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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. I feel that everything is going to work out okay for you. I think it is the not knowing that causes us the most worry and fear. Take care. I will be praying for you.
  2. I am very happy to hear the good news about your brother. There truly is power in prayer.
  3. I am so very sorry to hear that news. Brain mets are my worst fear. I found this info on another web site. I hope it helps. "The Leksell Gamma Knife looks like a new weapon to use against brain mets. Take a look. It is not everywhere, but it certainly looks like a winner." http://www.roswellpark.org/document_119_620.html
  4. Welcome. You will get much support here. Let us know the results of your Ct scan. Take care. Prayers
  5. carolhg

    My weekly candle

    God Bless you Jackie.
  6. I just hate this agony that you are enduring. Please know that you and your husband are in my prayers.
  7. I will be praying that you are better very soon.
  8. I know the feeling! There is no place like home. Enjoy!!!
  9. I feel so very sad for you. I loved the picture of your husband and daughter dancing at her wedding. He had to be a special guy. He looks so handsome. They both look beautiful. I am so happy that he you and your daughter had that very special day.
  10. Please know that you and your husband and definitely in my prayers.
  11. Please know that my prayers and profound respect go out for you, your mother and family.
  12. Donna, I am extremely happy for you and I feel so Blessed knowing you. Congratulations. I pray that God continues to Bless you.
  13. Please know that I am praying for you, your mother and your family. This disease is hard on everyone. Prayers
  14. I am glad to hear that you are doing okay. Please be kind to yourself and let those ribs heal.
  15. You are so right Adee. I feel scared too. I had my first scan in October. Just a couple of days later I started to worry again. I think that after treatment treatment or counseling or something is needed for us. I thank God for this website.
  16. Please know that I am thinking about you and praying for you.
  17. carolhg

    Mom's CT results

    I strongly advise you to get a second opinion right away. Just waiting with no treatment and no explanation just does not sound right to me.
  18. I pray that all is well for you Shelly.
  19. You are so right Jim. Life truly is good. Life is truly good.
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