top of my prayer list!!!!
  16. Bill, I pray that we continue to receive daily reports like this one!!! There really is strength in numbers and this group can really send up a lot of heartfelt prayers!!!
  17. Curtis, your little Katie is absolutely adorable! Thanks so much for posting these pictures!
  18. Kerry, so sorry to hear that yet another family member has been stricken with this terrible disease. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there.
  19. Lori, I am so sorry to read of your loss. I hope you will find comfort knowing that your Dad is at peace now and is feeling no more pain. I am so glad that you and Eric were with him when he passed. I am sure your Dad knew you were with him, as you had been all along. Like others, I do believe there is a transition that takes place before death actually occurs. I believe that during this time, our loved ones are guided along by loved ones that have already passed. Please know that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!!!
  20. Ann

    Another update

    Randi, just wanted to let you know that you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. If things are bad, I know your mom would want to see your beautiful baby.
  21. Ann

    Prayers for Fred

    Rosemary, I am keeping you and Fred in my thoughts and prayers. Please know that we are here for you and want to help in any way possible. Sometimes, it is just so helpful to talk to people that understand what you're going through. Hope things get better....Ann
  22. Ann

    Prayers for Fred

    Rosemary, I am keeping you and Fred in my thoughts and prayers. Please know that we are here for you and want to help in any way possible. Sometimes, it is just so helpful to talk to people that understand what you're going through. Hope things get better....Ann
  23. Oh Karen, I really hope all of this will work out for you. The new house sounds great for your family! It seems like Faith included everyone in the move in planning...lol! That was so cute! I know how hard it is for you to make these decisions on your own but I also know that you are very strong and that you have yor head on straight so I'm sure you will make the right decisions. I know that Dave trusts your judgement and you should take that as a compliment. I am praying that your house will sell this weekend!!! Be strong and know that we are all pulling for you!!!
  24. Thanks for posting this Becky. I just think this was a wonderful tribute to his grandmother!
  25. What a wonderful post, Curtis. Your posts always seem to have a message in them that I desperately need to hear! Sometimes, I am very guilty of feeling like the world is really out to get me. I never felt this way before Dennis was diagnosed. It's been two years now and I'm finding the pity parties still happen but not nearly as often!!
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