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Everything posted by Ann

  1. From this list, Whats you favorite game? Dominos Clue Monopoly Life Yatzee Chess Trivial Pursuit Scrabble Rummy Canasta Pinocle poker Solitaire Twister War ? Go Fish ?
  2. Poor Ed....I think this is the last we'll hear from him!!!
  3. All this dulcimer talk is really getting to me. I'm getting ready to hit ebay....lol! My best friend's hubby and some of his friends get together every Tuesday night and have a "pickin" session. Most of the guys are Shriners and they play in the Shriners Hillbilly Band. All of the tips they get while playing are donated to the Shriners Childrens Hospital. I would love to be able to play with them. Right now, I do sing occasionally with them.
  4. Ann

    A joke for Larry

    Absolutely love it, JC
  5. Larry...so glad we found you....or you found us??? I think the PT Cruiser is a wonderful idea. Hope you have lots of crusin' times ahead. Hey...you could just start driving and make your way to us, picking us up one at a time. Hey friends, who wants to cruise in Larry's new car???
  6. I'm grateful that I have such a beautiful country that I call home. Please, click on this link...volume up. http://oldbluewebdesigns.com/mybeautifulamerica.htm
  7. I'm thinking of organizing a search party to saddle up and ride out in search of Larry. It's not like our Larry to be so quiet for so long. Whatcha think? Anybody feel like joining the search party? We could all meet at the Pub. On second thought, maybe we should all meet back at the Pub after we have found Larry. If we meet there first, I don't think we would be in any condition to search for anything.....well, maybe not anything. Wow...think we'd get stopped for RUI??? Riding Under the Influence.
  8. Ann


    Geri....So glad you checked in today!!! You know how we are...like a bunch of mother hens with a chick missing...lol! Can you say peep-peep??? I'm really glad to hear that things are going smoothly. We've really missed you!!! Cluck-cluck!!!
  9. Sorry to say that I don't play any musical instruments now but when I was younger I played the piano and the clarinet. I played first chair clarinet all through college. I guess that's an instrument you just don't have a use to play during your adult life unless it's a profession. I have tried guitar lessons and can't take the pain it takes to build tough fingers...lol! I love the dulcimer and am so envious of you. I'm from the mountains of Tennessee and love dulcimer music. Maybe I'll try to find a used one and take lessons. How difficult is it to learn???
  10. Ann

    Two Years!

    YA-HOO, Trish!!! Such wonderful news!!! This news definitely warrants a nice visit wi th everyone at the Pub. Kasey, are you Fred and Teddy ready for the whole gang????
  11. Jackie, I'm really glad you took this and ran with it. I'm very glad that you're starting this thread each day. My mind is always boggled down with questions to ask...lol. Hey...I guess I need to be grateful for always being able to think of a question...lol!
  12. Ann

    where is Larry

    Maybe the cow is still hanging out with Fred and Kasey at the Pub. But...Fred would have to be the one to get your hide for the rug, J.C.
  13. Ann

    where is Larry

    I think Larry must be keeping a low profile, fearing he will be brought into our story once again...lol. I just think he didn't exactly know how to handle Randy's cow. The thought of Fred and Kasey cooking her up for dinner was just too much for Larry to handle. Either that, or he took our advice on spending more time with his attractive female friend!!! Inquiring minds WANT to know.
  14. Ann

    year ago today

    ((((((((((Jill))))))))) Losing someone you love is tough enough and when family complicates that, it makes the loss even tougher to deal with. I know, because I had to deal with some very irrational in-laws when Dennis died. There were many decisions that Dennis had mede for himself but his parents decided not to honor those decisions and try to do things according to their beliefs about issues, such as cremation. Well, I pushed ahead, like a steam roller, and managed to follow all of Dennis' wishes too a tee. As a result, there were even hard feelings between me and my children, as they felt sorry for their grandparents. My children and I are fine now, but I remain alienated from my in-laws and extended family, of which I spent over 25 years of my life being a part of. Jill, please understand that this does happen to others. I have heard that a death can bring out the best and worst in people and I truly believe that. I know how hard this all is for you but you must remember how much love you and Joe shared and try to move on, with that love living in your heart. As for the location of Joe's ashes, does it really matter? Just think of him as a part of the universe now and that means he's with you, wherever you are. I so hope things get better for you and that you are able to come to some peace with your life. As for your "ex" family.....that's just what they are. You need to focus on the positive things in your life right now and it sounds as if they (your "ex" family) absolutely wreak of negativity. Please let me know if you need to talk. I'm only a PM away!
  15. If you could be a Disney princess.......which would you be and why?? (Guys, you can pick one of the male counterparts). I'd have to pick Snow White because I love the birds and forest animal she befriends. I also adore the little cottage in the woods. The dwarfs are a bit creepy to me, but I could put up with them until my Prince came. Who would you be?? Princess Snow White - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Cinderella - Cinderella Princess Aurora - Sleeping Beauty Princess Ariel - The Little Mermaid Belle - Beauty and the Beast Princess Jasmine - Aladdin Pocahontas - Pocahontas Mulan - Mulan
  16. Although I love to watch Terry and his puppets, I'm pulling for Cas Haley all the way! I think he's a great entertainer and I love the way he gets all emotional when he talks about his wife and baby boy and the love he has for them. He wants to win so that his wife can quit work and stay home with their son. How special is that in today's world???
  17. Today, I'm especially grateful for my best friend, Sue. After visiting her last night and recalling many old memories, I remembered just how important a best friend can be.
  18. Hi Ginny.... I'm not a golfer at all but I'll pass this on to my boss. He lives for a day on the golf course.
  19. Don't you wish you could make dinner that fast??? I would love to just walk up to a picture and pull off my dinner...lol
  20. I'm grateful for being blessed with my beautiful grandaughter, Ella. _________________
  21. Ann

    Celebrating DavidC

    Happy Birthday, Dave!!! Becky, I think it's absolutely wonderful what you're doing to honor your wonderful brother today! What a wonderful man he was and what a lucky gal you are to have shared so much of your life with him. I know that Dave will be really happy and smiling big to know you're celebrating his birthday and his life today! I will definitely think of Dave often today and remember how he helped me and how much he meant to this MB.
  22. Ann

    Back to work today

    So very glad to hear you had a nice day back at work. It sounds as if you have some very nice, thoughtful co-workers that will be really sensitive to your feelings as days go by. I can definitely relate to the feelings you had about not being able to call Bill. Dennis and I used to so the same thing. It was such an empty and lost feeling not having someone to call to let know I was safe. So, now I just take a second, close my eyes and thank Dennis for making the trip with me.
  23. I'm right handed. Dennis and all three of my boys are right handed. We've been watching Ella and she appears to really favor using her left hand. She's only 9 months old (TODAY) and I'm not sure how early you can tell whether a child is right or left handed. Does anyone know???
  24. Ann


    ((((((Sarah)))))) Please be kind to yourself right now and don't let feelings of guilt creep in. The feelings you are having now are ones that we have all had after losing a loved one. We wonder if we could have been better, kinder, more understanding and loving with our loved ones. Just focus on the love and wonderful relationship that you and your mother shared for thirty years. Keep in mind that no relationships are completely flawless. I'm sure your mother loved you completely, with all her heart, as parents always do. Guilt is just one step of the grieving process and we all have gone through it. I'll be saying a prayer that you feel better.
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