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Posts posted by matmirror

  1. Hello,

    sorry to hear about your dad. It is hard when is your parent, and even harder when they feel strong enough not do anything and fight it that way. My mom did not want to do anything at the beginning, but we convince her to start fighting, many things can help I am sure, some chemo, some radiation, some surgery, some combination. My mother started with Tarceva 150, she liked that because it was just one tablet a day to take. She made changes in her diet: less sugar, less processed foods, only filtered water. She was diagnosed after having symptoms SOB which hospitalized her thinking it was pneumonia, but it was not. It was NSCLC. After starting Tarceva 2-3 months she was feeling better, enough to go back to work part time. What I would recommend is to check with 2-3 MDs and see which one your father feels comfortable working with, the MD and the patient have to work together. After about 10-11 months the malignancy advanced to her bones very rapidly, it appears, my mom left us grieving. She was only 71 years, still missed her a great deal. When I read of people with her same diagnosis and living much longer, I wonder if anything else could have been done earlier. She was surrounded by her 3 children and granchildren and I know she was ready.

    Have a good conversation with your father and respect his wishes. Get prepared, share time together. Good luck with everything. I hope he makes the best decision for himself.

  2. Hello all,

    Have any or many of the members wtih NSCLC been treated with Tarceva only? How are you doing, how long have you been taking it. What about your side effects.?

    I know this has been used or in the market for less than 10 years.

    Thank you for any insight and the best for everything.

    Take care, Matilde

  3. Thank you so much for your reply. Today she has another appointment with the oncologist. Hopefully she start on medications soon and her outlook improves. I am glad to hear that you are doing well and enjoying each day. I will refinitely tell my mom this. She is not that old, 69, but she refuses internet, online, smart phone. Just not for her. Thank you again and take care. :)

  4. I am a new member. My mom has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is very sad, depressed. It is hard to be around her, she has not started any treatment yet. We are waiting for Ins. to approve for this expensive oral medication to be taken once a day. I would like to know what others have done when the cancer patient is very down and refuses any antidepressant. Thank you.


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