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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. It is very hard to watch a loved one slip away, but sometimes it is the best for them. My heart goes out to you. Don
  2. My wife, Lucie, had severe arm and hand pain. That was how her lung cancer diagnosis was started. She had a large tumor on her spine, which caused this pain. You may want to ask your doctor about a scan of the upper spine and the arm, to be sure this is not tumor related. If it is tumor related, you might consider radiation to relieve the pain. Don
  3. Happy to hear the good news. Merry Christmas to all. Don
  4. Very sorry to hear your dad has passed. That was quite quick. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  5. Barb, sorry you have a new lung cancer that is extended. But glad you have a plan of attack and have begun. Don
  6. So good to read about you and Ed.
  7. Don Wood

    Last year

    The chemo worked and we were to have at least several more months together, without chemo, and where she could sew some more and just relax. But her heart gave out. What is that time compared to the 47 years plus we had together? She went peacefully, and I am grateful for that. Sorry you feel cheated. Don
  8. Don Wood

    We said goodbye

    Rochelle, I am so saddened by the news of your mom. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. So hard. Don
  9. Yes, and it was neat, and was many years ago. Don
  10. Hee Hee Hee and Ho Ho Ho!
  11. Happy birthday, Sue! Go!
  12. Happy holidays, Martha.
  13. Somewhat amazing. Santa too skinny, though.
  14. Don Wood


    Congratulations, Lilly.
  15. Don Wood

    Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays, Mary.
  16. Don Wood


    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Bill. Don
  17. Thanks for that wonderful insight on Charlie, Tina. Blessings. Don
  18. Merry Christmas to you, Chris, and to all here. Don
  19. Frank, you da man! You're coming up on 4 years of survivorship, and that is an accomplishment. I'm with you, good buddy. Don
  20. Sounds like it is caught in early stages and your prognosis should be good. Yes, second opinions always a good idea. Don
  21. I like "The Lung and the Restless"! Sorta describes us folk, doesn't it?
  22. Don Wood

    Ma's NED!!!!

    Great news! NED is good. Don
  23. I believe your husband should know the facts, so he can decide what he wants to do. That decision is ultimately the patient's to make. No one can set a definite time line for an individual, not even the onc. But I go with looking at it as a chronic disease and go from there. I believe in making whatever time there is a quality time, as best as one can. Don
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