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Everything posted by cancerresearcher022

  1. this does really help and thanks for posting i have been having trouble getting people to post things
  2. wow thanks for answering my post. I am sorry for you loss!
  3. Please reply either by post or email! I need to gather a bunch of people's thoughts on various types of cancer. Your names will not be used just your thoughts. I am doing research on various cancer cures and need someone to help me.If you have had or have and being treated for these types of cancer(Lung, Brain(malignant tumors not Primary), Breast,Colon or Stomach cancer) I need you oppinion if you have cancer or had on wether or not you thought your treatment helped and why? When i say thought could you give me a percentage on how well you think it worked. Also what were your side-affects of the treatment you were given Thanks for any help. Please email if you wish to help me but if not thanks for your time!
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