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  1. Hi everyone, thank you so much for the encouragement and kind words. He finished cycle 1 of cisplatin + etoposide and the plan is for 6 cycles total. He tolerated the first cycle pretty well I think, just a lot of fatigue. This week he has been on radiation therapy and will continue until he has completed 10 sessions each to the spine and brain. They are still concerned about his labs as there are some mets to the liver. I know the chemo and radiation are pretty standard treatments initially but where/ when do the variations in treatment plan lie between patients? And when is an appropriate time to seek a second opinion?
  2. Hi everyone. I wish I never had to write this, but my boyfriend who is 27 years old was recently diagnosed with extensive stage SCLC. He is a never smoker, former athlete, and had exhibited no symptoms until back pain a few weeks ago for which he received a MRI that showed the lesions. I'm wondering if there are any other young adult patients out there. He is having a tremendously difficult time as everything has been happening so quickly and he is so young and was previously so healthy. We were in the hospital for two weeks and he had a difficult time because all he saw were older patients and he just felt like it was so unfair that he is so young and had his whole life ahead of him, especially because statistically this diagnosis is quite improbable and rare. I am also having a hard time because we had just been talking about getting engaged (we've been together for five years) and to now be faced with the prospect of all our plans for the future not happening is tremendously difficult. Much strength and love to everyone else out there, it has been heartbreaking to see the pain, both physical and emotional, that my boyfriend has had to go through in the past few weeks.
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