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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood


    Well, Kim, it is behind us now and we are still here. Let's look forward to 2007. Don
  2. Great news, Nancy! Have a great 2007!
  3. A good reminder to us all. Sounds like the positives outweigh the negatives. I am thankful that I had 47 years with Lucie. I am thankful that I have 3 great kids who love and support me. I am thankful that we are all together this week. I am thankful for my Lord and all the wonderful community of faith support I have. I am thankful I can still laugh and make jokes. Etc. Etc. Don
  4. Great news, Debi! So happy to hear from you. Don't be a stranger in 2007. And congratulations on your 4 years. Love the pic of you and your son. Don
  5. Gwen, my heartfelt sympathies. Don
  6. A friend of mine added a fourth, "Sleigh Ride Together with You".
  7. Hi, Flo, and welcome here. There are many survivors here and courageous survivor stories. My wife was Stage IV NSCLC. She was given 9 months and lived 4 years. She was able to help others and live a limited but useful and good life. I was her primary caregiver during all that time, as well as her advocate. I went to most of her office visits so we could have two pair of ears to hear and two mouths to ask questions. I went with her for most all chemo treatments, but the radiation treatments (daily and short), we called upon friends to help out so I wouldn't have to do it all. The patient is usually too tired, too medicated and too sick to fend through the medical system and they need to focus on fighting the disease. So they need an advocate to push on the system, ask questions and be sure things move along and the patient gets what he/she needs. If you have any specific questions, let that be known -- a wealth of experience and knowledge here. Keep us posted on your hubby's progress. Blessings. Don
  8. Hang in there, Michele. Yes, it is tough. Lucie as mother was such a central figure at Christmas time with the family, it is going to be hard. But we will get through it. Don
  9. Hi, Valerie, and welcome to the posters. Have a great Christmas. Don
  10. Don Wood


    Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. We'll get there. Don
  11. Well, gang, I can see I wasn't specific enough. Sorry about that. When I said no mention of Christmas, I was including any reference to Christ's birth, which is Christmas. In that vein, Tina has two of them right. Another is Walking in a Winter Wonderland. Have a great Christmas, guys and gals. Don
  12. Good for you, Grace. Have a great Christmas. Don
  13. He's looking for the artists's signature!
  14. Thanks for sharing those, Randy. What is the answer to my question?
  15. Name two songs closely associated with Christmas that do not mention Christmas in the lytics. (Answer later, if needed.)
  16. Hang in there, Randy. Merry Christmas. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Two years today

    Hang in there with me, Cyndy. Don
  18. Sue, I'm right there with you. I was wondering why I wasn't feeling much of anything and I realized the body has gone numb -- I guess, to protect me from all the pain. I'm hanging in there -- hang in there with me. Don
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