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Everything posted by Ann

  1. I know there are so many things more important to pray for but I really need your help. As of today, I am unemployed. My employer was dealing with a messy divorce and fighting cocaine addiction at the same time. The situation was so hard to deal with that I had to leave. I really need your prayers to get through this, as jobs are tight right now and I'm no spring chicken. I know that this group has the ability to get so many prayers answered because of your faith, so please say a little prayer for me that I'll find employment and get through this crisis in one piece. Thanks so much!!!
  2. I would have to do one of those "grab-it and stash-it" cleans. For me, this consiste of running through the house, grabbing everything that's out of place and then stashing it in a spare bedroom. This, along with a quick vacumn (golden retriever hair) and a quick spray of air freshner should get me through a surprise visit! Of course, I have no idea what I'd throw together for dinner...lol!
  3. Ann

    Christmas Time

    Like Katie, I don't have too much advice for you. I lost Dennis 10 days before Christmas. I hadn't done any shopping or decorating that year so Christmas was nothing more than a day of remembering for me and my family. We remembered what Christmas was really all about and we remembered how many wonderful years our family had together for Christmas. I was crushed from losing Dennis and was so very bitter about losing him. There was nothing that I wanted to celebrate. I just wanted to mourn and be angry with God for taking him from me. The years have brought a wee bit of closure for me. I'm no longer angry with God, although I don't think I'll ever completely understand. Now, I decorate the house, shop and enjoy family and friends...trying to remember how Dennis loved Christmas. But, I'm still always sad at this time of year and don't think Christmas will ever be the same as it was.
  4. Lil, I know this is something you have struggled with each and every year since Johnny's death. I don't have an answer, or even a suggestion. I do know that these tapes are something that means so much to you and I know you worry about what might become of them should something happen to you. It's important for us to hold on to any memories that we have, whether physical things like pictures, videos or notes or the memories we have in our hearts and mind. I think you'll know when the time is right to dispose of these tapes. Since you're questioning whether the time is right or not, I think maybe you're not ready yet. I think having the sound removed is something you can have done that will make your decision much easier. Please know that my heart has been heavy for you for the past few days!!!
  5. Ann

    The Best Tribute

    Sometime we can get so much peace and comfort from doing things that are familiar to us, even if they make us sad. I think when do do the things that we shared with our loved ones, it makes us feel close to them. Yes...I loved your post!!!
  6. Ann

    I'm so unbearably sad

    Coping with the loss of a loved one is very much like a baby taking its first steps. At first, you're very insecure and feel you have to have something to hold onto for security so you won't fall. As time goes by, you begin to let go a little but you're still afraid to walk on alone. You often stumble and fall and hope there is someone close by to pick you up and comfort you. Finally, although sometimes unsure of yourself, you're able to walk alone although those first steps may be small ones. December 15th will mark five years since I lost Dennis and sometimes, I'm still taking those tiny steps and reaching out for someone to catch me. But...the good news is that things do get a bit easier and there are times I can actually run!!!
  7. IF you found out that you're having guests in 30 minutes, would you be ready???
  8. Ann

    How ?

    Lil....I think it was so nice of you to take your friends out to see the Christmas decorations last night. I sometimes think that doing things for others is the very best way to rid our minds of our own problems. I'n so very glad that you felt so close to Johnny last night. That always makes us feel better!!! I think this year is going to be hard for both of us. There's just something about hearing or saying five years....seems like such a long time ago but in my heart, it seems like yesterday. Every year that passes seems to put more distance between us and our loved ones. Although this will be a tough week for you, try and focus on your trip and think of how much fun you're going to have visiting your family!!!
  9. Ann

    How ?

    Lil...I pray that today is a better day for you. I know the next days will be ones that bring on may heartaches and memories. I pray that you will also be able to recall some very happy memories to make dealing with the tough ones a little easier.
  10. Ann

    Mom is home!

    I'm so very sorry.
  11. I'm grateful that Rich is home and doing well !!! I'm grateful that Bunny's little one is feeling better. I'm grateful that Bunny has Pat for a friend, as she gets words of wisdom from her. And......I'm grateful that today is Friday !!!
  12. I prefer the white lights. I think they look more like icicles hanging from the roof that the colored lights do. Plus, I think a display with the white/clear lights just looks simple but elegant. One thing I can't stand, which I saw quite a bit of last night, is when all the different colors are mixed together...a strand of greeen here, one of red there, a blue in the middle. I think that mix makes everything look a bit busy.
  13. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  14. Christmas Lights..... Which do you prefer...white lights, single color lights or multi colored lights?
  15. I'm grateful for electricity...although I hate to pay the bill every month. All of my outdoor lights and decorations are up and what a beautiful sight it is to see everything all lit up. Dennis used to love Christmas lights, so we have managed to leave most of the decorations just as they were when Dennis set them up. Although I lost Dennis in December, that seems to be the time of year I feel closest to him. I had to smile last night as I stood alone in the dark and looked at my lights from a distance, wondering if Dennis was seeing them too.
  16. Our family seemed to always struggle to make ends meet and looking back, it seems my day would always get laid off around Christmas time. It was amazing how that never seemed to dampen my mom and dad's Christmas spirit. Somehow, there was always something under the tree for me. I remember one year, when things were pretty dismal, and I didn't know if Santa would remember me or not. Well, thanks to my mom and her old Singer sewing machine, I was thrilled on Christmas morning. I had a beautiful doll from Santa and a case filled with beautiful doll clothes that my mom had made for me. Looking back, I think that was the best Christmas ever.
  17. Carleen.... I completely understand.
  18. Sue...I love this. Made me smile almost as much as seeing Helio!!!
  19. Randy, thanks so much for sharing the words to this song...LOL ! My best friend's hubby is a John Deere fanatic. I am going to print the words to this song and include it in their Christmas card.
  20. What was the one toy that you got for Christams that you'll never forget?
  21. Ann

    New Word Game

    Kris Kringle ornament
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