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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. I pray that God will give you strength and peace and I will pray for your MIL also. Prayers
  2. I can certainly understand your anxiety. I certainly hope that his followup test is okay.
  3. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. You have come to a very supportive site where you will meet others who are going are have gone through what you are having to experience now. My prayers for you, your husband and your daughter. Prayers
  4. Prayers of health, comfort and strength.
  5. carolhg


    Yes that is a great thing. Great that it is not cancer. Prayers
  6. Ditto Katie B. Plus a cure for cancer. Plus harmony in the world.
  7. Keep on enjoying each New Year! Prayers
  8. carolhg

    Addie Update ~

    Certainly miss that Addietude!!!!!!
  9. I am with you. I am ready to see 2005 leave and ready to welcome 2006. We both will enter 2006 with much more knowledge (even if it is knowledge that we wish we did not need to know). May God Bless you. Have a wonderful New Year. Carol
  10. Please ask his radiology oncologist for something to ease the esophagus pain. My oncologist gave me a liquid mixture that kind of numbed my throat and chest as I swallowed it. I do not know what it was, but I do know that it contained mylanta and benadryl. I never had any problems with my esophogus as I have read that others have had. Will keep you and your dad and family in my prayers. Carol
  11. Dear Sundrop, Please do not punish yourself with guilt. Before your dad had cancer there was no need for you to know about it. I am a stage 3A survivor. I am 57 years old. I have a masters degree in education. There was so much that I did not know, had never heard of, and I had lung cancer. I listened to people and many times they had conflicting opinions about what I should do, as did my doctors at one point. To me a stage was for a play, mets were a baseball team. I had heard of chemo, but had no idea how it worked or even how it was administered, same thing for radiation. Never saw a CT machine or Pet scan machine before. Never heard of them. You did the best you knew to do. Be gentle with yourself please.
  12. Thank you for the education. I hope and pray that I never have brain mets (nor anyone else). It is good to see the different procedures, questions and results.
  13. I am about 40 miles from Sacramento.
  14. Well good old sunny California is raining and cold today. At least northern California is. I am enjoying the weather though. This is my last day of vacation for Christmas/winter break. I am thankful for this day and am just kicking back in my pajamas with coffee and cake and books and television. Life is good. Back to work Monday.
  15. That is so very kind of you. We all help each other. May God Bless you.
  16. carolhg

    Good news

    Glory be to God. I am so happy for you.
  17. Prayers for you during this beautiful, difficult and bittersweet time.
  18. I am so sorry for the pain and the agony that you are have. I pray that God give you strength. My prayers are for you and Brian.
  19. Donna, Just in case I have not told you so. I LOVE NURSES! They gave me the best attention and care.
  20. I went back to work, but the difference is that I truly wanted to go back to work. I teach high school history. It was so good to get back to what I love to do. For me, going back to work was a very good thing. We each have to consider the variables and make our own choices.
  21. Joanie, You are in my prayers. I pray that God will heal your body and return your strength to you. I pray that you will be able to go to your own home under the watchful eye of your loving husband and a loving God.
  22. Welcome Pam, I am looking forward to years and years and years of survival. You give me much hope with your four years. Thank you. Hey, I lost a rib bone during surgery too.
  23. carolhg

    Court success!!!!

    You go girl! Have a great time!!!
  24. I will definitely say prayers for your mother and I feel that her test are going to come back just fine.
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