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Posts posted by joanie55

  1. Dear Irisheyes,

    One of the things you say "my dad thinks he is dying" hit me in the eyes. Why would he want to stop smoking when he thinks he's dying anyway. Maybe there is some way you could get him to see that he is going to live. If he knows that, he will see the logic of stopping. Its not just for the lung cancer, but stopping will help him not get other cancers that smoking contributes to. Being a former smoker who was totally addicted, I found the withdrawal was really a 3 day physical ordeal. After that it was mental.

    Wishing you and your dad the very very best.


  2. Hi Patti & EMiller,

    My heart goes out to you both. I've been a caregiver for my father when he had Alzeimers and now with myself having cancer. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be. Your parents are very lucky to have children that care as you do and hopefully we can support you through this journey. There is lots that is being done for the cancer today and hopefully they will have a breakthrough soon for Alzeimers. Just wishing you the best.


  3. Jamie,

    My brother is an organic farmer in Vermont. I know he takes it because its just supposed to be very good for something. I'm seeing him on Monday and will find out exactly why and what it does.

    I also remember many, many years ago, moms used to give it to children. Also, I think because it was supposed to be very healthy.


  4. Hi Beth,

    My sister-in-law was recently going through chemo, actually the same time as I was. Her family was determined that she eat protein, especially turkey, thinking it would make her feel better. She couldn't get any of it down and was actually fading fast. My doctor said it best "All bets are off with chemo" Eat anything you want. Whatever you crave no matter how strange is what you should eat. As soon as I gave her permission, (I practically had to scream at her husband) she started eating, one frozen meatball from Trader Joes, thick shake, etc. and soon was on the rebound. Honestly don't remember exactly what she ate, but the point is that she ate whatever she wanted. Boy, did she thank me.

  5. Bobby,

    My primary cancer is lung. I thought I had pulled my back and went to my doctor. He sent me to a bone doctor who prescribed pain killers after x-raying me and seeing nothing. I couldn't take them as they were way too strong and made me sick so I went to a chiropractor who treated me for about one month. When I did not respond to treatment he suggested an MRI. Totally shocking!!! I never in a million years could believe what he was telling me. They actually thought my primary was going to be breast (probably because I live on L.I. and it is epidemic here).

    My husband asks my prognosis at every visit to my doctor. Makes me crazy. My doctor has one stage IV patient that's been around going on 7 years. Who knows?? I don't want to hear anyone tell me how long I've got. If they do, I'll prove them wrong. He says I'm not "curable", but hopefully we can contain this for a long time. That's my plan :D:D

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