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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a patient person?
  2. I really was born to shop. To me, shopping isn't about tbuying and spending money but is more about looking and getting ideas. I even love garage sales and thrift shops. My favorite thing is getting up really early and going to one garage sale after another. I love finding bargains and then taking them home and totally transforming them into something new and different. I get a lot of my ideas from shopping in the expensive stores.
  3. Do you enjoy shopping or are you someone that absolutely hates being in stores?
  4. As a lot of you know, I'm a huge Colts fan and needless to say, I was really upset by their loss to the Chargers. But, I have to admit that the Colts really didn't play as well as they should/could have. However, I was happy to see Peyton's little brother finally come into his own and take the Giants to the finals. I think that Eli will emerge a much better player once he is able to escape being only the shadow of his big brother. He has always been measured by Peyton's abilities, which is never a good thing for siblings to deal with. So...at this point, I'm rooting for the Giants, although I really respect Bret Favre and all of his accomplishments. I'm really for anyone that can take down the Patriots (my least favorite team).
  5. I know that a lot of you (even the gals) are huge football fans. So, the question for today is all about the playoff games. Did your team win??? Also, who do you think will meet in the Super Bowl game?
  6. Ann

    Bad Dream

    I seem to go through times when I dream a couple of times a week and then I'll go for weeks with no dreams. I once had a dream about Dennis that left me feeling much as you did after your dream. I dreamed that I was calling Dennis on the phone, asking him to help me. He told me he couldn't help me and I would have to call someone else who could help. I felt so abandoned when I woke up.
  7. Ann

    Four Years Today

    ((((((Tina)))))) Isn't it amazing how these dates just pop up at us and make us remember? Like Ry, I can hardly believe it's been four years since your Charlie's disgnosis. You're so right about that time being life changing for your family.
  8. I think I would omit the chapter about my teenage years. Although my teenage years were good, they were a bit boring compared to other times in my life and would mean very little to a reader.
  9. Let's imagine that you've been asked to write an autobiography of your life and you're limited to 50 chapters. You finish the book, only to find you have 51 chapters and you must delete one. Which chapter of your life would you leave out of the story?
  10. This is a lot of fun if you're into word games. Plus, 20 grains of rice will be donated for World Hunger for every question you get right. 20 grains of rice doesn't seem like a lot, but this adds up quick when you're a word game addict. http://www.freerice.com/index.php Have fun!!!
  11. I'm grateful for a good friend that reminded me of a gift she gave me when Dennis died. She gave me a beautiful wooden sign that said...When God Closes a Door, He Always Opens a Window. At that time, I was so bitter, I found it hard to believe. As time passed I began to learn how true those words were. But. I am sorry to say, I had forgotten the words and my faith has dwindled during the past month. But, my friend reminded me of those words and I feel much better today! I know that God will open that window for me....in His time....not mine. So, I will hang on, have faith and know things will improve.
  12. Ann


    So very sorry to read this news. Karen will be missed by many people on this board.
  13. If you were a food, what food would you be? Now, I know this sounds like an easy question but this one does require a bit of thought. I don't want you to just name your favorite food. I want you to name a food that reminds you of you...physically, mentally or personality wise. I'll begin..... I think right now, I would be a peanut M&M. On the outside, I have a hard shell, which makes people think I'm holding it all together but on the inside...I'm completely nuts!!!
  14. I'm grateful for all the wonderful people that belong to this group. It means so much to know that understanding friends are only a mouse click away!
  15. Since being unemployed, I am finding time to do lots of things I have missed while working. I have been cleaning my house top to bottom but I need to do something a bit more relaxing, like read a good book. So...what is the best book that you've read lately?
  16. Just to let you know, I will once again be posting the GTKY questions tommorrow (Monday). I have been so out of it that I haven't even been turning on the computer but I promise to be better about that. I'm still unemployed and very upset about the employment outlook here right now but I have to get over this depression and I figure you guys are just the folks to help me laugh again. So, please forgive my absence for the past few weeks and know that I have missed all of you very much!
  17. So, my friends, one year is almost gone and a new year awaits us. I know that there are many of us that can't wait to see this year come to an end, as many unpleasant things have happened and a brand new year always holds hope of better things to come. I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy and fulfilling 2008. I pray this will be the year that a cure for this terrible disease, that has affected all of us, will be found. Now...for the GTKY question for today.... Are you making any New Years resolutions this year? If so, please share them with us!!! Happy New Year!!!
  18. Did everyone have a nice Christmas?
  19. Anyone feel like sharing some of their favorite appetizer recipes with me? Cooking sometimes gets me out of a slump and I need to start some appetizers, so thought I'd ask for your help.
  20. Five years have now passed since I lost Dennis and Saturday seemed as painful for me as the day he died, I just don't seem to do well on these days when all the bad memories come flowing back. Thanks so much for all of you that remembered!!!
  21. What is the weather like where you are today? Here in Florida, it's pretty darned chilly for us!!! My thermometer read a whopping 42 degrees this morning. I know that probably seems like a heat wave for many of you. Please know that I'm keeping you all warm in my thoughts!!!
  22. Ann

    Free to a good home

    ((((((((Pat)))))))) Wanna come to Florida and live with me??? Of course, I have no job, hardly and savings and lots of bills to pay every month. I don't have any ice here but it's been so hot that you just want to cry for snow!!! Plus...the 15th will mark the five year point of losing Dennis. I suppose losing my job happened at the right time of year, as I'm always so depressed now anyway!!! I think the dome is a great idea!!! I think Kasey and Fred should schedule a Pity Party at the Pub...drinks on the house??? It sounds like I won't be the only one in attendance!!!
  23. Thanks for all of your kind words and prayers. Things are looking prety bad right now and I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, as hard as that is right now. The job market in this part of Florida is really rough right now, so I have no idea how long it will be before I find work. I don't have a lot of savings to fall back on, so I'm basically just hanging out here on a wing and a prayer. It helps so much to know that you guys have me in your thoughts and prayers.
  24. Yes, I miss Frank and think of him almost every time I log in here. He always had such a great attitude and even in his worst days, still had the ability to make the rest of us smile. I've also been thinking a lot of Dean Carl. I hope the two of them have met!!!
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