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  1. Hi Donna Thanks for responding. I am a bit over a year out from surgery. Off pain meds. Targeted therapy was not mentioned so far. The only thing in my reports that might be targetable was the EGFR Wild type and I am looking into that on the Internet. Have a CT scan in two weeks. So far things are pretty good but last time 3 mos ago something appeared which from the reports seemed to be related to a bit of fluid at the site of the surgery turned up. The something was a small air pocket at the top of that lung. I asked what it meant but got the "Let's see in 3 mos story" So the next one is "three mos" and I guess I will know more. I am concerned. I am unhappy that my oncologist is so un-forthcoming. Also have an appointment that week for a second opinion. My chest has been pretty much OK but a little tight for the last 6 mos which I also mentioned to my oncologist with not much response. It also allergy season (severe) here and post-nasla drip time. So I will see and compare what she has to say with the 2nd op. Thanks Again
  2. Hi I'm Angie I am 72, Diagnosed with Stage II adenocarcinoma January 2014, right lower lobectomy in February. No chemotherapy or radiation. So far so good but concerned in case I need chemo in the future as I have another condition that might make that touchy. Does anyone know if there are targeted or immune therapies for lung cancer at this time? Angie
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