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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. This is a three month scan. It is my second scan since my surgery so I just called it my 6 month scan the next one will be my 9 month scan. Sorry about the confusion.
  2. Martha, I am so very sad for you and the hurtful time that you are having to endure. I pray that you will have strength and that your mother will have peace. I am so very sorry. Prayers
  3. I love to watch Boston Legal. The lung cancer trial should be interesting.
  4. Thank you all so very much for your advice. I am going to get not only a second opion but also a third. My surgeon is going to have the chief of radiology here at Kaiser examine my film and the report. When he comes up with his answer. I am going to have my oncologist and my radiology oncologist examine the film and report also. The problem is that it says in one place:"There is a small subpleural abnormality in the lateral segment of the right middle lobe on image #29, measuring 7mm on lung window setting that was not present on the previous examination and is of some concern". In another place it says:The abnormalty in the right middle lobe is also present and relatively unchanged in appearance since 10/4/05, as seen on images #28 and #29 of the most recent previous study. IMPRESSION: "Relatively stable appearing CT when compared to 10/4/05." My October 4th scan says: A small patch of opacity at the superior segment of the right lower lobe is seen peripherally, not definitely present on prior exam. It is ill-defined in appearance and may represent postoperative or posttreatment change. This should be followed on subsequent studies. These reports were written by two different radiologists. When I was first diagnosed my HMO sent me to an oncologist outside of their network because they were just filled to the brim with patients. That contract expired at the end of the year. I will now see the HMO oncologist. I will take the report that I get back to my first oncologist for a second opinion and also to my radiation oncologist who is also outside of the HMO network. I am one scared Carol
  5. carolhg

    Good news to report

    What a wonderful and joyous Blessing!!!
  6. Glad that you are at home and on the mend. Take good care.
  8. Isn't 7mm large for a nodule to grow from October to January, the period between (3 months) scans?
  9. I am still doing scans every 3 months. This was my second(6 month) post surgery scan.
  10. I got the results of my 6 month scans today. I had a brain ct and a chest ct. The brain ct was fine. The chest ct showed a "7 mm subpleural abnormality" on my right middle lobe that was not present before. My surgeon was not at all concerned about it, but I must admit it does trouble me. The IMPRESSION was: "Relatively stable appearing CT when compared to last CT of 10/4/05.
  11. Congratulations! Yes indeed, God is Good!!!
  12. It is quite possible that your moms test will show something that is not cancer, it happens quite often. Try to remain positive.
  13. carolhg

    Kasey and Geri

    I pray that you both have wonderful scans. I get my report tomorrow. We will cybercelebrate
  14. Hello Michael and welcome. I certainly hope that your dad finds some success with this different chemo.
  15. Congratulations on your first year. Let us hope and pray that this second year can find a cure for this awful disease.
  16. Sure, I am going to think outside the box here. I don't see anything that says you cannot take immodium. Hey Kasey I am gaining weight like crazy too. I have not had chemo medication since September. The oncologist said the weight gain is a result of the medication and the fact that I am 57 years old. He said that I have to work it off through exercise. Oh well guess I bettter get started...tomorrow...after lunch...no, after dinner.
  17. carolhg

    What a day!

    Ahh! To complain about the old normal stuff.
  18. Nina, You and your husband are certainly in my prayers. Be sure to take as good care of yourself as you will of your husband. Carol
  19. I am so happy that things went so well. Prayers
  20. I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers to you and your family.
  21. Dave I want to let you know that you and your mom are in my prayers.
  22. carolhg

    Thank you, John

    Yes, thank you very much John. I have read many of your post and I have found them to be invaluable to me. Thank you again very much.
  23. What did you decide to do about having your scans every 6 months or once a year. I am not even at the one year mark yet, but I know that I will not be ready to remove my training wheels to every 6 months when I get there. God Bless!!!
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