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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Katie, I just love stories about "coincidences". Someone IS in charge! Don
  2. Don Wood


    Jay, you are depressed and under a lot of stress. What you feel is very understandable. Things WILL get better. Just keep your trust, faith and hope alive. You have a lot of people here rooting for you with care. Don
  3. Kathy, so sorry this weekend is such a strain on you. One question -- who do you turn to for support and strength? Every caregiver needs such a person to help them -- you cannot do it alone. I have a friend who meets with me once a week, and it has helped me keep my sanity. Surely, there is someone who can give you one hour a week. I hope so. Also, is there someone to watch your husband while you take a break. Another thing we caregivers need to keep our strength. I pray you have answers to these. My prayers are with you. Don
  4. Thanks for the update on Bill, Peg. Lucie had her left pelvis irradiated as soon as the tumor was discovered there, and it has helped so far. She also had had the right sacrum, right fibia and upper spine irradiated for pain relief and prevention of further bone damage. I guess I had not realized Iressa had not helped him, and that he has moved on to other things. I pray the Taxotere will work. It worked on Lucie and a good friend of ours who also had NSCLC just went on Taxotere after trying other things, and it seems to be working for her. Have a great 4th -- aw heck, have a fifth, too! Ha! Ha! Don
  5. Don Wood

    Lost Friends

    Joanie, people react to cancer in a variety of ways and there is no predicting what a particular person will do. She may not know what to say or what to do, and you may have to coach her on that. She may be scared of losing you and the pain is so much, she just puts it all out of her mind. We have to forgive people when they don't respond the way we need. But I agree that we have to tell them what we need. If they then continue on the old path, then we have done all we can. You need friends that will respond to you now. Good luck. Don
  6. Sophia, it is good to see your dad doing things. That is essential to his well being. Encourage him to do what he can. Have a great 4th weekend. Don
  7. Hi, Cheryl. I have missed your inputs. Glad you are starting treatment. Since you are doing radiation and chemo together, be alert to dehydration. I have been told it is hard to keep up the liquid intake when you do both, and you may need an IV now and then. I know nothing about the workings of insurance. But I would challenge everything. I believe the insurance people put out a lot of things to put people off. Find out what your rights are. Good luck. Don
  8. Hi, there! Glad to see you taking some time for yourself. You need that as a caregiver. Glad things seem to be progressing with your husband, and I pray that things will get better and better. Blessings. Don
  9. Hi, Mark, and welcome to the boards. Thanks for your story. It is great to see someone who is two years out from diagnosis. That is encouraging to us all. I have to also take issue with the attack on "survivor". If that doesn't work for you, fine, but it works for a lot of us. I am an almost 8 year survivor of prostate cancer and proud of it. Keep us posted on your journey. Lots of support and info here. Don
  10. Don Wood

    Sick feeling

    Chemo sucks, but it's better than giving the cancer a fighting chance.
  11. Mary, I am so sorry for your loss. Your sister sounds mighty special. And you obviously were mighty special to her. I lost a sister to heart failure and a brother to brain cancer, so the "baby" is now alone in that sense. I hope the memories of times past with your sister will warm your heart and help you to heal. Blessings. Don
  12. Annie and Tim, great news! Blessings! Tim, I do the laundry, too -- since I retired 10 years ago. It is amazing what you learn when you do the laundry guys! Don
  13. Ray, I have a very good friend who founded a local organization of volunteers who were cancer survivors to support other cancer survivors. Her definition of "survivor" was anyone who lived through hearing the diagnosis of cancer. I like that! I know that one doesn't necessarily feel like a survivor unless there has been a period of tranquility from the disease, but, in essence, we all are survivors. I would stake us up against any other group as far as survivor qualities go. Hang in there! Don
  14. We went to the onc today for the regular check-up. He says he is pleased with where we are. Lucie is on Zometa and he is looking into putting her on Iressa as well, as a maintenance program. He prescribed some physical therapy to help the upper and lower backs and also ordered an MRI (I feel oike that is our middle name) of her left thigh region since she is now experiencing some pain there. I think I have mentioned this before, but the big weight gain she had due to water retention is all gone! Everyone have a great fourth! Don
  15. Shelly, you got it! Don
  16. Don Wood

    surgeons visit

    Great news, Eileen! Don
  17. Shannon, I enjoyed your post and the update. Thanks for taking the time to share with us. Keep connected. Blessings. Don
  18. I wanted to keep you all updated. Lucie finished her radiation on the sacrum Monday and it seems to have worked -- the pain has subsided. Now she hurts on the other side! We see the oncologist tomorrow and I am afraid he'll want a new round of scans. We finally got to see the pulmonologist (we are both impressed with him) on Tuesday. He went over her medications and pointed out that a medicine she has recently been taking, prescribed by the cardiologist, is a beta blocker and has aggravated her asthma. Well, we were floored, because we know beta blockers aggravate her asthma, we just didn't recognize this new medicine was one. Well, that medicine went in the trash immediately when we got home. He also told her to go back on her nebulizer and that has helped a great deal. He had her get an X-ray of the chest yesterday and we will know the result of that probably tomorrow. He just wanted to be sure there was nothing in the lungs. We went to him yesterday afternoon, and he wanted us to go across the street to the hospital right away for the x-ray. We knew that would be a couple of hours, and it was. Lucie was fine waiting for the x-ray, but I had my head in my hands moaning. She started to comfort me, and I thought, "What is wrong with this picture? I'm supposed to be the caregiver!" I decided we both needed for her to reverse roles at that point. We did get through it all. I cautiously say that things seem to be moving in a positive direction. She is more cheerful and doing more things. I just can't shake the feeling of the next shoe to drop ("centipede feeling"!). Well, I went out today and got a massage! Boy, did I need that! I think I slept through most of it. I got a cold Saturday and it is just now tailing off, and I don't want to give it to Lucie. She says she wants me to get over it fast so I can kiss her again! I have been giving her many hugs, of course. Blessings. Don
  19. Becky, I hear your frustration. Hang in there! Don
  20. Carlton, so sorry for all the problems coming your way. I pray that things will get better for you soon. Don
  21. Rayroy, so sorry about your dad. I wish the news were better. My prayers are with you, your dad and family. Don
  22. I was going to say also that the statement was ridiculous, and that you should run to another onc now! Looks like you have done. Good. Don
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