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  1. Thank you for replying, my dad had his scan and it showed that he has a possible chronic lung disease, it could be anything, we are still waiting for his next appointment which they said it will be within a couple of weeks, unfortunately still quitting smoking is not his top thing to do! But I’m more concerned about the length of waiting, what should we do while waiting?
  2. Hello Lizc, sorry to hear your mom is going through this, I can’t say if exhaustion is a bad sign or not, since I’m not a doctor, but I’ve been reading and searching about lung cancer on the internet just like you because of my dad (he shows many symptoms of lung cancer), and it can be a sign of cancer, have you heard of “cancer fatigue” ? I hope all the best for your mom. Keep us posted.
  3. Hello Jessica, I’m sorry you have the need to be here, knowing that your mom is facing cancer is not easy, nor for her nor for anyone around her, it looks like a never ending journey and it seems impossible to be strong, it’s quite normal to worry or to be scared, you are to have your feelings, I wish I have something to say to help you, except my best to you and your mom.
  4. Thank you Katie for replying, my dad is 66 years old, and he does cough a lot, his voice sounds rough and harsh, and he complained once or twice about pain in his chest, I will take this Lung Cancer CT Screening into consideration. Do you think if my dad stops smoking that will improve his health? Well he has been a smoker almost all his life, but is there a hope that quitting smoking will decrease his chances of getting lung cancer?
  5. Hi everyone, This is my first time on the forum. I'm here because I'm concerned about my father's risk of developing lung cancer. He has smoked cigarettes since he was 15 (he's now 66)--and I mean ~2packs/day--and despite all of our efforts to get him to stop, he can't or won't. I feel like at this point it's not worth the stress of trying to get him to stop, but I (and my family) are still very worried about his health. What are some of the symptoms of lung cancer? I know cigarettes aren't directly related, but they certainly don't help. Does anyone feel like they're in a similar situation? I would love to hear your stories...
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