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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Gayle, and welcome. Best to you and your mom. Don
  2. Hi, Karen, and welcome! Keep us posted on you and your dad, and let us know how we may support you. Don
  3. Don Wood


    Congratulations, Ernie. What a worthwhile endeavor! Don
  4. She is still watching down on you, Sarah. Believe me, you are going through all the normal emotions -- I am 4 months out and still nowhere and everywhere. Hang in there. Don
  5. Funny! Actually, folks, I have been to Ireland and I have kissed the Blarney Stone. Lucie couldn't climb the steep narrow stairway to it, but they told us, too, she could kiss someone who had kissed it and it would count. So when I came down, I kissed her! Worked for us! Don
  6. Welcome! I wish for your mom more good days. Don
  7. Welcome here! Let us know how we may support you. Don
  8. Hi, Max, and welcome! You meet some of the nicest people through LC and get a lot of support from those who know. I was a caregiver for my wife for 4 years. She was Stage IV NSCLC and given 9 months. She lived 4 years and led a pretty good life through that time, although she was taking chemo most of that time. Her first chemo was Taxotere and Carboplatin, which served her well. She also had radiation. Most times she was able to get around on her own, bathe and dress, and her mind was always clear. She was able to go out most of the time. I wish your husband many, many years. Sounds like both of you have a good attitude to attack this beast. Keep us posted and let us know how we may support you both. Don
  9. My hobby is crossword puzzle solving. I don't think I could get a job for that. Besides, I don't want a job! I'm RET. Don
  10. Hi, Gina! Good to "see" you again. Of course, I remember you. And congratulations on your 4 years. That is super! Can't help you on your questions, though. Best to you. Don
  11. Don Wood

    New Normal

    You're doing very well with it all. You have demonstrated living the "new normal" to a tee. Blessings. Don
  12. Don Wood

    Weight Loss

    It's better for your mom durng treatments to eat something (snack-size) every 2-3 hours instead of three big meals. That should help. Also, supplement the snacks with Ensure, shakes, Breeze, Smoothies, Frosties, ice cream. Don
  13. Nick, your reaction is quite normal. You have discovered the loss of connect between the two generations. It is a time to grieve. My parents died before I got married and had kids. At some point after my kids were born and growing up, I realized the loss of connect. I grieved again. A good friend suggested I write a letter to my parents and tell them all about the three kids. This I did and actually mailed it to the burial place with no return address. It helped me emotionally to do that. Then I copied letters my parents had written me when I was overseas and shared those with my kids. I also have told them stories and memories of my parents so they could have those as well. My heart is with you. Don
  14. Cheryl, if you were there all the time, your mom would still have had the blot clot in her leg. These things happen. Give yourself a break. Don
  15. Hi, Donna, and welcome! Glad you decided to post. Let us know how we may support you as we go along, and keep us posted on your hubby and yourself. My wife was given 9 months so every month after that we considered a bonus. She lived 4 years, and they were good years. I wish your husband has many more years to come. Don
  16. I've only had tee martoonies. So I'm not as drunk as some feeple may pink. But the drunker I stand here, the longer I get! (Hic)
  17. Don Wood

    Pub's Open!

    My usual, please -- frozen Marguerita, no salt. (Hic)
  18. Clever! As an oldtimer, I don't think that is actually Frankie's voice, but someone imitating him. Don
  19. I didn't even catch the December date! So you are not alone, Ann. I have the time, so that statement doesn't click for me. The one thing I was waiting to do recently was go back and see my family in Louisiana. I haven't been back in almost 5 years. I am going in about a week. Don
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