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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Do you save greeting cards after you recieve them or do you toss them?
  2. http://www.duirwaighgallery.com/inspiration_aknock.htm I thought this was very neat and inspiring. Lord knows I need something inspiring!!!
  3. I will continue saying prayers for your friend, Peggy.
  4. I have to admit that I do take my pillow with me when I travel. I always use the excuse that I will use it in the car but I really know, deep down inside, that I always want that pillow with me.
  5. When you travel away from home, do you take your pillow with you to sleep on ?
  6. The Dance - by Garth Brooks To Where You Are - Josh Groban My absolute favorite is The Dance. To me, it means that even though I have been to hell and back dealing with Dennis' illness and death, I still had the good times (the dance).
  7. I tried so hard to see the eclipse, but we had such cloudy conditions here last night that seeing the eclipse well was almost impossible. I did get a glimpse of it a couple of times, between clouds. I always love this kind of thing and have always been an astronomy buff. I still am in complete awe when I stop and think how very far away the sun. moon, stars and planets are from us...yet we can see them.
  8. Did you go outside and see the lunar eclipse last night?
  9. I'm having a good day today and I really feel "sunny." I have no idea why I'm in such a good mood but I've been cleaning house and singing already this morning. When I still had a job, I always loved Fridays, so maybe it just carried over. But, for now, I feel like the big, bright sun!!!
  10. Comparing your mood today to the solar system, what are you most like and why? Example.....sun, moon, star, planet...etc.
  11. Ann


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE!!! I hope you have a very special birthday!!! You are one of those people that really touch the hearts of others around you and I am so grateful to have you for a friend. God truly blessed all of us when you were born!!!
  12. Excluding salt and pepper, which spices do you use most often in cooking? I just finished cleaning out my spices and threw away a ton of things that I don't even know why I bought them. So many recipes call for one spice that you may never use again. I'm trying to clean out things and toss what I don't need.
  13. If you found out that a really good friend made a negative comment about you to someone, would you ask your friend about the comment or just pretend you didn't know?
  14. I love to crank up the cd player and listen to anything by the Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett. The first album I ever owned was by the Beach Boys, so I think their songs take me back to being young with no cares! Fun, Fun, Fun.....(till her daddy takes the T-Bird away) really gets me in the mood to move. I always seem to accomplish some of my very best house cleaning when the Beach Boys are blasting in the background.
  15. What is your favorite "feel good" song? Do you have a favorite song that just picks you up and makes you smile?
  16. Our little Jude Matthew was born at 6:01 yesterday (Jan 22) and both mom and baby are doing fine. He weighed 8 lbs, 10 ounces and was 21-1/2 inches long. He is a beautiful baby and I will share pictures as soon as I have a second. Right now, Ella is a full time effort of love! We have taken her to the hospital twice to see her little brother and things have gone well. She really doesn't pay too much attention to him but she does look a lot from the distance. We didn't make it to the hospital in time for his birth but did get there about 20 minutes afterwards. Thanks for all your bathtime advice. Last night went perfectly!!! There have been no tears....not even a wimper....since we got here at 4:15 am yesterday. Mom and baby will be coming home tommorrow and then the hard work begins! Although I am so troubled over being unemployed, I am thankful that I have the time to help out right now. Being a grandma is wonderful!!! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!!
  17. Hoping all my friends here will say a little prayer that all will go well tommorrow when my second grandchild is scheduled to enter this big old world. If DIL doesn't go into labor today, she will be induced at 6:00 am tommorrow. I think you need to also say a prayer for grandma, as I'm keeping Ella while her mom is in the hospital. I have the babysitting routine down to a science after a year but I still have a bit of a problem with bath and bed time. I've "practiced" this 3 times while her mom and dad have been out in the evening. The first time was a breeze but the last two times, she has started to cry while in the tub. The water temp is perfect (according to the ducky thermometer)and things go well for the first 2-3 minutes. Then, she looks at me and cries. I really think she realizes it's bedtime and her mommy and daddy are away. So, if anyone has any advice...please chime in here. I'll let everyone know something as soon as I know!!!
  18. Yes, I keep them in my car but would definitely be afraid to try and use them without assistance. If I needed a jump, I would hope someone with knowledge would come along and help me out. As many times as I've watched this done, I still am unsure of the correct way to do this...duh!!!!
  19. Do you keep jumper cables in your car?
  20. Have you ever sold anything on ebay?
  21. I have lots of things on my list, so I'll just name a few..... Take painting classes Travel to Switzerland Go to Savannah and meet Paula Deen Drive a race car at the Petty Driving Ex[erience
  22. Todya, I'm grateful that I will be spending time with little Ella while her mom and dad go out to dinner and a movie. This will probably be their last night out for a while, as the new baby is now due any day (actually due today). The doctor told them on Tuesday that unless she goes into labor this week, they will be inducing labor at 6:00 am on Tuesday, the 22nd. I can't believe I'm going to have two grandchildren by this time next week. All of my person problems with the jobless situation have had me so down that I haven't been thinking of happy things. Seeing little Ella helps bring me out of the depression. We'll be keeping her for several days next week, so I will be on top of the world. I'll keep you all posted on new baby information. We don't know the sex of the baby but do know names. A girl will be Riley Grace and a boy will be Jude Matthew. Please say a prayer that the baby will be healthy!!!
  23. I adore both Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, so I just couldn't wait to see their new movie, The Bucket List. It was one of those movies that has all the right elements....humor, heart and soul. The movie was all about a list of things you want to do during your life....called a "bucket list." So...here finally comes the question...lol!!! What is on your bucket list?
  24. Ann


    Sharon, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Over the past year, I have seen the destruction the drugs can do to people. My former boss is onlu 35 years old and he has lost everything important in life to drug use. It's such a sad thing when families are destroyed because of these problems. I will be saying a prayer for her family.....and friends.
  25. I am definitely NOT a patient person. Patience is a concept that I can't seem to understand. Most everything I do are things that can be accomplished right after they are started. For instance, I can't clean just one room of my house at a time. I have to keep cleaning until the entire house is done and then I'm too tired to enjoy my efforts. The same thing applies to my crafting. I like projects that can be finished in one step, rather than doing things in stages.
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