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Everything posted by Ann

  1. How about a new game, as we haven't played for a while? Let's name things that remind us of Fall in ABC order. I'll start..... Apple Pie
  2. Ann

    Mom Passed Away

    I'm so very sorry. Please know that we are always here for you. There are so many great listeners here! They've been listening to me for five long years and they're still here when I need them!
  3. Tell us about your very first Thanksgiving with your husband or wife. Let's share some special memories today!
  4. Ann

    A Sudden Shift

    Teri, I just wanted to say that I know exactly how you are feeling and like Katie, I want to send you a big hug. I lost Dennis on December 15...almost five years ago. Like Bill, Dennis loved the holidays and I believe he was hanging on to try and be with his family for Christmas. I know how hard this time of year still is for me, after almost five years now. I know your pain must be unbearable as you approach your first Christmas without your dear Bill. I'm holding you tight in my prayers and my heart. Please let me know if you would ever like to talk.
  5. OK....Since this has gotten a bit confusing...lol...I think we should all now post our truths. I'll begin.... YES....I have four cats...Buddy, Jake, Spencer and Morgan YES....I absolutely love watching football. You have to bomb me away from TV on the weekends! NO....I'm not on the Atkins Diet, although I need to be.
  6. What method of communication do you use most frequently? Smoke signals Phone - land line Phone - cell E-mail Instant messaging Regular "snail" mail
  7. I have 4 cats I love watching football I'm currently on the Atkins diet
  8. Ann

    Baby Pics.....

    Yes, Maryanne...there's another baby on the way. This baby is due January 17th. We don't know if this is going to be a boy or girl but we'll be thrilled with whatever God blesses us with. I've been spending more time with Ella, as I'll be helping her mom out a lot when the baby is born. Yippee!!!
  9. “2 Truths And a Lie” – Share 3 unique things about yourself and your life, 2 of them true, 1 false, and let the group guess which one isn’t true.
  10. Today is election day in my town and I'm very grateful to live in a country that offers me the right to have a voice in government by allowing me to cast my vote.
  11. Ann

    I Believe

    I believe... that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. I believe... that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I believe... that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. I believe... that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I believe... that money is a lousy way of keeping score. I believe... that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. I believe... that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I believe... that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. I believe... that life is more precious than money will ever be able to be.
  12. I think I would have done just fine being a pioneer woman. I would have loved riding in a covered wagon and cooking over an open fire. Not sure how I would how great I would have been washing clothes on a washboard but I think I could have handled it.
  13. Pat, I was just thinking of you a few days ago and was hoping we'd hear from you! I'm so very glad you were drawn back to us, as we all become such a tight family and miss someone when they're not with us. I hope things are becoming easier for you and I so look forward to reading a post from you again soon!
  14. Do you think you would have made a good pioneer woman or man...moving west into unknown parts of the country?
  15. Ann


    (((((((Ry))))))....My heart is breaking for you and your family! I am so very saddened by this news. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. Ann

    Baby Pics.....

    I'm so glad Miss Ella made you smile! She always makes me smile! The next baby is due January 17th and we don't know if Ella is going to have a baby brother or sister, as her mom and dad want to be surprised...again. I can't wait to be a new grandma all over again!!! Thanks for all the sweet comments abut my little angel!!! Yes, Sue, this year has really flown by. Have no idea where the time goes but I do know the older I get, the faster time flies.
  17. I would have to say strawberries, although I like blueberries a lot, too. I've never been a big fan of raspberries. Randy's strawberries sound absolutely yummy!!! If you're a strawberry lover, then you must try Blue Bell ice cream in the Strawberries & Cream flavor. Oh my goodness, it's so good!!!
  18. Do you prefer blueberries, raspberries or strawberries?
  19. I just had to share these two latest pictures of my grandaughter, Ella. Can you believe she will be 1 year old in just two weeks? She's the joy of my life...all of the good things bundled up in one little 22 pound package! She's now walking, eating regular food, drinking from a sippy cup and....the most important....saying Nana!!!
  20. Like Randy, I'm also grateful for Jackie and all she contributes to this board. I'm so grateful that I spent yesterday with all three of my sons and my grandaughter. Family gatherings still aren't the same without Dennis. We all seem to know he's with us during these times.
  21. Biscuits....I always make biscuits from scratch. My mom taught me to make biscuits when I was 9 years old and I've been using her recipe for all these years.
  22. What was the last thing you baked from scratch???
  23. Since I'm in Florida, moving south would be a problem...lol! If moving, I would head to Tennessee in a minute's notice!!!
  24. Nova (and Jackie)...You are both so very right. Although Dennis and I always knew how much we loved each other, we sometimes forgot just how important that hug or "I Love You" could be. We were so busy "making" a life that we sometimes seemed to take our love for each other, and our life together, for granted. After Dennis was diagnosed, we tried so hard to fit an entire life time of "I Love You's" into 10 short months. I learned so much about love during that time and now always remember to tell my family and friends how much I love them...every time I see them.
  25. Ann

    Thank you

    Nova...You're very special to us, too. I always admire the grace and courage you have shown while helping your husband fight this battle. Please know that I will be remembering both of you and saying lots of special prayers for good test results!!!
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