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justplainjohn last won the day on April 1 2016

justplainjohn had the most liked content!

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  1. Some of you here may already know me. Name's John. I go by @JohnLPender on Twitter, which is where you'll usually find me. I am on the #LCSM chat every other Thursday, which is how I found out about this place. I was diagnosed December 9th, 2014 with Stage 3 non-small cell adenocarcinoma, post biopsy, with small metastases to nearby lymph nodes. I had (and still do have) a massive tumor that took up pretty much the entire upper lobe in my right lung, so much so that the empty space above it had ceased the function and collapsed. A week later, after my initial PET scan, I was told (at least this is what it felt like at the time) "LOL J/K. You have Stage 4!" Long story short, they found the ALK genetic mutation in my biopsy and I've been fortunate enough to forgo chemotherapy. I've already been through a year of Xalkori and am about two months into Zykadia now. It's been 15 months now and I'm still kickin'.
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