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Posts posted by Rain

  1. Ok...not knowing how else to phrase it...I will just get right to it.

    CT scan report shows "5mm ground glass nodule in the right upper lobe. 3mm nodule in right middle lobe. 6mm ground glass nodule in right upper lobe. 5mm ground glass nodule left lower lobe".

    WHY am I doing the watch and wait thing? I was under the impression that any nodule 5mm or above was suspicious and should be of concern.

    I am currently having symptoms that include a cough that won't go away, can't lay on my left side due to feeling like I can't breathe, shortness of breath with ANY exertion, feeing of my breath catching in my throat and random low grade fevers occurring only at night.  I am a 44 year old woman who has been smoking for 30 years or so. I want to quit but the doctors for some reason can't get my insurances (Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the patches NOR can they find any program to help me get them. (Washington has no longer got a Quit Now program...I've called twice)

    Any opinion as to what my next step should be? I am suppose to meet with a pulmonologist tomorrow morning but am afraid it will be like it has been for the past 3 months....hurry up and wait and maybe you will not die. Went to the ER not long ago and the doctor actually looked at me and said "what do you want me to do?" so...I told him the truth...FIND OUT WHY I CAN'T BREATHE. They ended up putting me on O2 in the ER to maintain my sats.

    Any ideas of what to do next???

  2. I am new here. Found this site while looking for answers. I am not sure of a Dx yet. I am a 44 year old woman who is tired of waiting on doctors to answer simple questions.


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