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  1. debby18

    An update on Cathyr

    Hi,I too am a younger sister of Cathy and would like to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers. She has often talked about this wonderful group and your love and inspirations have been extremely beneficial to all of us but especially Cathy. I am so grateful God has spared her extra time which gave her a chance to visit all her friends, see her family, go on some adventures including an antique tour in England and a balloon ride she always wanted to do. What's not so amazing and typical of Cathy, she has spared the family much heartache and aggrevation but getting all her legal/arrangements in order.I will miss Cathy to the utmost as we are only 16mo. apart in age and shared everything together.I know though Cathy and I will never be apart, for even now we know what each other is feeling or thinking. I love her so much and pray she makes this transition smoothly. She knows I will be with her now,during transition and after life. I love you Cat!
  2. Disappoint us? Are you kidding? I couldn't ask for a more inspiring,courages sister!!!!! Also want to add, your neices told me they had the best time with you Sunday. They expressed to me how much they truely love you and they are so happy they got to see you. I cried when they told me how proud you were of me. That meant so much coming from my big sister.Cat I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. I want to wrap my arms around you, give you a hundred million kisses and never let you go. You know you are part of my soul. Love ya Deb
  3. Cat,What can I say. You make me so proud to be your sister! I know you know I have the utmost respect for you. Like I told you in the poem I wrote you, I will always be with you. You are stuck with me sis,forever!It doesn't surprise me of the wonderful response you have received. You are that special glow in this universe. I know your light will always shine. I love you so much but I know you know that.Deb.
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