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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Jyoung20

    3 Years!

    woohoo!!! Great news!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  2. Happy Anniversary Dear Friend!!! xoxo Jamie
  3. It seems that one of the differences is the use of nanoparticles... I really think they have something here. If they can find away to get those little nanoparticles to seek out cancer cells and attach to them, then zap them with the radio waves...IT COULD HAPPEN!!!! Royal Rife knew this over 50 yea4rs ago...(he didn't know about the nanoparticles) but he certainly knew about radio waves.. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? They say it will take four years...I pray that it will be sooner than that!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  4. Doesn't this sound like the same type of machine? The Cancer Cure That Worked, Fifty Years of Suppression By Deki and Jon C. Fox http://educate-yourself.org/cn/cancercu ... 1997.shtml The Cancer Cure That Worked, Fifty Years of Suppression By Barry Lynes with John Crane A Book review Toronto Marcus Books 1997. 167 pages. In 1934, Mr. Royal Rife and his associates opened 2 small clinic in Ca1ifornia and cured sixteen cases of cancer. Sworn affidavits and medical experts testified to the complete remission of "hopeless" cases within four to six weeks. Virtually every patient treated by Rife's -Frequency Instrument.- as he called it. was cured with no adverse side affects. Since that time. millions of people have died from viruses that Mr. Rife convincingly destroyed over 50 years ago. Who was this man? What can his work teach us today, as we face the worldwide spread of AIDS? And why is this information being suppressed? A detailed account or Rife's inventions and discoveries is the subject of The Cancer Cure That Worked. This startling book documents events from 1913 to the time of Rife's death in 1972. Rife was an optical engineer and technician of great skill. His first success was the building or the Universal Microscope in the late 1920s. With it he was able to view the living cancer virus-a feat our modern- high-powered electron microscopes still cannot do. His microscope used many quartz prisms and 1enses, placed to compensate for losses of refraction due to air. This enabled him to view far tinier particles than had ever been seen before. Although the biologists or his day were impressed with the power of this invention both the medical community and the optical physicists would have little to do with Rife. That there were no principles in physics to explain how the Universal Microscope worked was enough reason for them to reject Rife's ideas. What Rife saw, as did the other microbiologists who later used his instruments, was astounding. and shook the established theories to their roots. The medical community at large, however, did its best to suppress the work or Rife and his co-workers and to harass them personally. Acceptance. however, was not what interested Rife. He could see what others would not. Using the Universal Microscope he observed cancer viruses as they changed their size and form. He discovered, that exposing a virus to certain frequencies of radio waves killed it quickly. Years or experimentation led to Rife's invention of the Frequency Instrument, a device that produced the exact frequencies needed to destroy various viruses. In 1934. at the clinic in California, diseased people were exposed to the exact same frequencies that had been seen (through the microscope) to destroy the virus causing their illness. Treatments lasted only three minutes. The person would wait three days before another exposure giving the lymph system time to cleanse the dead virus from their bodies. Unlike the chemotherapy treatments currently in use, Rife's therapy was 100 percent effective and engendered no adverse symptoms. Unfortunately the American Medical Association opposed the use or this incredible device. Physicians who defied this official stance and continued to use the Frequency Instrument had their licenses to practice medicine revoked. Individuals known to make use of the Universal Microscope had their equipment confiscated or destroyed. Yet, 53 years after the arrival of Rife's Frequency Instrument, hundreds of thousands or people still die each year of diseases he cured. What keeps us blinded? The onset of AIDS now threatens virtually the entire human life stream. Perhaps the time has come for individuals to look for new answers on the horizon and to temper our dependence on the "authority"- of medical professionals. Reading "The Cancer Cure Thai Worked" is a good start. It's contents will profoundly affect you, and as you turn the final page, you will see your world anew. The book's three-page bibliography and numerous reproductions add punch to this already powerful story. It is not too technical, nor is it philosophical. Facts are well-presented in a manner that intends to educate, not overwhelm the reader. The chapter on AIDS ties together Rife’s ideas and today’s theories especially the provocative relationship between cancer and AIDS. The ideas of Alan Cantwell, M.D, one of the leading scientists in the forefront or AIDS research, are included here, supporting and updating Rife's work. To see Rife's work re-created with - today's sophisticated technology is the author's vision. What modem integrated circuits and computer analysis could do to streamline and further improve the Frequency Instrument is a thrilling possibility. It is time to explore the horizon upon which Mr. Rife’s cure for cancer floats like an illusion.
  5. Jyoung20

    My uncle..

    ((Christy)) I am sooo sorry!! Prayers for you friend!! Jamie
  6. Jyoung20

    Raney Fleck

    I am so sorry. Raney was an amazing person!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  7. Hey Gracie, Here is the link: http://www.myspace.com/sisterhoodoftravelinghope Let me know what you think!!!
  8. Hey Gracie, I love Crazy Sexy Cancer!! Great book with alot of useful information!!! Kris Carr is awesome!! Another one is a collection of photography and personal (positive) stories called Goddesses Don't by Green Bananas. There is a myspace page called the Sisterhood of Traveling Hope that share these books (for free) and many more. The only cost is to mail it back or mail it to someone else. Let me know if you are interested in getting that page. It is a great network and a wonderful way to meet survivors from everywhere!!! Kris Carr is a member.... Also, Richard Bloch has some publications on his website that are VERY inspiring considering he was a 25 year terminal lung cancer survivor who died of something totally unrelated to lung cancer. I think the book is called "Cancer, there is hope" Many, many good and inspiring books out there!!! I know of many more...let me know if you want my list. xoxo, Jamie
  9. I LOVE SPRING!! I just want to lay outside all day long and soak up the sun!!! xoxo
  10. Ok...don't laugh.......a cactus
  11. Welcome Susan!! Good to see you here!! God Bless!! J-me
  12. SHelly, You and I sound alot alike! When I was first diagnosed, I thought the same thing!! I was also told that my cancer was non smoking related due to my age (35). And YES something needs to be done to awake the public about Lung cancer awareness!! You certainly have the Passion, now find a way to put it into action. I do what I can to promote awareness and have felt for 3 years that is the reason that I am still here. I am on a Lung Cancer Mission!! I share my story with anyone that wants to listen, I try to raise money for the cause and I volunteer to give back to my community. I write into shows, I sigh petitions for lung cancer awareness and whatever else that pops up that I think will help!! My goal every day: If I affect one person in a positive way..it was worth it. The lung cancer advocacy community is a small voice in relation to other cancers but we are certainly not quiet and we are growing... Whether it be caregivers or survivors, we can make change. Find your voice and your outlet and keep that passion!! There was a post about different ways to help raise awareness. Not exactly sure where it was but it was written by Katie and very informative... God Bless You as You Begin Your Mission!! Jamie
  13. Jyoung20

    cindi o'h

    OH NO!!!!! I cannot believe this.. She will be greatly missed.
  14. That is amazing Linda!!! I give my onc. a gift each time I go see him. Something I hope he can use but each time to let him know how much I appreciate him. Gift ex. I got a humorous little doctor calendar and a doctor mug from a local bookstore. Leather journal and nice pen A special t-shirt that keeps bugs away and organic. Chocolate He always gets a little embarassed and says "youdon't have to do this Jamie" and I tell him this is small compared to what you have done for me.. It's soooo nice to have caring oncologists!! God BLess!! Jamie
  15. Hey daanie, I saw Dr. Sandler at Vandy... You're just a hop, skip and a jump from me. My sister has relocated to Middlesboro KY. She is a nurse admin. there. She said, she absolutely looooovvvveeeessss it. So glad you are in such a good place!! God bless!! Jamie
  16. For those of you that participated in the phone interviews, I wanted to let you know that $300.00 was donated to the Lungevity Foundation. Thanks so much for your participation!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  17. Hi Carole, Another IIIB wishing you a very warm welcome to survivorship!!!! God Bless!! Jamie
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