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Everything posted by RandyW

  1. hope everyone is doing ok!!! sounds good for everyone posting up!!!! IF we can help please do not hesitate to post up and ask! lots of great info in these forums!!
  2. how are you doing? what is troubling you??? are you newly diagnosed or a caretaker or frined of someone who was diagnosed?? we can help or get you in the right direction!! Hugz and prayerz for some peace and comfort!!!
  3. Well no growth is a good thing...hope meds work... Sent from my U671C using Tapatalk
  4. post deleted and for now Member reported and blocked from posting...
  5. how has your search for a waterbed worked out? any luck?? Let us know !!!
  6. any news yet???? Hope your well!!!
  7. hope your doing well the best way is just dive in and explore the site.. a ton of great info here and good folks who wil get back to you in quick time!!
  8. keep a note book and write down the questions as you think of them.. if your not doing that already.... Scanxiety is normal and everyone goes through it until they get the report then they start breathing again.. good to hear you doing good so far!!!
  9. Good luck definitely ask about those possibilities
  10. Hope you had great birthday... sounds like adventures
  11. take a lookthrough the good news and inspirtation forums for stories of hope and good news.. Hope things are getting a little better over time. Keep us posted and sorry we have to meet this way.
  12. well was nice to meet ya and glad to hear great news.. that is the best!!!!
  13. congrats on awesome news so far!!!
  14. let me see what Katie can help with on the connection level. Have never helped on that situation so will get in touch with her to try adn help you out...
  15. lots of thoughts butfi rst and foremost. Have the best birthday party you can throw!!! Yes you only get one but that is just for 50. still ahve more to look forward to.. Give the emotional rollercoaster a few days to end and once treatment starts and then you get first check up you know things are getting better for now.. I have seen LC warriors that have fought for many years after thery were diagnosed so don't listen when the Dr.s say you ahve so much time.. they do not know. live each day to the best and fullest you can... Post up and let us know what is going on.. we might know what side effects to consider adn lots more info to share!!!
  16. understand that one.... Hang in there and tink positive!!!
  17. glad you got the answer!! have no experience personally with surgery so could not know that!!! How are YOU doing now???
  18. this is a good forum to find info in and keep us posted and ask questions... Love a challenge!!! http://forums.lungevity.org/index.php?/forum/5-sclc-group/
  19. nice to meet you both!! glad you found us but sorry you had to.... this site is full of insopiration and support.... there may be on ly a few posting but we know where to find others and answers to help you both out!!!
  20. I hope to hear great things about your Clinical Trial.... Your a PIONEER in Lung cancer research and that is a great thing to be!! sadly there are not enough folks diagnosed early enought o b e in these trials so a BIG THANK YOU!!!!! Hope your doing well these days... post up and let us know . even if just to say hi or whatever case may be!! oh and we can be better and cheaper than therapy BTW! and always around or someone is.
  21. Teri I am on the other side of this from care taker and advocate point of view.. I Follw a young man on Facebook by name of Sean Swarmer.. Her also ahd surgery and only has one lung.. He ahs climbed mountains, Been to south pole and run Marathons I can not ofer personl advice but can give some support... wnat to share his page with you.. best I can offer right now.. http://seanswarner.com/ hope this helps some.. I think surgery is awesome if you have the chance becasue so many do not to get that done for treatment. Keep us posted on what happens please!
  22. You have to respect the wishes of the person fighting this of course... Sometimes the battle is hardest when it starts... this being that once you get through the first few rounds it does get easier but... What chemo was she getting?? glad to hear it worked of course and so sorry bout side effects... Can you ask Doctor about chance for tarceva maybe?? My wife had Tarceva at home so no trips to Hospital except for check ups.... As you saw that can be very effective for some folks.. Don S is on it for 5 years now and having great luck. many others are also. What stage is her cancer at? How is she feeling over all and how is her mindset? the cancer does get to a person alo mentally and have known lots of folks taking meds for depression at some point and time. How are You doing ? being a caretaker is also very taxing on a person and the caretaker gets overlooked also! you have to take care of yourself to take care of your wife...
  23. Congrats Don that is awesome!! Am going to try and get another thread going for Rockfords post !!!! Sounds like needs some advice and do not want to threadjack Don Too much !!!
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