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Tom Galli

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Status Updates posted by Tom Galli

  1. Fellow Survivors,

    Tomorrow, October 5th, Martha and I depart to attend my 50th year high school reunion.  Then following the reunion, we are traversing the Saint Lawrence Seaway to take in the fall colors by cruise ship.

    I left Havertown, Pennsylvania in 1968 and after attending college in Ohio and an Army career, I rarely returned to my hometown. Although we have no close friends among my high school alumni, we have a shared experience and thus celebrating this life milestone is important.

    Treatments and outcomes have vastly improved since my diagnosis. Sadly even with improvement, my disease remains the most lethal of all cancers.  Today Martha and I live by looking forward to a calendar filled with things we enjoy. We do that because joy is the gift of life. So if you are looking forward to a sea cruise in the winter or a boulevard cruise of your hometown tomorrow night, find the joy in life.  

    We'll return on October 22nd.  Till then....

    Stay the course.


    1. Kleo


      Wonderful Tom! Enjoy and relax and cheers to smooth sailing!

    2. Roz



      Wishing you and Martha a wonderful trip!!!

      Looking forward to hearing all about it when you return!

      Take care,


  2. Forum Members,

    Tomorrow, my wife and I are leaving on a long vacation.  We are attending my niece's wedding then cruising across the Atlantic and attending the second celebration in Ireland (she is marrying an Irishman).  We'll also take an extended driving vacation along the wild Irish west coast and spend a long weekend in Edinburgh, Scotland before returning home on June 2nd.

    I'll try and read your posts as the WIFI gods allow and respond if my I can convince my thumbs to hit the impossibly small keys on an iPhone.

    LaurenH will help with moderator functions so if there is a problem with the forum or site, message her. I've asked skmcornett (Susan) to reach out to new folks and help them get acquainted.  

    Stay the course.


  3. Can you help AMay on the forum?  She's dealing with the UK's medical system and asking questions about how to proceed after first line failure.  See her post in NSCLC Group "Chemoradiation..What Next?"

    Thanks and Merry Christmas.


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