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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Well its Official....

    John and Ry, I am so sorry to read this news. I'm saying an extra prayer for her!
  2. OK...baby vibes are going strong!!! I have a feeling that March 4th, early morning will be the time and that that beautiful little girl will weigh in at 7 lbs and 11 ounces! A long time radio host in the Orlando area, Jim Phillips, swears that the guaranteed way to start labor is by eating Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. One catch...the father has to cook it for the soon-to-be mom. Hey...what's to lose!!!
  3. Kate, I am so glad to read you are finding some peace with all of this. You are so correct about the toll all of the internal struggles will take on your life. I think all of us worry and wonder if we making or made the right decisions concerning the care and treatment of our loved ones. We just have to believe that we made the best decisions based on the knowledge we had. I know that Dennis was seemingly doing better before the radiation. The radiation really took a toll on him. I had to choose between the radiation and seeing him suffer from intensive pain. I chose to try the radiation. Looking back, two years later, I see that although the quantity of time was probably shortened by the effects of the radiation he experienced a lower level of pain. We just can't beat ourselves up for decisions we make. I pray that you will find peace and comfort knowing that you did your best...in every way!!!
  4. Wow, I'm beginning to wonder about life in Palm Bay, Florida. As many of you remember, we were absolutely hammered by two hurricanes last fall. Then, yesterday, there was a really bad tornado here in our little town. I had no damage but there were about 14 homes that have been destroyed. People here are just now getting new roofs on and repairs made from the hurricanes. Now there will be so many families that have to deal with this new destruction. I have lived here since 1988 and things have been so nice and mellow. Think it's just our turn???
  5. Ann

    Prayers Please?

    Val, so sorry about the passing of your gramma. Sending lots of prayers your way!!!!
  6. Sharon, thanks so very much for sharing this. Last fall, I went to a medium and the result was overwhelming. Dennis told me so very much!!! There was no way anyone could have known some of the information the medium gave me!!! It was a wonderful experience and I plan on doing this again really soon. This was done in a group setting but this gentleman also does private sessions when he is in town. I plan on having a private, 1 hour session this time. So glad you had a wonderful experience! I BELIEVE!!!!
  7. I love the new picture, Sharyn! Thanks for letting us know. The Wall of Memory is really a wonderful tribute to our loved ones! Thanks Rick!!!!
  8. Sounds like things are looking much better, Karen. I know how much it will ease your mind to have Dave's parents here while you're working. Glad you had a nice weekend!
  9. Cindi...good luck with the remainder of the tests!!! You hang in there and keep us posted! So glad you remembered to grab your laptop!
  10. Oh Lori, I am so sorry some of us aren't located close to you so that we could just be there for you in person! I can really feel your pain!!!
  11. I am so very sorry to hear this about your father. The first and foremost thing I would say is to make sure your father is comfortable and not experiencing any pain. Hospice should be making sure there is no pain. Call Hospice and ask questions!!! Don't worry about things not making sense. During this time, there is a world of difference in what your dad is seeing and thinking and what is "normal" for you. Just pay very close attention to some of the things is is saying and doing. These little things may provide many beautiful memories for you and give you a lot of insight to where your dad is right now. Remember that your dad can hear you and this is a great time for you to talk to him. He will know what you are saying, even if he can't respond. I will be keeping you and your dad in my prayers! Please remember that we are here for you. Oh...about the March 1st thing and social security. That's so very normal and very thoughtful on your dad's part. My husband knew I loved Christmas and he was determined to hold on until December 25th. For the last two weeks of his life, he would ask me if it was Christmas yet? He missed Christmas by ten days but he had something to focus on!
  12. Ann

    Halfway home

    Hey Florida neighbor! So very sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time right now. I'm praying for you, my friend.
  13. Ann

    Tough Weekend

    We're all here for you. I know how tough this is for you. I'm saying prayers for you and your mom!
  14. We're in your corner, Fay! Here's hoping things get better for you really soon! Please keep us posted. Praying for you!!!
  15. This is such a sweet thing for you to do, Karen. I know he thinks you're equally wonderful! He even referred to you as an "angel" in a previous post. Hang in there Karen. I know how hard it is to see someone you love in such pain. We're praying for you guys!!!!
  16. I'm saying special prayers for your Dad!!!!
  17. Ann

    Don't Give Up!!

    I gave this to my friend and she got all teary eyed and said that she just forgets sometimes how very much she has going for her. I told her that a wonderful friend from the message board shared this with me. Wow...another Ann??? My boys say I'm a really good mom and I'm sure you feel the same way about your Ann.
  18. Ann

    Blonde Joke

    This is really funny!!! I have to share this with my friend. I always tease her and say she has blonde roots!!!!
  19. Ann

    Dad is Dead?

    Pam, I think this feeling is probably with all of us. Almost every day, I either see or hear about something and I immediately think that I just can't wait to tell Dennis. After two years, it amazes me that sometimes I pull into my driveway and expect his van to be there. It was worse when I still had the van, as I would then walk inside and feel he would be there. I feel so strongly that he is still alive and it sometimes bothers me that others don't feel the same. When I'm around people he knew, it's almost as if they don't remember him. I just want to yell and ask if they have forgotten. I'm so glad you had this wonderful dream. If you are like me, you will be able to find much comfort from dreams. I also have to share something that has been very helpful to me. Once while driving Dennis for treatment, an interview with Josh Groban aired. He was talking about the song "To Where You Are" and explaining that he wrote the song for his grandmother that had died. He said that his grandmother used to tell him..."every time you think of me, I will be alive. Your thoughts of me will keep me alive." Dennis thought that was the neatest thing and although he didn't talk much of dying, he always remembered that phrase and would bring it up often. So, now every time I think of Dennis I somehow remember that interview and feel that he is alive....if only through my thoughts!
  20. Ann

    Don't Give Up!!

    How very true! I got a call from a very discouraged friend this morning. I am going to print this and take a copy over to her! Thanks so very much!
  21. What a wonderful soul you are for rescuing those puppies! You know, there are so many irresponsible pet owners around today. They think it's cute to just "throw" two dogs together in the back yard and then see the cute little puppies. Often, they have no papers for the parents and no money to provide proper care for the parents or the puppies. I have really great advice for you, but I do want you to know that I admire you for rescuing the puppies. You need to find some solution, as the puppies will learn the digging routine from their mama and you'll have constant visitors. The that used to live across from me had two pit bulls and they saw no problem with allowing them to roam the neighborhood. The dogs had attitudes, not because of their breed, but because of their treatment. They were tied up in the garage most of the time and the owners were rarely home. So, the dogs would get out and search for food throughout the neighborhood. Animal Control was called by several of the neighbors but it took many trips out before they took the dogs away. I think AC is very worried about their liability in many cases! Good luck with the problem.
  22. Thanks for posting this information. I have already passed this on to a dear lady that is currently fighting lung cancer!!!
  23. I have to agree with Addie. We all seem to know way more about this disease than we ever wanted to know. My husband was given Topetecan as a second round chemo. This chemo really did a number on his immune system and blood counts. But...this can be easily controlled. Just hang in there!!! Keeping you in my prayers.
  24. What a beautiful baby Miss Luna is!!! Thank you so much for sharing all these great pictures with us! This really brought a smile to my face this morning!
  25. What wonderful news, Karen! I hope you have a wonderful dinner!!! This news has certainly lifted my spirits !!!
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