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Everything posted by Ann

  1. So very sweet, Lil! I have to say that I think the little girl definitely resembles her great grandmother. They are certainly beautiful children!!! Thanks so much for sharing the pics with us. There's nothing that can brighten the day like the smile of a baby!!!
  2. Brings back fond memories of raising three boys, Connie!!!
  3. I am so envious of you folks with those nice back yards. I have the standard Florida lot and although my yard is nice, it's not overly large. I would love to have all Fred and Kasey's birds and Patti's ducklings!!! But...I do have bird feeders and a bird bath. My cats are indoors all of the time so they're no threat for a bird. I'm getting more birds now that I have had for years. There's a big black snake that's been a resident of my yard for years and I think he may have scared the birds away. But, this year I haven't seen the snake and the birds are thriving. They love the big oak tree in my yard. A couple of days ago, there was a beautiful owl sitting on my privacy fence. I can only hope he had his eye on one of these pesky moles that have inherited my yard!!!
  4. I find myself too often answering, "I do" instead of merely "Yes." I have no idea when I started that but I have noticed I'm doing it a lot lately. I don't know anyone that uses that so I don't have a clue where it came from.
  5. Ok people...this is an easy and fun game! We are going to ramble (make a huge run-on sentence)! I will post three words and the next person will continue on rambling based on my 3 words. We just keep on going and going! Each person can only post 3 words at a time! The person who makes the "40th" ramble will start a new ramble with three words. Rules: No back-to-back posts Please number your posts. I'll begin. 1. I once had....
  6. Do you have bird feeders or bird baths in your back yard? If so, what kind of birds do you attract?
  7. 1.) A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button. 2.) If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. You will then be afraid to cough. 3.) Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away. 4.) Gentlemen can avoid arguments with the Mrs. about leaving the toilet seat up by simply using the sink. 5.) For high blood pressure sufferers: Simply cut yourself and bleed for three minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer. 6.) Have a bad headache? Smash your thumb with a hammer and you will forget about the headache.
  8. I learned in my Dad's '56 Chevy, straight shift on the column. Man, would I love to have that car today!!! My Dad took such good care of his "baby." When my Dad had his stroke and could no longer drive, my mom practically gave the car away to keep it out of Dad's sight. It was sold to an old boyfriend of mine.
  9. My lights and my computer will be off during Earth Hour this evening between 8 & 9 p.m. How about you? What does everyone think of this event? I think once all the lights are off it may make alot of people think about how much electricity they use. It's going to be very strange if most people participate. DH & I will light a few candles or maybe just take a nap! This is why Google is "dark" today. http://www7.earthhourus.org/
  10. What car did you learn to drive in?
  11. Ann

    New Game....

    When I'm Sixty Four - Beatles
  12. I'm grateful for getting some great new ideas for new crafts today. I can't wait to get started on them. Oh...I have to learn to solder but I think I can...I think I can...I think I can!!!
  13. Do you have a phrase or word you use way too much?
  14. Ann

    New Game....

    List a song title with a number in the title. I'll start...... Sixteen Candles
  15. I'm grateful that it's a beautiful day today. I've been doing some outdoors work today and I know my plants are so happy to be "weedless."
  16. I have found that God can make things happen if we just let Him. There have been so many times in my life that I have met people, in the strangest situations, and have later realized there must have been a reason for the meeting. God knows the weight on this woman's shoulders and also know that you will feel better by helping someone. As you well know, just listening is often the best help we can give anyone that's grieving. Just being there for her, listening and knowing first hand what she's going through is just what she needs right now. Go ahead and meet with her. I'm sure you will be just what she needs!!!
  17. Right now, with $$$ such an issue for me, I would have to choose the second one and go for the money. Believe me, most of my life I have tried to have a job I love but now, although I'm not picky, I am thinking more about the $$$.
  18. Hubby rarely watches Idol with me but last night he did watch. When the camera was on Jason, he commented that Jason reminds him a lot of the way John Travolta looked as a teen when he first started into show business. OF course...different hair...lol! After thinking about it, I had to agree. Anyone else think so? Wow...just realized Tim Daley and Michael Johns also resemble.
  19. Which would you rather have??? A job you love that pays less OR A job you hate that pays more
  20. Ann

    Little Game....

    I sang to a llama because I'm cool like that.
  21. This is funny, don't spoil the fun, and keep it going..... Type out the sentence you end up with, then post in your comment. Pick the month you were born: January-------I kicked February------I loved March--------I karate chopped April----------I licked May----------I jumped on June----------I smelled July-----------I did the Macarena With August--------I had lunch with September----I danced with October-------I sang to November-----I yelled at December-----I ran over Pick the day (number) you were born on: 1-------a birdbath 2-------a monster 3-------a phone 4-------a fork 5-------a snowman 6-------a gangster 7-------my mobile phone 8-------my dog 9-------my best friends' boyfriend 10-------my neighbor 11-------my science teacher 12-------a banana 13-------a fireman 14-------a stuffed animal 15-------a goat 16-------a pickle 17-------your mom 18-------a spoon 19------ - a smurf 20-------a baseball bat 21-------a ninja 22-------Chuck Norris 23-------a noodle 24-------a squirrel 25-------a football player 26-------my sister 27-------my brother 28-------an ipod 29-------a surfer 30-------a llama 31-------A homeless guy Pick the color of shirt you are wearing: White---------because I'm cool like that Black---------because that's how I roll. Pink-----------because I'm crazy. Red-----------because the voices told me to. Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want Green---------because I think I need some serious help. Purple---------because I'm AWESOME! Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader. Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway. Brown---------because I can.. Other----------because I'm a Ninja! None----------because I can't control myself!
  22. This is just too funny! This could only be true; you can't make this stuff up!) Clutching their Dillard's shopping bags, Ellen and Kay woefully gazed down at a dead cat in the mall parking lot. Obviously a recent hit---no flies, no smell. What business could that poor kitty have had here?" murmured Ellen. "Come on, Ellen, let's just go..." But Ellen had already grabbed her shopping bag and was explaining, "I'll just put my things in your bag, and then I'll take the tissue." She dumped her purchases into Kay's bag and then used the tissue paper to cradle and lower the former feline into her own Dillard's bag and cover it. They continued the short trek to the car in silence, stashing their goods in the trunk. But it occurred to both of them that if they left Ellen's burial bag in the trunk, warmed by the TEXAS sunshine while they ate, Kay's Lumina would soon lose that new-car smell. They decided to leave the bag on top of the trunk, and they headed over to Luby's Cafeteria. After they cleared the serving line and sat down at a window table, they had a view of Kay's Chevy with the Dillard's bag still on the trunk. BUT not for long! As they ate, they noticed a black-haired woman in a red gingham shirt stroll by their car, look quickly this way and that, and then hook the Dillard's bag without Breaking stride. She quickly walked out of their line of vision. Kay and Ellen shot each other a wide-eyed look of amazement. It all happened so fast that neither of them could think how to respond. "Can you imagine?" finally sputtered Ellen. "The nerve of that woman!" Kay sympathized with Ellen, but inwardly a laugh was building as she thought about the grand surprise awaiting the red-gingham thief. Just when she thought she'd have to giggle into her napkin, she noticed Ellen's eyes freeze in the direction of the serving line. Following her gaze, Kay recognized with a shock the black-haired woman with THE Dillard's bag, hanging from her arm, brazenly pushing her tray toward the cashier. Helplessly they watched the scene unfold: After clearing the register, the woman settled at a table across from theirs, put the bag on an empty chair and began to eat. After a few bites of baked whitefish and green beans, she casually lifted the bag into her lap to survey her treasure. Looking from side to side, but not far enough to notice her rapt audience three tables over, she pulled out the tissue paper and peered into the bag. Her eyes widened, and she began to make a sort of gasping noise. The noise grew. The bag slid from her lap as she sank to the floor, wheezing and clutching her upper chest. The beverage cart attendant quickly recognized a customer in trouble and sent the busboy to call 911, while she administered the Heimlich maneuver. A crowd quickly gathered that did not include Ellen and Kay, who remained riveted to their chairs for seven whole minutes until the ambulance arrived. In a matter of minutes the curly-haired woman emerged from the crowd, still gasping, strapped securely on a gurney. Two well-trained EMS volunteers steered her to the waiting ambulance, while a third scooped up her belongings. The last they saw of the distressed cat-burglar, she disappeared behind the ambulance doors, ........................ The Dillard's bag perched on her stomach !! Sometimes, God does take care of those who do bad things
  23. Ann

    American Idol

    Sorry to say that I'm just not a big fan of any of the girls this season. Carly will probably be the top gal this season but I wasn't impressed with her last night. She seemed to have taken up screaming just where Amanda left off. As for the guys...I love both David Cook and Michael Johns. Both of their performances totally blew me away last night!!! It's a shame that Jason doesn't have a more exciting voice because he has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Now for Dancing.... I have to admit that I gave all my votes this week to Adam and Julianne. I usually try to vote based on talent rather than personality but I just couldn't see Julianne go so early in the season. Hopefully she'll be able to pull a miracle out of her hat and transform Adam into a dancer by next week. I really think Kristi is a very elegant dancer and I hope both she and Marlee do well. This dilemma of what to watch and what to record is killing me! On Monday, I was torn between Deal or No Deal, Two and A Half Men (my favorite comedy) and Dancing With The Stars. Plus...I had to miss Antiques Roadshow, which I really love to watch!!!
  24. Ann

    American Idol

    Who's Watching American Idol this season? If you're watching, who is your favorite ? Who do you think should be packing up and heading home?
  25. Ann

    Last Nites Chat

    Sue...I hopped on for a few minutes last night....after American Idol was over. I recorded DWTS, so I watched it later!!! Chat is a relaly great thing and I need to show up more often!!!
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